Whats your new year resolution?


I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred
Make more money
Keep working
Reach 100 kılos ın weıght aka geeljıre muscle
Gain more knowledge
Get my Bachelor inshallah
Get more punanı while having 1 girl on a leash
Start working for a great company after bachelor
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Make more money
Keep working
Reach 100 kılos ın weıght aka geeljıre muscle
Gain more knowledge
Get my Bachelor inshallah
Get more punanı while having 1 girl on a leash
Start working for a great company after bachelor
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Are you going to do a Master degree afterwards? Or just work when you get your BA.


I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred
Are you going to do a Master degree afterwards? Or just work when you get your BA.
Goın to work and ask the company
ıf they are wıllıng to fınance a Masters degree for me I'd probably choose Water Management ıf they dıd.


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