"Why I am not an atheist"

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف

the person speaking cites scientific study and shows how scientific studies have confirmed what Islam has been saying the entire time. why are atheists such science-deniers??
Atheists are a bunch of haughty people who try to hard to sound scientific. They speak of rationalism whilst presenting the dumbest excuses for why they don’t believe in God.


How is it scientific to surround yourself in a bubble of muslims to deny atheism. That's confirmation bias. I called you out on many topics regarding Islam and u never responded @Omar del Sur

Keep hiding out among like-minded ppl and telling yourselves mythologies.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
How is it scientific to surround yourself in a bubble of muslims to deny atheism. That's confirmation bias. I called you out on many topics regarding Islam and u never responded @Omar del Sur

Keep hiding out among like-minded ppl and telling yourselves mythologies.

If you are an atheist then that makes me sad for you.

Nothing doesn't create something, much less does nothing create trees, mountains, oceans and human beings. It's unscientific.


If you are an atheist then that makes me sad for you.

Nothing doesn't create something, much less does nothing create trees, mountains, oceans and human beings. It's unscientific.

If nothing creates something is un-scientific, why do u say 'something' created everything but that 'something' has no creator. U see the logical flaw? if u argue everything has a creator, then u must apply that rule to Allah also since he is 'something'!!! but u cleverly move the goal-post for allah, well then why dont u move the goalpost for creation having no creator after all you argue your allah has no creator so it shud be easy to understand creation has no creator also.
If nothing creates something is un-scientific, why do u say 'something' created everything but that 'something' has no creator. U see the logical flaw? if u argue everything has a creator, then u must apply that rule to Allah also since he is 'something'!!! but u cleverly move the goal-post for allah, well then why dont u move the goalpost for creation having no creator after all you argue your allah has no creator so it shud be easy to understand creation has no creator also.
Nothing creating something is impossible & illogical & its unscientific.

Its not a logical flaw at all ,because it's not even the same argument :mjlol:

nothing created something =which is impossible
Something that's uncreated itself created something.

Theist go with the second one


Nothing creating something is impossible & illogical & its unscientific.

Its not a logical flaw at all ,because it's not even the same argument :mjlol:

nothing created something =which is impossible
Something that's uncreated itself created something.

Theist go with the second one

If something that is uncreated created something, why can't creation be uncreated? u don't see the logical flaw but many do. U move the goalpost u say 'everything has a creator' except your GOD, why can't atheist say the same thing also since you make exceptions, why can't atheist?

Allah = Something. You argue something needs a creator. Why is allah 'exempt' to the rule since he is something after all or is he 'nothing'? That's the problem with 'creator' theory, it a never-ending 'creator' sequence, since anything that's exists will need a creator and that's why this theory is pseudo-science and illogical.

Even a kid will look at u and say your moving the goal-post.

Muslim: God created everything
Kid: If god created everything, who created God?
Muslim: Oh no-one created god.
Kid: If noone created god and everything needs a creator, then god must not exist since it needs a creator also. This will then mean who created that creator and the creator theory is now in psuedo-science and mythology units in university, it's not treated as a real subject.
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If something that is uncreated created something, why can't creation be uncreated? u don't see the logical flaw but many do. U move the goalpost u say 'everything has a creator' except your GOD, why can't atheist say the same thing also since you make exceptions, why can't atheist?

Allah = Something. You argue something needs a creator. Why is allah 'exempt' to the rule since he is something after all or is he 'nothing'? That's the problem with 'creator' theory, it a never-ending 'creator' sequence, since anything that's exists will need a creator and that's why this theory is pseudo-science and illogical.

Even a kid will look at u and say your moving the goal-post.

Muslim: God created everything
Kid: If god created everything, who created God?
Muslim: Oh no-one created god.
Kid: If noone created god and everything needs a creator, then god must not exist since it needs a creator also. This will then mean who created that creator and the creator theory is now in psuedo-science and mythology units in university, it's not treated as a real subject.
This is the most stupid post its laughable.
How can creation be uncreated. Thats like saying burnt food was never burned. Or wet food has no water. The word creation implies it was created in the first place.

