Why is the no support from somalia from the diaspora?

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Azerbaijan, Kurdistan, Turkey(Erdogan), Saudi Arabia, Bosnia, Albania, UAE, Qatar, Senegal(recently), Jordan, Egypt etc the list goes on pretty much everyone in the "Ummah" have made/mend themselves a healthy relationship with the "Occupying" state

Gosh it’s almost as if every country has realised Israel is here to stay and it’s only the imbeciles who are gassing up the Palestinins into thinking they are going to win.

No wonder Palestinians keep walking away from the negotiation table. Arafat died with millions in a secret Swiss account yet this guy wants a third world country to take a bullet for them.
I think I'll give up.

I do acknowledge establishing relations may be beneficial from the perspective of realpolitik.

My point was that doing so would be morally questionable. Saying X nations established relations isn't a tenable argument.
politics is meant to be dirty ,for a starved country like Somalia you do what you have to do so your people can eat.
I see.

I hope we can return to being a proud nation which doesn't depend on anyone. A free, sovereign nation at peace with the world which doesn't contribute to human suffering.

Can you imagine a restored, progressive Somalia? Grounded in its heritage and values and appropriating the best from the world.

The first step would be to restore an indigenous script for the Somali language. We are no longer in need of using a Latin script (no type-writers) it and switching wouldn't be too difficult in the digital age.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I've always been confused, most of the diaspora is focusing on, "FREE PALESTINE". But never somalia, why is that? Why is it that they give more of a shit about some dusty sand nigga rather their own? And I'm not talking about those half arabs, I'm talking about actual somalis. Fucking xoolo culture

I think they dont see Palestine per se, they see JEWS JEWS JEWS JEWS........Somalis have a natural/religious apathy to JEWS. The average Somali old woman or old man introduced me on what a jew looked like. Several times i have accompanied elder Somali women or men, in the bus, downtown city, or at various public place. They always never fail to point out a jew by their nose, ears or last name. (ending with a "Man" ie Hoffman, Kauffman etc etc)
I was always perturbed about this fact. Here are people who are elder, frail, not worldly or educated, yet, their vigilance in spotting a JEW was a talent i never had.


I send money to my relatives back home every month.

My family and my sub sub sub clan gather money every 4 months to build hospitals, schools etc back home in our region.

Most Somalis do the same thing. Other than Facebook pages, or Twitter bios, we don’t really care much about Arab conflicts. Stop overreacting.


I'm Somali before I'm muslim, Ummah is an Arab political ideology infused w/ Islam so Xoolos like you would pick up the gun for them. Lots of us have realized this by now, the Arabs don't like us non-Arab muslims and see us like how a white man sees a black man as slaves.

You're a Muslim before Somali

People, We created you all from a single man and a single woman, and made you into races and tribes so that you should recognize one another. In God’s eyes, the most honored of you are the ones most mindful of Him: God is all knowing, all aware. (Quran 49:13)

I 100% agree with your statement regarding how the Arabs are using the ummah to serve their political agendas.Despite, the fact they are ignorant to their own calling.


Make Hobyo Great Again
It doesn't help also Somalis are their own worst enemies with no outside help destroying them and denying them a good life.
I see people say this a lot but we are no more to blame for our plight than the Palestinians or Syrians or whoever. Somalia IS being wrecked by foreign powers like those countries. We were invaded by Ethiopia on several occasions and have AMISOM/Shabaab raping/murdering our people as we speak with support from the African Union and GCC.

Imagine if the Ethiopians did not ruin the Islamic Courts Union. Imagine if Somali Galbeed/NFD were never occupied and we never went to war in 1977. My point is, we had more than a little help in destroying Somalia.

Arabs on the other hand literally destroy each other by funding terrorists and coups against each other like ping pong. I would say actually that they are more guilty of creating their own situation than we are.
You can't be a pro-Somaliweyne and anti-Zionist as both ideologies share the same concept.
Yes I can. It's called being a hypocrite.
You did.

The Arabs of Qatar, UAE and Saudi are collectively stirring the pot and funding extremism in Somalia and you here booty clapping for them.

In a region of war and barbarity, Israel brings peace and prosperity.

God bless Israel
The Arabs are xoolo, there is no denying that but as a Muslim I cannot ask God to bless the ones that wish to take the holy city from us. I'm not about to protest or donate against the occupation because I don't feel that is my role (it's the Arab's job). But I will not support Israel until they stop.
I don't support Arabs they sold out the ottoman's out of jealousy just because the believed then as they still do today that just because the prophet was an arab that the ummah should be lead by arabs. This lead to wahabbism being created and the odd notion of blowing yourself up to get 72 virgins in heaven which has clearly touched some low iq southerners in our country and infected their own you stupidly.They are behaving exactly like banu israel and are suffering just like they suffered (syria,libya,iraq) it even says in one hadith that if they copied the jews they would be humiliated in this life.
The entire Muslim world has gotten worse and worse since those retards betrayed the Ottomans. It's like when the Haitians kicked out all of the white people and ended up as the poorest country in the western hemisphere while Dominican Republic is doing way better because they didn't. The Arabs are like the Haitians. :russ:

I am counting down to the day Allah hits the Arabs with a century's worth of inkaar in one go.


Snicker la'an
Says the one who has sold himself to the Khazarian barbarians and you think you can talk about whos turned into goods. I've told you, I have no time to converse with Khazarian concubines. Be gone.
Allying for benefits and selling yourself are two different things, the difference would be, the benefits Somalia would receive, whilst you throw yourself for people who'd lock you in a room and only let you out for shopping.

