Why damaged goods are a bad idea

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Somaliweyn Unionist
All they moan about is how they were wronged by farahs and will try to emotionally derail you.It is another reason why one should stay away from damaged goods halimos.:noneck:

Women who allow men to damage them are weak. It's damage or be damaged in the dating game. If you can't handle the heat don't be a part of it.



Somaliweyn Unionist
I agree. It is annoying when they try to tell you what their ex did to them when you never asked to know. Somethings should be kept private.
It is like a guy moaning what a ex gf of his did to him (never happens).
I pull the ex card whenever the current bae is wronging me. Makes them jealous and/or sets a benchmark of what will make me leave them.


Damaged people are no good for anybody. Especially when the person they're with has no experience dealing with a relationship. If they're constantly complaining about their ex then they are undoubtedly still emotionally and spirtually invested in them. It's time to cut ties at that point. No point in a broken toy anyway. :icon rolleyes:


Somaliweyn Unionist

This comes right after I had a dream of my ex and I was worried because I had no way to contact him. That' s trippy because if I wanted to contact him I'd do so on Facebook.
seems like the only damaged goods is you mate. you calcaal more than a 40-year-old islaan :liberaltears:

seriously though, whether it was your mother or a woman you loved who did a number on you, it's unhealthy to keep that anger in your heart. let it go and live a lighter life:samwelcome:
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