Now lets use the correct language, this tangible universe, why does this tangible universe, need to be created. Why cant this universe, be self sufficient, or everlasting, not relying on anything except itself. In actuality U r essentially saying, why cant the universe be God. Well actually you do believe this universe is God, since u believe its the only thing we can and do know and it exists on its own.

Now, we need to prove that the universe cannot be God, and self sufficient, and that there must be something external from it, which exists on its own, which created it, started it, keeps it existing, without relying on anything else to exist.

Pretty simply. I would give u a thought experiment.
If u had, a clear glass full of water, and u went to pick it up. Why would u presume that there was glass there?
U see, our entire lives, we see water, a physical liquid, manipulated by the environment, everything in the environment that effects water, water will move. When u see water in a cup shape, the only logical conclusion is that this water is being manipulating by something in the environment.
Even though you cannot see the glass as it is clear, You can still deduct that there most be something holding the water in place, and that when you go to lift the glass, the water will lift with it.
If u see water falling down from a tap, and the water starts to bend one way, you would not say it is just doing that, rather you would find a conclusion from the environment as to why it changed from its normal state of falling in a continuous stream downwards. The most probable thing would be is u have a electrically charged surface which creates an electric field which has been placed in the radius of the water which bends it.

We know water doesnt rely on itself to bend, nor does it control what it does, rather its environment manipulates it out of the waters control, and has strength over it. No person would say, water just does that, thats how water is, water does what it wants, water is random.

Now lets extend this example of water, to our whole tangible universe.
The universe does not do anything for no reason.
Everything that moves changes fluctuates in the universe, has a reason for it, nothing in the universe does anything for no reason.
Everything in the universe is finite, if something is finite, it is limited, and if something is limited, it cannot rely on itself to exist, as its ability to exist in the first place would require something it is made of to be given to it, if it is not unlimited, then it has no ability to give itself something. Bc if it is limited, there is something with more than it, external from it which is limiting it.
The universe is subject to time, which is constantly moving forward, u cannot move forward, without starting from a starting point, and that must mean there was a starting point to time, time cannot start itself, as that is a circular argument.

Now God, is not tangible or limited, God is the one which everything relies on, but God does not rely on anything, nor was he created. If God relied on anything or was created he would be limited and therefore not God, and then we would have to look for a God of that, God is inevitable.
God is not limited by time, God is not finite either, he has infinite supplies of everything and gives to whoever he wills, he is not limited like the universe.
If something that is uncreated created something, why can't creation be uncreated? u don't see the logical flaw but many do.
"Why can't creation be uncreated"

Think before you utter nonsense.
U move the goalpost u say 'everything has a creator' except your GOD, why can't atheist say the same thing also since you make exceptions, why can't atheist?
Yes every creation has a creator! we follow the causation until we get to the uncreated creator .
we don't move the goalpost ,because if its created it's not God ;)
Allah = Something. You argue something needs a creator. Why is allah 'exempt' to the rule since he is something after all or is he 'nothing'? That's the problem with 'creator' theory, it a never-ending 'creator' sequence, since anything that's exists will need a creator and that's why this theory is pseudo-science and illogical.
"Depending on its formulation, the cosmological argument is an example of a positive infinite regress argument. An infinite regress is an infinite series of entities governed by a recursive principle that determines how each entity in the series depends on or is produced by its predecessor.An infinite regress argument is an argument against a theory based on the fact that this theory leads to an infinite regress.A positive infinite regress argument employs the regress in question to argue in support of a theory by showing that its alternative involves a vicious regress.The regress relevant for the cosmological argument is the regress of causes: an event occurred because it was caused by another event that occurred before it, which was itself caused by a previous event, and so on. For an infinite regress argument to be successful, it has to demonstrate not just that the theory in question entails an infinite regress but also that this regress is vicious.Once the viciousness of the regress of causes is established, the cosmological argument can proceed to its positive conclusion by holding that it is necessary to posit a first cause in order to avoid it."


