Why do somali guys move shy in real life?


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
You worry me. I swear I just need to dm you a list of questionable things I've said here so I can rest easy on general.


Most Abdis here are deeply afraid of me. :bell: Since my memory is long. And I collect superfluous details about them which aid in my uncovering their Clark Kent selves.
It is my esteemed duty to spark exuberance, especially in the hearts of such delightful young maidens
i suppose that is something you take pride in. i will be honest and say that i did have to search up the word "exuberance" but that is because of your advanced skills within the English language. you must rile up all the ladies with your jubilance.
i suppose that is something you take pride in. i will be honest and say that i did have to search up the word "exuberance" but that is because of your advanced skills within of the English language. you must rile up all the ladies with your jubilance.
what's jubilance?