Who reads Somali literature here?

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+op MVLI
This makes me think of the time when I stumbled upon a Bible written in Af-Somaali. It was so weird!
At this point, I'm so desperate for material I might just hit that up (heck it might even be free)

I don't have time to read Somali Literature, but I do read news articles written in Af-Soomali on the go from websites like Hiiran online
I do the same, I just want something I can hold in my hands. Tired of staring at my phone


Found some books in Af soomaali. The second one sounds very interesting:wow1:

Sheekada Saxarla ee buugan ku qoran waxaad ugu tagi doontaa qiso inta aad aqrinayso mar kaa ilmaysiindoonta, marna dareenkaaga ku beeraysa su,aalo jawaabahoodu maskaxdaada in badan ku soo laab laabaan doonaan. Sheekada Saxarla waxa ay daaha ka qaadaysaa nolasha caruurta rajanimada ku korta iyo kuwa darbi jiifka ah. Waa sheeko xanbaarsan waayo aragnimo dareen salka ku haysa iyo qiso cajiib ah oo dhab ahaantii aniga qalbigayga ku reebtay raad waligiis la sii noolaan doona. Cali Aar Caroone (filin sameeye), London, UK.


Cali waa nin Oromo ah oo Hargeysa deggan. Subax kasta, guryaha ayuu qashinka ka qaadaa. Guryahaas mid ka mid ah, waxa ku nool Hodan. Cali waxa uu aad u jecel yahay Hodan, balse u ma sheegi karo. Subixii uu go'aansaday in uu dareenkiisa gudbiyo, ayaa laga qabanayaa suuqa dhexdiisa. Muddo yar ka dib, waxa uu saaran yahay baabuur ay ka buuxaan Itoobiyaan kale, waxana loo sii wadaa dalkiisii. Walow ay dowladdu ka hiilisay, waxa uu go'aan ku gaadhayaa in aanu is dhiibin. Maryan waxa ay barbaartay xilli laga soo kabanayo dagaalkii labaad ee adduunka. Ninka cad ee dhulkeeda jooga ayay dunida ugu neceb tahay. Caawa oo ay bishu noqon doonto 26, waxa ay u soo taagnaan doontaa marka la saarayo calankii u horreeyey ee xor ah ee dhul Soomaaliyeed laga taago. Sidaas si la mid ah, waxa caawa calankiisa ka taagi doona wadnaheeda, Xaamud. Sahra, waa gabadh ku dhalatay Galbeedka London. Guriga ay deggan tahay, waxa ku kulmay nasiibdarrooyinka noocyadooda kala duwan. Masiibooyin ka culus lafaheeda dhowr iyo labaatanka sanno jirey, ayaa dusheeda saaran. Si ay ilays u hesho, waa in ay ka tagtaa wax kasta oo ay taqaannay. Sheekadani waxa ay ku saabsan tahay saddex qof oo ku nool xilliyo kala geddisan, waayahooduna uu kala duwan yahay. Sidaas oo ay tahay, saddexdooduba waa ay iska xigaan dadka kale, balse ma oga.


Diihaal-Reeb is a fiction story which is based on authors' vision; it's written in a series way. This story is talking about street child called Sahardiid and his way of living from his childhood and the loss of his parents, the dismissal of his uncle's house, the street life in Hargeisa, the devastating and hard way of living that he met after he has been taken to rehab organisation. The humanitarian support he gets from the community, after rehabilitation the way his whole life changes and became well prominent and educated person. Diihaal-Reeb tells the reality on the ground and enlightens a significant issue which is the current situation of Somaliland street children. On the other hand the book may motivate and give encouragement in many ways for the street children which are facing the same situation that the book is talking about because the character of the novel aftermath Sahardiid become a well prominent rich man and he realized the significant achievement he made during his legacy.
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Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
@Abdalla read this and got the wrong message

I followed two modules of Somali poetry at the Puntland State University in Garowe during my summer stay. Very nice and interactive classes. I wish I was this hardcore during my uni days, I might've done my minor programme in Somalia instead of Turkey.
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