@Bundasliga u r the one who said 'everything that exists' must have a creator. Since your allah exists according to u why doesn't he have a creator? u moved the goal-post when your allah is put under the same 'framework' you yourself preach. This is called a logically fallacy, you didn't apply your logic 'fully' and bended it when it suited you. If you say Allah is exempt, I can say All existence is exempt of a creator as I am following the logic not moving goalpost like u. Anyways your to dumb for this topic, you try to use the 'strawman' argument.

Allah exists. Creation Exists. Why does creation need a creator yet the creator has no creator. They all come under 'existence' framework. Anything that exists accordin to u needs a creator, Allah exists so why no creator?


@Bundasliga just like u can't believe the world is natural and has no creator, I can't believe allah popped out of nowhere into existence without a creator. Just like I reject adam n eve popped out of nowhere, I also look at allah and say BULLSHIT u exist without pre-existing cause. Or else magic is true if allah without a cause is true.

U pray to something that doesn't respond to your prayers because he is man made mythology, that's the truth and it hurts you cause u want a bed time story like a kid about death and the grave. You are so scared of death you falled into a 7th century mythological movement. Your god don't exist and u will die and turn to soil, does that hurt u waryaa? no heaven no hell all children stories weeye waxasi.
This is the most stupid post its laughable.
How can creation be uncreated. Thats like saying burnt food was never burned. Or wet food has no water. The word creation implies it was created in the first place.

Now lets use the correct language, this tangible universe, why does this tangible universe, need to be created. Why cant this universe, be self sufficient, or everlasting, not relying on anything except itself. In actuality U r essentially saying, why cant the universe be God. Well actually you do believe this universe is God, since u believe its the only thing we can and do know and it exists on its own.

Now, we need to prove that the universe cannot be God, and self sufficient, and that there must be something external from it, which exists on its own, which created it, started it, keeps it existing, without relying on anything else to exist.

Pretty simply. I would give u a thought experiment.
If u had, a clear glass full of water, and u went to pick it up. Why would u presume that there was glass there?
U see, our entire lives, we see water, a physical liquid, manipulated by the environment, everything in the environment that effects water, water will move. When u see water in a cup shape, the only logical conclusion is that this water is being manipulating by something in the environment.
Even though you cannot see the glass as it is clear, You can still deduct that there most be something holding the water in place, and that when you go to lift the glass, the water will lift with it.
If u see water falling down from a tap, and the water starts to bend one way, you would not say it is just doing that, rather you would find a conclusion from the environment as to why it changed from its normal state of falling in a continuous stream downwards. The most probable thing would be is u have a electrically charged surface which creates an electric field which has been placed in the radius of the water which bends it.

We know water doesnt rely on itself to bend, nor does it control what it does, rather its environment manipulates it out of the waters control, and has strength over it. No person would say, water just does that, thats how water is, water does what it wants, water is random.

Now lets extend this example of water, to our whole tangible universe.
The universe does not do anything for no reason.
Everything that moves changes fluctuates in the universe, has a reason for it, nothing in the universe does anything for no reason.
Everything in the universe is finite, if something is finite, it is limited, and if something is limited, it cannot rely on itself to exist, as its ability to exist in the first place would require something it is made of to be given to it, if it is not unlimited, then it has no ability to give itself something. Bc if it is limited, there is something with more than it, external from it which is limiting it.
The universe is subject to time, which is constantly moving forward, u cannot move forward, without starting from a starting point, and that must mean there was a starting point to time, time cannot start itself, as that is a circular argument.

Now God, is not tangible or limited, God is the one which everything relies on, but God does not rely on anything, nor was he created. If God relied on anything or was created he would be limited and therefore not God, and then we would have to look for a God of that, God is inevitable.
God is not limited by time, God is not finite either, he has infinite supplies of everything and gives to whoever he wills, he is not limited like the universe.
beautifully said


@karkaar do not fall for this mythology follower @Amk his whole argument was to present the universe and life as finite and limited. He totally ignored the physical laws that can explain this universe such as space-time and gravity and the natural forces such as electro-magnetic field. He wants to argue Allah exists but he exists in some 'plane' outside of the 'laws' of existence.

