Why Somali blames people who can’t speak somali ?


The Conqueror, King of all Westeros
you realize it's not our fault?

personally my somali is really average but i manage to make myself understood and have a conversation with someone, but i never understood the parents who publicly humiliate their children in front of others by saying "he can't speak !" But it's all the fault of the parents.

For my part, I learned the language on my own, my mother never taught me and I spoke broken somali until adolescence.
On top of that, I come from a city where there are hardly any Somalis, and my best friends are all ajnabi.


The Conqueror, King of all Westeros
Anyway, all im saying is that Parents should sometimes teach their kids Somali, thats the least they could do for them. Unless of blame them when they can’t communicate.

