Which form of government do you prefer. Presidential republic or Parliamentary democracy?

Which form of government do you prefer. Presidential republic or Parliamentary democracy?

  • Presidential republic

    Votes: 8 36.4%
  • Parliamentary democracy

    Votes: 9 40.9%
  • Unlisted option (Specify in comments)

    Votes: 5 22.7%

  • Total voters
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Presidential republic. A leader with an iron fist that'll get things done is what we need. Democracy in a country like Somalia is a waste of time.
Extremely risky. We'd just get another Siad Barre.
Minus the socialist/communist qashin.
State capitalism would do wonders in Somalia, since our people have the entrepreneurial spirit. A heavy handed leader that can ensure stability and law & order will create ripe conditions for wealth to be generated by the people. Over time as wealth grows & people become educated, qabiil & religious fundamentalism will be a thing of the past.
A mix of both would be nice. An equal amount of seats given to each party in the parliament. Independent candidates with no affiliation to any parties would run for president. The parliament votes on whether to impeach the president, should the president become a dictator. The multiple agencies within the government would each make a goal to achieve by the end of his term. He gets another chance at re-election should he meet the majority of these goals. Ordinary tribalist idiots cannot vote. The president's tribe should remain anonymous. There should be a voting test on how well citizens understand their candidate's policies. Only those who pass get to vote.


I have no proof, only whispers
Minus the socialist/communist qashin.
State capitalism would do wonders in Somalia, since our people have the entrepreneurial spirit. A heavy handed leader that can ensure stability and law & order will create ripe conditions for wealth to be generated by the people. Over time as wealth grows & people become educated, qabiil & religious fundamentalism will be a thing of the past.

I pray to the empty heavens that religious fundamentalism is lost to the Somali people in the next decade...
I went for 3rd option.

Islamic Federal Republic of Somalia and abolishing the president and replacing whit supreme leader.

Parlament size would be 250 and senate whit 2 representives for each state in the union.

PM role would stay and handles all the federal/domestic and international foreign policy while supreme leader is symbolic and seremonial.

Elections every 5 years.

I went for 3rd option.

Islamic Federal Republic of Somalia and abolishing the president and replacing whit supreme leader.

Parlament size would be 250 and senate whit 2 representives for each state in the union.

PM role would stay and handles all the federal/domestic and international foreign policy while supreme leader is symbolic and seremonial.

Elections every 5 years.

Somalia can't have a supreme leader because of qabil he has to represent all of the somali people and he can't because he will be from one qabil
Somalia can't have a supreme leader because of qabil he has to represent all of the somali people and he can't because he will be from one qabil
Since the PM post would be most powerfull he has to get parlament and senate support.

I dont see anything bad about Supreme leader since we would adobt the sharia law and everyone is equal in Islamic Federal Republic.

Since the PM post would be most powerfull he has to get parlament and senate support.

I dont see anything bad about Supreme leader since we would adobt the sharia law and everyone is equal in Islamic Federal Republic.

You don't see anything wrong with it but many people would disagree with you if the supreme leader is issaq darood will get angry and vice versa
You don't see anything wrong with it but many people would disagree with you if the supreme leader is issaq darood will get angry and vice versa
Whit high clan tension we should consider a revolutionary supreme counsil 3-4 supreme leaders from each clan.

That will level the power sharing.


Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
One party state.

How can you bring democracy to a country where everybody wants to be a leader and pulls out of the government if their qabiil doesn't get a position?
Brothers i honestly believe that a Presidential system akin to dictatorship is what Africa/Asia (Middle eastern) included needs let alone Somalia, a parliamentary is for countries that have matured enough to have parties that have and serve their constituents.

In western Countries party system are good because their institutes such as Judicial institute allows them to have it without abuse of power occurring it, as for Africa and Asia shows that those who have President for life and Dictators are relatively calm and progress in terms of Economic and Development, but the moment you introduce a Parliamentary western system style to those of Africa and Asia shit will rain down hard badly in all aspect of sovereignty (hence why Somalia is in state of confusion) and vice versa for Western nation when President for life and Dictatorship is introduced.

There can't be a democracy in that place. Let everyone run their own city states with a symbolic presidency in Xamar that rotates every 2 years from each of the main and minority clans.
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