He doesn't know there is no 'separate' existence outside these constructs. If Allah is to exist, he has to fall under these frameworks or else he doesn't exist. You can't just create some 'external' world for allah because there is no external existence. If Allah exists outside time and space, he cannot exist and is not even alive.
@Bundasliga u r the one who said 'everything that exists' must have a creator. Since your allah exists according to u why doesn't he have a creator? u moved the goal-post when your allah is put under the same 'framework' you yourself preach. This is called a logically fallacy, you didn't apply your logic 'fully' and bended it when it suited you. If you say Allah is exempt, I can say All existence is exempt of a creator as I am following the logic not moving goalpost like u. Anyways your to dumb for this topic, you try to use the 'strawman' argument.

Allah exists. Creation Exists. Why does creation need a creator yet the creator has no creator. They all come under 'existence' framework. Anything that exists accordin to u needs a creator, Allah exists so why no creator?
That's not what I believe at all.

"Everything that began to exist has a cause " - By default
it's a huge difference . :trumpsmirk:
@karkaar do not fall for this mythology follower @Amk his whole argument was to present the universe and life as finite and limited. He totally ignored the physical laws that can explain this universe such as space-time and gravity and the natural forces such as electro-magnetic field. He wants to argue Allah exists but he exists in some 'plane' outside of the 'laws' of existence.

He doesn't know there is no 'separate' existence outside these constructs. If Allah is to exist, he has to fall under these frameworks or else he doesn't exist. You can't just create some 'external' world for allah because there is no external existence. If Allah exists outside time and space, he cannot exist and is not even alive.
You just proved my argument once again.
The physical laws are observations we make of this universe. If u see an apple falling then u deduct the law of gravity etc. A law is just a consistent thing that occurs within the universe.
Laws donot exist outside of the universe, bc in order to deduct them we have to look at the universe, If the universe is created and tangible and finite, and is reliant on something else to exist, then the laws it abides by must have been created by God. There has to be something consistent to give it these laws. Ur argument of laws is going back to the same argument that the universe is what it is because it is.
Case and point. Water is what it is, because of the law of water, stating that water must be water. Nothing can exist outside of the law of water, the law of water must exist.
This is what u are basically stating. Its complete nonsense
If God abided by the Laws he created it would necessitate that God is tangible effectively making him not God. God cannot by definition abide by the Laws of nature, again another strawman argument u made.
"You cant just create some eternal world for Allah to exist", this is stupid, Allah exists where he exists and we donot know how, pigeon holing God into this universe is like saying a sqaure must be a circle.
Whos to say something cant live outside the laws of nature, If nothing could live outside the laws of nature than these laws must be God themselves. You literally make 0 sense.
He doesn't know there is no 'separate' existence outside these constructs. If Allah is to exist, he has to fall under these frameworks or else he doesn't exist. You can't just create some 'external' world for allah because there is no external existence. If Allah exists outside time and space, he cannot exist and is not even alive.
You didnt provide any evidence for this its all just conjecture,
Why does Allah have to abide by laws of nature?
Why can there be no external existence?
If Allah is outside time and space why cant he exist?
@Bundasliga just like u can't believe the world is natural and has no creator, I can't believe allah popped out of nowhere into existence without a creator. Just like I reject adam n eve popped out of nowhere, I also look at allah and say BULLSHIT u exist without pre-existing cause. Or else magic is true if allah without a cause is true.

U pray to something that doesn't respond to your prayers because he is man made mythology, that's the truth and it hurts you cause u want a bed time story like a kid about death and the grave. You are so scared of death you falled into a 7th century mythological movement. Your god don't exist and u will die and turn to soil, does that hurt u waryaa? no heaven no hell all children stories weeye waxasi.
No it doesn't hurt or cause any doubts in me at all. There's nothing an atheist can say I didn't hear already.

You love strawman's dont you ?
"Allah popped into existence without a creator"
Again that's not something I believe

You don't even know what you are talking about "natural" kulaha :mjlol:

The universe began to exist therefore what's the cause ?
Did it popped into existence by itself ?
Or was it caused by something else ?

