Who is your Plan B

There was unity, before the 16th century, we had Adal in the north and Ajuraan in the south. Both Islamic emirates with Sharia, who could defend their borders and their people from Abyssinians, They fought and invaded based on Islamnimo, not somalinimo or qabyaalad. They had law and order, something unheard of today. A Moryaan like you with room temperature IQ would never understand. I dont mind two powerful Islamic Emirates or 50 powerful city states, as long as can dominate the region and work together as Muslims

More insults ,
When I said unity I meant somali unity ,
Ajuraan were the imaam of the tribes living in southern Somalia and parts of ethiopia .ajuraan empire consisted of hawiye clans, some digil , arabs and pre bantu somali ethnic groups that came toghther in time of war . The colonial made Somalia republic had more ethnicities then the ajuraan empire.

Again shuff your unity preaching qashin where the sun dont shine garacyaho
Walking Glancing GIF

Hes soo cringe sometimes, I cant wait to catch him in Boondhere or jidka soodonka in yaqshid and beat the somalinimo qashin outta of him . man needs to be proud of his ethnic mudulood hawiye samaale instead of claiming something colonials made .

Somali was ethnicity kulaha
Demarcus Cousins Sport GIF
Hes soo cringe sometimes, I cant wait to catch him in Boondhere or jidka soodonka in yaqshid and beat the somalinimo qashin outta of him . man needs to be proud of his ethnic mudulood hawiye samaale instead of claiming something colonials made .

Somali was ethnicity kulaha
Demarcus Cousins Sport GIF
Eebow beat him for me too, @convincation siigaale iskeen waliba mowlaca Macalin Nuur you get premium quraan saar to cleanse you from the Somalinimo sixir.


Reer guri
Sheikh sharif for president no doubt about it. Everybody else is looking to fill their pockets or looking to please our enemies. You can say whatever you want about this man at least he’s gonna karbash al-shaytaan.


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