Why do all young women claim to have PTSD and/or depression and/or anxiety these days?

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That's weird. Since when was having multiple voices in your head relate to borderline personality disorder? Sounds like you're describing schizophrenia. Borderlines have identity issues because they're empty and have no core.
BPD is characterized by a shattered self, different elements of your personality in constant upheaval. BPD is a fractured self. It’s a disorder. Schizos perceive the voices to be coming from outside them, or sounding in their heads in a way they can’t control, also a disorder only they perceive it to be outside the self when it isn’t.

There’s no such as “empty and no core”. You might as well be saying soul. Either your mind is in tact, or it isn’t, or it’s somewhere along the spectrum on many myriad things that can be wrong with the wiring.
BPD is characterized by a shattered self, different elements of your personality in constant upheaval. BPD is a fractured self. It’s a disorder. Schizos perceive the voices to be coming from outside them, or sounding in their heads in a way they can’t control.

There’s no such as a core. You might as well be saying soul. Either your mind is in tact, or it isn’t, or it’s somewhere along the spectrum.

Ego, mind, soul, whatever. Healthy people have some level of constancy in their internal experience. Borderlines do not have this. Therefore, they are completely unstable and at the whims of wildly fluctuating emotions. They are empty and in fact one of the diagnostic criteria is precisely that: "chronic feelings of emptiness." The problem with your overly feminized outlook is your sense of pity for such people in effect minimizes and overlooks the danger such people pose to other people and society.


Ego, mind, soul, whatever. Healthy people have some level of constancy in their internal experience. Borderlines do not have this. Therefore, they are completely unstable and at the whims of wildly fluctuating emotions. They are empty and in fact one of the diagnostic criteria is precisely that: "chronic feelings of emptiness." The problem with your overly feminized outlook is your sense of pity for such people in effect minimizes and overlooks the danger such people pose to other people and society.
Keyword: healthy.

BPD is a mental disorder.

The feelings of emptiness you’re citing are a manifestation of the disorder.

I pity them bc I actually understand it’s an illness.
Keyword: healthy.

BPD is a mental disorder.

The feelings of emptiness you’re citing are a manifestation of the disorder.

Narcissism (NPD) and psychopathy (APD) are also disorders. What's your point? Narcissists and psychopaths tend to be men and borderlines tend to women if the statistics are to be believed. The only difference is that people like you have a natural tendency to be protective and sympathetic towards wildly unstable borderlines who are absolute landmines for men to be avoided entirely just like you shouldn't shack up with a narcissist or a psychopath.


Narcissism (NPD) and psychopathy (APD) are also disorders. What's your point? Narcissists and psychopaths tend to be men and borderlines tend to women if the statistics are to be believed. The only difference is that people like you have a natural tendency to be protective and sympathetic towards wildly unstable borderlines who are absolute landmines for men to be avoided entirely just like you shouldn't shack up with a narcissist or a psychopath.
You’re acting like you’re being forced to “shack up” with them. Most ppl aren’t sympathetic to any of them, especially in terms of a relationship. So long as the NPDs and APDs (tend more towards criminality) aren’t committing crimes, there’s no distinguishing the kind of lives they have or the impacts on other ppl vs BPDs.

Maybe you should seek therapy.
You’re acting like you’re being forced to “shack up” with them. Most ppl aren’t sympathetic to any of them, especially in terms of a relationship. So long as the NPDs and APDs (tend more towards criminality) aren’t committing crimes, there’s no distinguishing the kind of lives they have vs BPDs.

Nobody is being forced to do anything but it is certainly the case that the vast majority of men have no knowledge of borderline personality disorder being a persistent state of mind for a shockingly high percentage of women. That combined with the fact that society does condition people to be sympathetic towards emotional disturbance. Describing a woman as a psycho (see: bpd) or a bunny-boiler (see: bpd) is quickly becoming socially unacceptable. The whole suicide disagreement we had is a pretty decent example of what I'm talking about. Self-harm, suicide threats, suicidal gestures, parasuicide, etc, are all classic borderline behaviours but society makes no distinction between this and somebody in a deep depression doing the same thing.


Nobody is being forced to do anything but it is certainly the case that the vast majority of men have no knowledge of borderline personality disorder being a persistent state of mind for a shockingly high percentage of women. That combined with the fact that society does condition people to be sympathetic towards emotional disturbance. Describing a woman as a psycho (see: bpd) or a bunny-boiler (see: bpd) is quickly becoming socially unacceptable. The whole suicide disagreement we had is a pretty decent example of what I'm talking about. Self-harm, suicide threats, suicidal gestures, parasuicide, etc, are all classic borderline behaviours but society makes no distinction between this and somebody in a deep depression doing the same thing.
There’s no way more than 1-2% of the population has BPD.


Definitely seek therapy. You have an ax to grind.
Anything is being classified as mental illness these days it has nothing with being a female. Females are more likely to suffer from depressing and anxiety. Males however are more likely to suffer from obsessive compulsive disorders,bipolar disorders..etc.
There’s no way more than 1-2% of the population has BPD.


It's amazing that you fail to recognize how high that percentage is and that's only those who have been diagnosed. LOL @ "only" 1-2% of women have been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder but men having no clue about that shit.


