Why did Wahabis rase the tombstones of the prophets relatives in Medina?

Omar del Sur

Have you read his books? he thought it was completly fine to kill all Sunnis who didn't agree with his views and take their women as slaves, since they were (in his eyes) mushrikeen. His followers in 1803 massacred all the Muslim men of Tai'if and took their women and children as slaves. The same thing happened in the 1924 Ta'if massacre.

He didn't call for a refrain from innovation, he called for an innovation of his own. How does a man who live in the 19th century know how the Salaf (three blessed generations) lived while he rejects all Scholarly links and traditions that originated from them? the answer is that he simply read the Qur'an and the Ahadith in a literalist fashion, while rejecting 1400 years of Scholarly interpretations.

MIAW invented the notion of rejecting Kalam while only relying on Ijtihad. This was never a belief held by anyone before him, not even the Sufis that ironically inspired him, the Kazidelis who followed the beliefs of Ibn Taymiyya (rahimahullah), who also identified with and praised the Qadariyya Sufis, but was critical of their wider acceptance of Tawassul. MIAW took this to an extremity and refered to the *majority of Muslims* as mushrikeen, not even Ahl Kitab. This is why extreme Takfiris eat the kosher-meat slaughtered by Jews but will never touch the meat of Sunnis or Shi'ah. Thus, MIAW was rightfully seen by his father and brother as an innovator of his own and his own family wrote fatwas and books refuting him.

he claimed the majority of Muslims are mushrikeen?

so can you show where he says that?

Omar del Sur

If we're supposed to follow unsubstantiated claims by anonymous people on the internet

I think we might as well just say Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab was actually a reptilian
Salafis turned makkah & madinah into a modern day Dubai by removing any historical connection to the Prophet scw & his companions for fear of “bidah”. They have no respect for the symbols of Islam which is why the signs of the Last Days are appearing during their rule.
You probably have always had a fantasy to bareback all the congregants during Friday prayers. You probably also dream of bottoming for your salafi sheikhs that you worship.

You must be retarded, filthy liberal. Can't you see i'm discussing against Salafism or has Liberalism blinded you to common sense and literacy?
@Bahabskul give us sources of the things you are saying.

I have some of his books.

In which book does he say

"he thought it was completly fine to kill all Sunnis who didn't agree with his views and take their women as slaves, since they were (in his eyes) mushrikeen."?

you think we should believe you because you make claims without substantiating them?

In his book Nawaaqid al Islaam (Nullifiers of Islam) page 197, he states ''people who practice istigatha and visit the tombs of Saints in Najd and Hejaz and claim to be Muslims, are still mushrikeen who the Muslims can wage Jehad against and seize their date palms, houses, slaves and families and distribute them amongst the believers and the poor''
he claimed the majority of Muslims are mushrikeen?

so can you show where he says that?

Are you really this unfamiliar with Muhammad Ibn Abdulwahhabs teachings that you don't even know the first act of his Da'wah ''Shirk has spread to the Ummah and only a few are believers''? i have a list of books you should read, authored by Muhammad Ibn Abdulwahhab himself, where he claims the Kufr and Shirk of ''supposed'' Muslims and the vast majority of the Ulamah amongst the Ash'aris and Maturidis and even his fellow Atharis:

  • Al-Usool-uth-Thalaatha" (The Three Fundamental Principles)
  • Al Qawaaid Al ‘Arbaa’ (The Four Foundations)
  • Mukhtasar al-Insaf wa'l-Sharh al-Kabir (Abridgement of the Equity and the Great Explanation)
  • Kitaabu l-Kabaair (The Book of Great Sins)
  • Kitabu l-Imaan (The Book of Trust)

