why are muslim somalis so intolerant

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minority native somali clans can probably imagine that though :tacky:
Religion is deep, like way fucking deep.
Wallahi i pity you gaalo more than i even hate you.

I wonder how your Qabil would treat you if you were known as the gaal of the town.


Lone Wolf Brawler
I pity and sympathize with you guys like no other.
The DEEPEST most sincere sympathy i've ever given.

Dont waste your life. Enjoy it while you can.
Waar abahaa waas
Like i said we don't want your sympaty Ace Mooha


Waar abahaa waas
Like i said we don't want your sympaty Ace Mooha
Its a beautiful saturday Night.
Go outside lay on the grass look into the sky, stare at the stars and the moon.


The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
I'm not making excuses for them, but most Somalis equate Christianity with the Habesha so I think we can all understand where the hate is coming from.

Have you ever seen the comments section of video of a white American revert? It's pretty much the same, maybe even worse.


It's why I thought that "Atheists come in" thread was comical af. Not the truth at all. When it comes to disbelief in Islam, they are most of them waraabe dado as my dad calls it, but self-victimizing passive aggressive ones cajib. Your very existence is a threat to their center of being :icon lol:


Soomaaliya horumar gaadhi mayso hadaynu sidan isu cayno, Gabadha iyo inamada meesha fadhiyaa waa dad soomaali u dhalatay kuna faraxsan waddada cusub ee waddanku u socdo. Soomaaliya waa waddan weyn oo 10+ milyan oo dad ah leh, markaa wey jiraan dabcan dad diimo kale haysa. Taasna maaha wax dhibaato ah waayo qofkasta xaq buu u leeyahay inuu noloshiisa siduu rabo u noolaado. Dhamaan dadweynaha kiristanka, yahuuda, kuwa bilaa diinta waad ku mahad santihiin hambalyadiina. Inkastoo dad ka badankoodu ra'yigiina kasoo horjeedaan waxa jira kuwo badan oo xaqiina aqoonsan, waddanka weynu wada leenahay. Mar kale mahadsanidin dhamaantiin.
The best comment so far

Although my brothers/sisters in faith can be quite zealous at times, I have much sympathy for them.

Each one of you Somali atheists is a potential access node for our Adversary. You're like a Manchurian candidate, ready to be used when/if necessary - a munaafiq who's brave enough to wear his card on his chest. Hence a scorched earth method of responding to anything that could be perceived as a threat to our religion and identity is necessary.

Only when Somalia is safe, developed, and secure, can we have a conversation to maybe alter this.

Each one of you Somali atheists is a potential access node for our Adversary. You're like a Manchurian candidate, ready to be used when/if necessary - a munaafiq who's brave enough to wear his card on his chest. Hence a scorched earth method of responding to anything that could be perceived as a threat to our religion and identity is necessary.

Oh the irony! A Muslim Somali in 2017 justifying blanket discrimination in the name of preventing fifth column subversives. The above is the singularly the most common refrain used to justify discrimination against minorities. For example, during the Cold War both the USSR and the US used the threat of enemy subversion to silence, intimidate or outright murder dissidents.

Besides by hurling threats at unarmed minorities on TV, all you guys are doing is presenting Muslims as cruel and bloodthirsty oppressors.
For example, during the Cold War both the USSR and the US used the threat of enemy subversion to silence, intimidate or outright murder dissidents.

Which precisely proves my point. You think I'd be surprised if they started caging us Muslims tomorrow? Those in power use the regressive left to portray themselves as moral world leaders. It's a fucking joke. These bastards would rape their own children to realise their ideals/objectives.

The hypocrisy is everywhere: from Guantanamo to extra-judicial drone killings; they speak from both side of their mouths.

So please, next time you want to chastise Muslims, don't use them as a comparison. It's quite insulting actually.
Cukaash. Be apprehensive sxb. Most Somalis who become Atheist are two types:

1) Those who inherently feel a sense of inferiority and actually believe Islam is an 'Arab' construct. (These are mainly those who never had a good childhood).

2) Those who want to justify their perversions and un-orthodox lifestyles by attacking Islam. They know they cannot reconcile lol.

Somalis and their acquired atheism is quite primitive. It isn't like they opened a book on Theology. Most, probably just got a good (3rd world) contract to spread her legs in the modelling industry or in the case of males, never had a good role model in his life. :yloezpe:


Lone Wolf Brawler
Cukaash. Be apprehensive sxb. Most Somalis who become Atheist are two types:

1) Those who inherently feel a sense of inferiority and actually believe Islam is an 'Arab' construct. (These are mainly those who never had a good childhood).

2) Those who want to justify their perversions and un-orthodox lifestyles by attacking Islam. They know they cannot reconcile lol.

Somalis and their acquired atheism is quite primitive. It isn't like they opened a book on Theology. Most, probably just got a good (3rd world) contract to spread her legs in the modelling industry or in the case of males, never had a good role model in his life. :yloezpe:
How the f*ck do someone feel inferiority by beileving islam is an arab constuct :wtfdis:
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