It's amazing that you fail to recognize how high that percentage is and that's only those who have been diagnosed. LOL @ "only" 1-2% of women have been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder but men having no clue about that shit.
It’s not diagnosed only in women. Certain mental illnesses vary in percentage between men and women, with men being higher in some and women in others, but wtf do these diagnoses have to do whether I have a clue? Unless you have it, or know someone who does, or worked with them, you’ll most likely be clueless. That goes for any disease or condition.

Are you talking yourself off a ledge.

That’s honestly how you come across? A bit unstable, tbh.
It’s not diagnosed only in women. Certain mental illnesses vary in percentage between men and women, with men being higher in some and women in others, but wtf do these diagnoses have to do whether I have a clue? Unless you have it, or know someone who does, or worked with them, you’ll most likely be clueless. That goes for any disease or condition.

Are you talking yourself off a ledge.

That’s honestly how you come across? A bit unstable, tbh.

Your choice of insult is a little odd for somebody who is so pro-mental health. I'm stating some basic facts about women with borderline personality disorder. I have no clue why you're so defensive about it. It's interesting nonetheless.


Your choice of insult is a little odd for somebody who is so pro-mental health. I'm stating some basic facts about women with borderline personality disorder. I have no clue why you're so defensive about it. It's interesting nonetheless.
I asked a question.

You’re too involved, accusatory and unstable-sounding for it to be mere interest. Either you experienced something at the hands of a mentally ill person and you haven’t dealt with it, or you’re potentially neurotic yourself, or maybe both.
I asked a question.

You’re too involved, accusatory and unstable-sounding for it to be mere interest. Either you experienced something at the hands of a mentally ill person and you haven’t dealt with it, or you’re potentially neurotic yourself.

I have had a relationship with a woman with borderline personality disorder. It was not pleasant to say the least. Do not recommend.

The interesting point is that I would consider myself a fairly well-informed guy but it took me a long ass time to put the pieces together since there is little effort to spread awareness about such pitfalls. If I had weaker boundaries that lady could have affected me a lot worse. I'm very vigilant about such things and admit to having a bit of a personal interest in just how clueless most people are about the whole issue.

It's a little funny that you're natural response to my less than kind words about borderlines is to attack me.


I have had a relationship with a woman with borderline personality disorder. It was not pleasant to say the least. Do not recommend.

The interesting point is that I would consider myself a fairly well-informed guy but it took me a long ass time to put the pieces together since there is little effort to spread awareness about such pitfalls. If I had weaker boundaries that lady could have affected me a lot worse. I'm very vigilant about such things and admit to having a bit of a personal interest in just how clueless most people are about the whole issue.

It's a little funny that you're natural response to my less than kind words about borderlines is to attack me.
Just as I thought.

It must be bc I have BPD, no?

I may even be your ex?


Men are always bringing their girl problems into a discussion with any random girl, I swear to god.

I feel inclined to come up with an academic terminology for this phenomenon.
Just as I thought.

It must be bc I have BPD, no?

I may even be your ex?


Men are always bringing their girl problems into a discussion with any random girl, I swear to god.

You're honestly an idiot. You asked me TWICE before I brought it up and then I provided a truthful answer. You have zero self-awareness. I'm done talking to you.


You're honestly an idiot. You asked me TWICE before I brought it up and then I provided a truthful answer. You have zero self-awareness. I'm done talking to you.
Asking was a formality. It’s obvious...instead of projecting your problems onto others, you should deal with them or find help. It’s not my or anyone’s fault you had a shitty relationship with a disordered person. Frankly, you’re not giving yourself the level of accountability you ascribe to them, which is ironic.
Instead of projecting your problems onto others, you should deal with them or find help. It’s not my or anyone’s fault you had a shitty relationship with a disordered person. Frankly, you’re not giving yourself the level of accountability you ascribe to them, which is ironic.

Stop victim-blaming me.

Seriously though, I take full responsibility for avoiding such people going forward. I do feel sorry for men who don't have the knowledge and experience that I have. The mindblowing sex with a borderline that has idealized you plus the protective instinct towards women that you develop feelings for is a dangerous combination when the emotional disturbance begins to make an appearance.

Personally? I am, without a hint of exaggeration, ENORMOUSLY grateful for my bad experience with a borderline.


Stop victim-blaming me.

Seriously though, I take full responsibility for avoiding such people going forward. I do feel sorry for men who don't have the knowledge and experience that I have. The mindblowing sex with a borderline that has idealized you plus the protective instinct towards women that you develop feelings for is a dangerous combination when the emotional disturbance begins to make an appearance.

Personally? I am, without a hint of exaggeration, ENORMOUSLY grateful for my bad experience with a borderline.

I’m not victim-blaming.

Honestly, I can relate to that. Maybe we all can to some extent. Including, ballooning an experience with one atypical enigmatic person to their entire sex while knowing better. You need time.

I’m not victim-blaming.

Honestly, I can relate to that. Maybe we all can to some extent. Including, ballooning an experience with one atypical enigmatic person to their entire sex while knowing better. You need time.

Literally every part of that statement is false.

1) I'm not generalizing the experience to all women. I know plenty of really good women and have good dating experiences before and after the borderline.

2) I don't consider the person enigmatic at all. I actually feel that I understand them very well.

3) The only reason why I am entertaining this idiotic conversation with you is that I'm procrastinating. If anything I need less time.
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