White girl predicts somalis will be successful like jews

At the moment theres only so much you can buy from somali owned stores (food, traditional clothes) but hopefully in the next generation theres more


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
The real reason why ashkenazi(European) jews became so successful isn't just that.
European jews became for successful and highly educated for a number of reasons. First of all they were basically forced to be bankers and money lenders cause Christians were prohibited or discouraged from doing those jobs by the church, this led to some jewish families becoming richer. Another factor is their religion , studying the torah from a young age led to high litteracy rate for jews.
Actually we somalis can learn a lot from the jewish success story. Focus on quran learning can help memorizing other stuff, trading amongst ourselves is also beneficial. Somalis have a lot of potential to become successful in the west if we stop eating khat and taking welfare. Look at minneapolis! Some somalis are doing great things with somali owned restaurants, shopping malls, travel agencies etc. Welfare is good if you need it to stand up on your feet, but after a while it becomes a tool to keep you down.

Smart analysis and on point.
There's a disturbing amount of self hating scum infesting this platform meant for us:birdman:
Girl if you think our generation will be this tight knit successful community in the future your mental ,
The older generation was more tightknit & conservative than ours now we have hoyo matalo's, liberals ,thugs ,gaalo & khaniis .

We are tight against ajnabis ,but we start qabil war every 5 min
We have the potential to do great things for ourselves and for other Africans. Somalis always succeeded in building up from scratch to a kingdom when there was leadership that united Somali member tribes. From the plains of Abyssinia to the fertile lands of the Jubba, Kingdoms thrived. Some of these Kingdoms lasting for more than 300 years.

We need leadership that doesn't use Clan bigotry to undermine the Somali cause and success. The use of a tribe as a weapon against Somalis is our demise.


Waa anaga orodneey, nabad doonaney
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That is what I mean.. You have known ajnabis for your whole life and then believe they're naturally more intelligent than you. I could at least rationalize if a rural somali who has never been exposed to outsiders said it. I wasn't aware until the last few years that many of my peers have been suffering from a crippling inferiority complex. It's strange to me, but it does explain a few things.
No one is born with Hi IQ level the exception being savants who themselves have brain defects. People who throw the IQ word around to take a dig at Somalis on forums are usually lacking in intelligence.

Somalis excel in colleges and graduate with all kinds of Degrees. 50% on here were born outside US/UK but write better English than white folks in Southern United States. Many Africans speak three languages with ease without higher education. White folks would call themselves genius for the same linguistic abilities.

Mentioning IQ doesn't make anyone smart.


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The alleged high IQ of jews is exactly because they focus a lot on education.
The IQ of europeans increased a lot in the last 60 years. Dutch people's IQ increased about one standard deviation (15 points) from the 1950s until now. The Netherlands has now about 100 as the average IQ.
IQ has a lot to do with education and quality of life. Also , Somalia's IQ was NEVER measured the so called scientist who conducted the IQ studies was heavily biased. In the case of equatorial guinea this scientist took the results of disabled equatorial guinean children in a healthcare facility in Spain and applied it to the whole country.
Let's stop believing in this nonsense IQ studies, cadaans are looking for an excuse fo justify their hate

