When did mental illness become an aesthetic?

P**ngraphy is the cause of all these mental afflictions if we ban it and bring back modesty laws, it will be a step in the right direction.

It should be noted that the people in control of the adult entertainment industry also worship Satan.

This is common knowledge.
On one hand, it's a good thing mental health issues are being normalized instead of being brushed under the table or shunned. On the other hand, it seems as nearly everyone you encounter online nowadays is "depressed", "suffering from childhood trauma", and or "anxiety issues".

From what I've noticed these problems are caused mostly by childhood bullying/school stress. Reads as Gen X has raised a generation of wussies tbh. Imagine if subhanallah, a parent, relative, or close friend of one of these Gen Z individuals suddenly passed away? They'd probably commit suicide.

My word of advice is to take vitamin D and Omega 3 supplements, they drastically change your mood and overall pretty healthy for you, especially during this qashin pandemic.

I started taking Vitamin D a few months ago due to the lack of sunlight. I was never depressed or felt unfulfilled but I feel like I'm high on life now. People should consider taking this instead of the antidepressants.