Also, khazarian jews? Really? Suugo science much now? Shave your bidaar and think straight.

Jake from State Farm

We pro xalimo all 2019
@Merchant of Mogadishu are you not bothered by the fact arabs have a terrible racist history towards blacks.Like honestly I never really thought about it until recently when I searched some stuff up about it. I can't look at those countries the same anymore. My nigga Saudi Arabia and the UAE ended slavery in the 1960s and 70s. There are records of slavery happening in the Palestinian area in the 1950-60s. MENA before the 1970s doesn't seem like a good place in time for niggas with black skin. Slavery went on so long and only stopped because of western influence.

I understand they are muslims a majority of Somalis don't want to see other muslims suffering. It's only a few niggas like the ones here in this forum that don't give Af.

Slavery ended late for them. There are still adults who have seen slaves that are still alive today. Those countries seem racist af. I don't even think schools there even teach about their countries dark history of slavery and racism. Little kids probably being taught how Arabs barely owned slaves and how they treated everyone with respect. Probably just complete bullshit tbh


@Merchant of Mogadishu are you not bothered by the fact arabs have a terrible racist history towards blacks.Like honestly I never really thought about it until recently when I searched some stuff up about it. I can't look at those countries the same anymore. My nigga Saudi Arabia and the UAE ended slavery in the 1960s and 70s. There are records of slavery happening in the Palestinian area in the 1950-60s. MENA before the 1970s doesn't seem like a good place in time for niggas with black skin. Slavery went on so long and only stopped because of western influence.

I understand they are muslims a majority of Somalis don't want to see other muslims suffering. It's only a few niggas like the ones here in this forum that don't give Af.

Slavery ended late for them. There are still adults who have seen slaves that are still alive today. Those countries seem racist af. I don't even think schools there even teach about their countries dark history of slavery and racism. Little kids probably being taught how Arabs barely owned slaves and how they treated everyone with respect. Probably just complete bullshit tbh

You’re not going to get an answer from this guy.

Just insults and threats.

Also, since he worked near the ports I’m pretty sure he helped these Arabs ship black people for enslavenent and they paid him with some rotten khaat.

Merchant of Mogadishu

From Pella to Pattala, then back to Babylon
Allying for benefits and selling yourself are two different things, the difference would be, the benefits Somalia would receive, whilst you throw yourself for people who'd lock you in a room and only let you out for shopping.

Also, khazarian jews? Really? Suugo science much now? Shave your bidaar and think straight.

You seem to think only about the plight of the Somalis, which is commendable, however, you seem to forget (or don't care) about the moral and spiritual detriment you'll enter with that terrible mindset of yours. You seem to not understand the concept of Ummah. If you really believe that all Arabs, from the deserts of Jordan, to the twin rivers of the Tigris and Euphrates, to the port city of Aden are horrible savage barbarians, then I really do pity you. You are being brainwashed by certain imbeciles to believe that even the Zionists are better than these people, your Arab brother and sisters, your MUSLIM brethren, you are willing to side with the murderous Zionists because of your unjustified hatred for all Arabs.

Do you really think, these Ashkenazi Jews are the inheritors of the original Jews who have lived in Palestine? You need to think outside the box and do some research. These people are from Khazar, a once large empire around the Caucasus Mountains, a nomadic people who embraced Judaism, but then dispersed West, once their sate collapsed.

I will not only continue to support the plight of Palestine, but I shall support every single Muslim, who is suffering from persecution.

May Allah SWT ease their suffering in this life and reward them in the Hereafter.


Merchant of Mogadishu

From Pella to Pattala, then back to Babylon
@Merchant of Mogadishu are you not bothered by the fact arabs have a terrible racist history towards blacks.Like honestly I never really thought about it until recently when I searched some stuff up about it. I can't look at those countries the same anymore. My nigga Saudi Arabia and the UAE ended slavery in the 1960s and 70s. There are records of slavery happening in the Palestinian area in the 1950-60s. MENA before the 1970s doesn't seem like a good place in time for niggas with black skin. Slavery went on so long and only stopped because of western influence.

I understand they are muslims a majority of Somalis don't want to see other muslims suffering. It's only a few niggas like the ones here in this forum that don't give Af.

Slavery ended late for them. There are still adults who have seen slaves that are still alive today. Those countries seem racist af. I don't even think schools there even teach about their countries dark history of slavery and racism. Little kids probably being taught how Arabs barely owned slaves and how they treated everyone with respect. Probably just complete bullshit tbh

Yes yes, but what you must realise is that every single race upon this earth has good and bad people in it. We aren't angels ourselves. We engaged in slavery, of course it was horrible. But you need to stop painting everyone with the same brush.

Jake from State Farm

We pro xalimo all 2019
You’re not going to get an answer from this guy.

Just insults and threats.

Also, since he worked near the ports I’m pretty sure he helped these Arabs ship black people for enslavenent and they paid him with some rotten khaat.

I am with him on siding with the Palestinians because they were Muslim. In fact in general I don't like seeing people oppressed,regardless of religion or race.

I am bothered though in regards to the racism. Better question for me would be would I be able to help someone who was openly racist towards people of color. Because if so than they can suck a dick.

Palestinians have been treated like shit by the Israeli occupation. It seems like they are having similar experiences to how African Americans were treated like back in the day. Only differences are that Palestinians are racist towards the Afro Palestinians as well. And that blacks were actually enslaved for 100s of years.
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