Why does Allah have human emotions?

If Allah is the all powerful, all knowing and most merciful, why does Allah have human emotions? Such as anger, sadness, happiness etc :hmm: I’ve always had this question


Firstly, there are certain emotions that are totally not attributed with Allah such as worry, sadness and fear. Also, I doubt highly that it directly states anywhere that Allah gets emotional because it is said in the Quran, “there is nothing whatsoever like Him.” [42:11]. Emotions are human attributions and there are other psychological processes involved which is something not associated with Allah.

Often times we attribute our own emotions with Allah and the tone of the Quran verses but we do it in a way which befits Him. Allah is also most merciful and most forgiving so the act of ‘having’ emotions is something not attributed with Allah. And Allah knows best.
This is my personal interpretation and obvs I'm not a scholar so istaqfurulah if this is wrong.
But anxiety is the most human emotion, we anticipate and worry about the future and that is what makes us anxious. Other emotions require us to be attached to other people and society to feel. Allah can't feel anxiety because he knows the future, he wrote the future so he doesn't anticipate it or worry about it. Other emotions aren't innately human because they rely on the existence of other humans to occur. We can only be angry because we are displeased that we received something we were not expecting, anger comes after anxiety and so if God can't feel anxiety he can't feel anger either. The reason it may say that God was angry in the Quran is to make us fear Allah's punishment. E.g. in Lut's town, Allah already knew they were sinners. Allah punished them for their sin. But Allah isn't angry because he didn't hold expectations that were different from the reality of the town. So Allah couldn't have been angry. Humans relate to emotions and so we are able to recognize that it's a sin because we are told that God was angry but in actuality, it was within his expectations.
Regarding Allahs names and attributes you are not allowed to
Tahreef- distort them
Ta’eel- negate them
Takyeef- say how they are
Tamtheel- make any resemblance and likeness with the creation.

King Khufu

Dignified Gentlemen
How can someone create from what they don't know?

Behind every idea in the imagination is the feeling of energy behind that creative drive to spark that idea to life.
We as humans are just vessels to be seen as how we feel as our CREATOR has felt.
For, God is the only one that's truly human.
Ancient myths nearly always paint Gods eith strikingly similiar characteristics to humans. God is arrogant, boastful, angry and illogical throughout the Quran hinting at the mental limits ancient desert dwellers had.

God of Islam also has physical human characteristics such as hands and shins in the Quran. He also has a throne , which only makes sense to people in a time of absolute dictators.
Ancient myths nearly always paint Gods eith strikingly similiar characteristics to humans. God is arrogant, boastful, angry and illogical throughout the Quran hinting at the mental limits ancient desert dwellers had.

God of Islam also has physical human characteristics such as hands and shins in the Quran. He also has a throne , which only makes sense to people in a time of absolute dictators.
Ancient myths nearly always paint Gods eith strikingly similiar characteristics to humans. God is arrogant, boastful, angry and illogical throughout the Quran hinting at the mental limits ancient desert dwellers had.

God of Islam also has physical human characteristics such as hands and shins in the Quran. He also has a throne , which only makes sense to people in a time of absolute dictators.
What have you gained from this slanderous comments about our creator. It would be understandable if you would’ve conveyed your claims in a respectful questioning manner regarding those attributes you attribute to our creator , then I would at least believed that you’re genuinely interested in the truth or open for a reasonable dialogue concerning faith.

Gacanka Cadmeed

انا عربي, سْنْمْ هَنولاتو‌‌‌‌, Free Azawad, 🇾🇪
I automatically assume everyone is a murtad until they prove it through their posts. Barely anyone follows Islam anymore.
That is only in the west, and even then plenty of kids turn out alright. I think it's just this site attracts a lot of them.
What have you gained from this slanderous comments about our creator. It would be understandable if you would’ve conveyed your claims in a respectful questioning manner regarding those attributes you attribute to our creator , then I would at least believed that you’re genuinely interested in the truth or open for a reasonable dialogue concerning faith.
Ridicule is a fine practise in an argument. You should understand that all evidence points against there being an Islamic god and thus i don't believe I am disrespecting anyone.

I am open for dialogue, but i doubt you will bring forth any logical counterproofs. Apologia is an ancient game and nearly always relies on illogical claims.