Why is it bad for Somaliland to get recognised?


Minister of Propaganda
The legal argument is a smaller, but incredibly valid element of Somaliland's. However, there is clear precedent of several countries that have voluntarily entered into unions and afterwards reinstated their sovereignty, which is the primary case for SL.

I think that especially more recently, the markers for international recognition will become ethnic/religious self-determination.

However, as you said, if that was the bar then there would be hundreds of African nations. Hence, why I think there would be even more extreme standards placed on aspiring African nations.

They need to convince why they require a state more than hundreds of other groups. NB: when I say, require, I mean it as different to deserve, you can deserve something but not require it.
Darood has been presidents in Somalia for roughly 35 years combined since independence. What makes you think they’re going anywhere 🤣
That explains why Somalia is fucked :pachah1:

Barre- Destroyed The Somali Republic completely

Abdullahi Yusuf- brought 30,000 ethiopians to Somalia who killed 10k+ Somalis and led to creation of extremist groups like Al Shabab

Farmaajo- ....no words needed


Unfortunately, therefore lack of any wisdom
For Hawiyes its an welcoming gift that SL gains its independence, but if you are darood than its bad for you that Somaliland becomes independent, simply because you will than have 3 Irir states (Hawiye's Somalia, Isaaqs Somaliland and Cisa Djibouti) who all have 1 thing in Common, which is their shared hatred for anything Darood.

These 3 Irir States will be doing co-operation in subjugating Daroods in their lands, Cisa will be supported to subjugate Ogadens in Ethiopia Somali State, Isaaq will be supported to keep their pets (Warsangali and Dhulbahante) on leash, and Hawiye will be supported to keep the treacherous mjs under their subjugation.

Heck even SL and DJ will give Hawiye's Somalia who is under Embargo heavy weapons to subjugate the annoying mjs under full occupation.

So haviing said that, we Hawiye deeply welcome our Isaaq Irir brother's Somaliland independence

So it’s clan motivated your statement is ridiculous stop making a fool of yourself the civil war is pretty much over


@Bluefire it should be a positive for all ethnic Somalis to have a third Somali majority country in the UN. Arabs have multiple countries including 6 in the GCC. What would be terrible is if either SL or Djibouti gets absorbed into Ethiopia
So should we let every tuulo to be independent so that we can have hundreds of some states? Come on. This is not a good reason to support SL independence.
SL independence will bring zero benefit to Somalia of to the somali people as whole
So should we let every tuulo to be independent so that we can have hundreds of some states? Come on. This is not a good reason to support SL independence.
SL independence will bring zero benefit to Somalia of to the somali people as whole
Recognition would bring immense economic benefits to the people of Somaliland, just as being independent has brought immeasurable benefits such as peace and stability. That is all that matters to the people of Somaliland.
That's more like it. But folks like @Bariire think reer Hargaysa love them, when in reality they look down on him and call his folks walanweyne iyo dugaag and other derogatory terms.
Absolute BS. Landers do not look down on anyone in Somalia. Wanlaweyn is a term that is used to refer to reer Konfureed in general, which is essential everyone that is not from Somaliland, and includes reer PL. It is a term that refers to the political corruption in the south, and has nothing to do with any specific qabiil.

If they'd had any of those sentiments you describe, it would likely be towards Jabartis, but even there Landers can differentiate between the average people and politics.

Your cuqdad ridden narrative is your own, and not one that Landers, other than twitter idiots of all stripe, harbour.
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Nigga you can’t even spell, what do you know about intellectuals.


Who said I have to know how to spell in english to contribute to the discussion Or to succeed in life ?
I've been in canada for close to 13 years and I know how to read better then our current president who has been living in the u.s since 1980s

This man is the one you say is better then every presidential candidate .

Read more here if you dont belive what I stated in the diversity in our country

Hopefully the somaliland government dont annex your capital garowe when its gets recognition 🙏🏽
They declared independence AFTER the fall of gov. Making their decision unilateral. For all the years they were fighting Siad Barre they never stated their secession ambitions. It isn't bad if they become independent. It's just wrong how their trying to attain independence. So if u ever hear them say they fought for independence , it's a lie. They fought to overthrow a gov, then when shit hit the fan in the capital they tried to claim independence knowing full well there was no power to object that or say, sure u can, but under such and such conditions.
In short they tried to use he chaos in the capital (they helped create) as an opportunistic way to attain statehood. The world witnessed...

Yusuf M

Absolute BS. Landers do not look down on anyone in Somalia. Wanlaweyn is a term that is used to refer to reer Konfureed in general, which is essential everyone that is not from Somaliland, and includes reer PL. It is a term that refers to the political corruption in the south, and has nothing to do with any specific qabiil.

If they'd had any of those sentiments you describe, it would likely be towards Jabartis, but even there Landers can differentiate between the average people and politics.

Your cuqdad ridden narrative is your own, and not one that Landers, other than twitter idiots of all stripe, harbour.
I do not have any Cuqdad. I'm simply speaking from experience and what I have seen.
They want it to be their way or the highway. If we let them one of the possible conditions would be a referendum of ssc regions on whether they want to be united with the south or not. If they not willing to negotiate and meet certain conditions then we have the right to refuse. I can bring up many more issues, but u should get the point with the example I just made.
They want it to be their way or the highway. If we let them one of the possible conditions would be a referendum of ssc regions on whether they want to be united with the south or not. If they not willing to negotiate and meet certain conditions then we have the right to refuse. I can bring up many more issues, but u should get the point with the example I just made.

What if like Kosovo, the West unilaterally recognises SL despite our refusal to accept their independence?


Minister of Propaganda

What if like Kosovo, the West unilaterally recognises SL despite our refusal to accept their independence?

Kosovo is actually the reason why SL’s independence argument may not bear fruit.

After the fall of communism, the West basically declared the collapsed communist countries as defunct. Basically, they said that these countries don’t exist anymore, split up as you wish.

Kosovo has been recognised because it’s parent country Yugoslavia doesn’t exist anymore.

Somalia was never regarded as “a former nation” but a collapsed one. The IC decided in 1991 that a Somali government will be established again rather than writing off the Somali republic as they did with Yugoslavia or the USSR. That’s why they intervened in the 1990’s and continue to have a strong presence to this day.

If they stuck to this policy when there was already a break-away democratic state in Somalia in the nineties than that tells me that the IC will never seriously consider secession today. Furthermore, it also tells me that the IC were more than willing to let Somalia fall into anarchy than break up.
I do not have any Cuqdad. I'm simply speaking from experience and what I have seen.
I call BS. No one is going round uttering those things you've said.

The reality is the vast majority of Somalis in the real world don't have any kind of hostility towards other Somalis, regardless of their politics. That goes for anyone from DDSI, Somalia, Somaliland, Djibouti etc. They may have qabiilist driven politics, and even qabiilist stereotypes of other qabiils, but they are not going around calling other average Somalis derogatory terms left, right and centre. They may joke in very private circles about other groups, qabiils etc. but even then it is often just misplaced poor forms of kaftan.

What you spouted was purely your own cuqdad driven narrative. No one in Hargeisa, or any part of Somaliland hates Hawiye or any other Somali group/qabiil. Same goes for SL people in the qurbaha.


They want it to be their way or the highway. If we let them one of the possible conditions would be a referendum of ssc regions on whether they want to be united with the south or not. If they not willing to negotiate and meet certain conditions then we have the right to refuse. I can bring up many more issues, but u should get the point with the example I just made.

Can you specify SSC?
Do you mean the entire Sool, Sanaag and Cayn region?