What sort of male logic is this?


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
What is a back shot? Ayeeyo needs to be speed-ied up
What is a back shot? Ayeeyo needs to be speed-ied up
Hope this helps you boomers out there @Basra



Engineer of Qandala
He probably meant its tougher to raise daughters with prominence of thawt culture nowadays


Shaah Enthusiast
He probably meant its tougher to raise daughters with prominence of thawt culture nowadays
I feel like he’s implying that sex is inherently degrading to women. He didn’t mention being a thawt. He specifically said someone will be giving her back shots one day like wtf


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
I also wouldn’t a daughter it’s just something i prefer not to. But if i get one it is what it is.
Daughters are a huge part in Islam. It is enough of an honour for girls that the Prophets, may Allah exalt their mention, had daughters and that most of the children of our beloved Prophet were daughters Zaynab, Ruqayyah, Umm Kalthoom and Fatima. A daughter shields you from the hellfire.

Only Bantu kuffars believe this

Stop trying to make us assimilate in that wicked community you admire, wa walantahay and you are a witch who survived the Salem trials
You guys need to get off the internet Never in real life have I heard a dude say that. Don’t base what you see on that cesspool called twitter from real life it’s all weirdos and clickbait on there.