White girl predicts somalis will be successful like jews


Waa anaga orodneey, nabad doonaney
This girl has more confidence in Somalis than many of you. I know most of you never felt the way you do until you started interacting with Somalis online.
ima be honest man idrc what white girls go to say. some of the most mental people on earth wouldnt be surprised if she reached this conclusion because of a dream
You're right. Jews/Hebrews have an ethnocentric religion[or ideology depending on how you view it] that promotes in-group economics and the economic exploitation of non-Jews.

Somalis are the complete opposite due to believing in a universal religion that is against race/ethnic based assabiyah/group feeling.
also this. if you had a somali butcher and an arab butcher lined up next to each somalis would just choose the best one. if you had a jewish butcher and a british butcher lined up next to each other yahuds would always go to the jewish one even if its 10x worse :kanyeshrug:
Did she say Somalian

Nafiso Qalanjo

𝖂𝖊'𝖗𝖊 𝖌𝖔𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖔 𝖜𝖆𝖗 𝖇𝖆𝖇𝖞!
The older generation of Somalis do the tight nit business things but the new generations don't really buy much from other fellow community members, so I don't really see Somalis becoming as successful as jews anytime soon. I could be wrong though.


If we didn’t buy from Somalis mostly we wouldn’t have a million halal’s and multiple Somali malls lmao, Somali’s shop at a halal more than they do at the global market arab stores and thats facts. :dzmxmmb::manny:


The real reason why ashkenazi(European) jews became so successful isn't just that.
European jews became for successful and highly educated for a number of reasons. First of all they were basically forced to be bankers and money lenders cause Christians were prohibited or discouraged from doing those jobs by the church, this led to some jewish families becoming richer. Another factor is their religion , studying the torah from a young age led to high litteracy rate for jews.
Actually we somalis can learn a lot from the jewish success story. Focus on quran learning can help memorizing other stuff, trading amongst ourselves is also beneficial. Somalis have a lot of potential to become successful in the west if we stop eating khat and taking welfare. Look at minneapolis! Some somalis are doing great things with somali owned restaurants, shopping malls, travel agencies etc. Welfare is good if you need it to stand up on your feet, but after a while it becomes a tool to keep you down.


also this. if you had a somali butcher and an arab butcher lined up next to each somalis would just choose the best one. if you had a jewish butcher and a british butcher lined up next to each other yahuds would always go to the jewish one even if its 10x worse :kanyeshrug:
LOL. That's because jews buy only from kosher butchers who have to be jews otherwise the meat is haram for them


nigga you get my point.
All jokes aside. I'm not sure you are correct. Somalis in the west stick together a lot. Look at karmell mall in minneapolis, the whole place looks like a fancier suuqa bakaraha , almost every single client is somali. I'm pretty sure some somalis in minneapolis can go weeks without ever buying from a non somali business. I'm pretty sure most somalis would choose the somali butcher
All jokes aside. I'm not sure you are correct. Somalis in the west stick together a lot. Look at karmell mall in minneapolis, the whole place looks like a fancier suuqa bakaraha , almost every single client is somali. I'm pretty sure some somalis in minneapolis can go weeks without ever buying from a non somali business. I'm pretty sure most somalis would choose the somali butcher
idk how it is in the US but thats the feeling I get over here in the UK :kanyeshrug:

