What Somalia Got Wrong

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Tell me Rajesh, do you poo in the loo? Or do you honor the great tradition of your ancestors known as open defecation.:mjlol:

He is Ethiopian not Somali at all and definitely not Somali or warsangali (I did backceck on his story in Denmark, his family of SM mum and warsangali dad(nuux Omar) who migrated to Denmarkin 70s doesn't exist among Somalis diaspora) keep on mind I asked warsangali who had been in Denmark since 91 and works as translator. He is fake.
Next best clan after Warsangeli
According to Canuck (don't @ her pls) they are leftover indians mixed somalis

They are not leftover Indians but traders who settled in sanaag and intermarried to warsangali/dhulbahante and they are best of Somalis and best business people in Somalia.


No he's still the same Alex Jones. It's just that your extreme bias is colouring how you view this video. It's causing you to agree and nod your head to his insane drivel instead of seeing it for what it is. Nonsense.

That or you didn't watch the video.:manny:

It's the typical Alex Jones formula. A nugget of truth in a mountain of shit. This man literally said Somalia, Libya and Yemen never had civilization.:what: If you believe that then you've clearly never opened a history book in your entire life. The again I wouldn't expect ignorant Americans to know much about what happened in the world before 1776.
I took it to mean modern civilization, obviously. That it never got modern civilization down. I don't know how you guys manage to ignore the decades long quagmire that is Somalia. In fact, it's been an absolute mess since it's inception in1960. Of course, many countries are like that, especially those that are products of colonialism, but its been a failed project that significantly tops pretty much every negative list out there above most those said countries ffs up to this day. And when you realize we're supposedly the same ppl with the same religion, with no harsh sectarian divisions, that, that's the real knocker. I don't know how you bask in long dead forefathers when our current situation is really and truly an epic mess. For god's sake let them rest and stop being so goddamn passive, and labeling ppl who're sobered by the facts on the ground "self haters". I'm seriously annoyed rn. Fucking wake up.


I have an IQ of 300
I took it to mean modern civilization, obviously. That it never got modern civilization down. I don't know how you guys manage to ignore the decades long quagmire that is Somalia. In fact, it's been an absolute mess since it's inception in the 1960s. Of course, many countries are like that, especially those that are products of colonialism, but its been a failed project that significantly tops pretty much every negative list out of most those aforementioned countries ffs, and up to this day. And when you realize we're supposedly the same ppl with the same religion, with no harsh sectarian divisions, that, that's the real knocker. I don't know how you bask in long dead forefathers when our current situation is really and truly an epic mess. For god's sake let them rest and stop being so goddamn passive, and labeling ppl who're sobered by the facts on the ground "self haters". I'm seriously annoyed rn. Fucking wake up.
Why say "civilisation" and not expect to get a response like that? That makes it sound like Somalis have been living in their own shit for 1000s of years, which is obviously false. Your point about modern civilisations is valid, but if someone refuses to acknowledge their entire history (which stretches past 1960) and then goes on to say Somalis never ever got civilisation right,then they are a self hater.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
He's right, Somalis are dumb low Iq people

Somalia was once referred to as the Switzerland of Africa. Its citizens enjoyed free healthcare and education, and a decent quality of life. Aside from that we had an impressive history, were we at one point dominated Ethiopia with our Muslim khilaafah. We ever defeated 3 eauropean powers and the abyssinian monarch several times during the anti-colonial era. This is me just scratching the surface.

I hate your kind and their disgusting self hate. I bet you use the phrase '' every now and then. :pacspit::pacspit:


Why say "civilisation" and not expect to get a response like that? That makes it sound like Somalis have been living in their own shit for 1000s of years, which is obviously false. Your point about modern civilisations is valid, but if someone refuses to acknowledge their entire history (which stretches past 1960) and then goes on to say Somalis never ever got civilisation right,then they are a self hater.
No one's talking about thousands of years ago. The guy was talking about stuff like manufacturing boats and toilet paper, to me it was obvious that modernity is implicit. The entire video was conceived within the context of a current ban.

I would like to see ppl face things with fortitude and truth bc that's what catalyzes a change, but at least on here, ppl are incredibly passive and idealistically naive, and instead like to harken the past to ignore the present.
View attachment 13503 Somalia was once referred to as the Switzerland of Africa. Its citizens enjoyed free healthcare and education, and a decent quality of life. Aside from that we had an impressive history, were we at one point dominated Ethiopia with our Muslim khilaafah. We ever defeated 3 eauropean powers and the abyssinian monarch several times during the anti-colonial era. This is me just scratching the surface.

I hate your kind and their disgusting self hate. I bet you use the phrase '' every now and then. :pacspit::pacspit:
a , A A


Hotep and Hebrew Israelite
View attachment 13503 Somalia was once referred to as the Switzerland of Africa. Its citizens enjoyed free healthcare and education, and a decent quality of life. Aside from that we had an impressive history, were we at one point dominated Ethiopia with our Muslim khilaafah. We ever defeated 3 eauropean powers and the abyssinian monarch several times during the anti-colonial era. This is me just scratching the surface.

I hate your kind and their disgusting self hate. I bet you use the phrase '' every now and then. :pacspit::pacspit:

They have self hate because they don't like to read.
  • We were the first to domesticate the camel
  • First Africans to trade with China and India
  • We built tall buildings (according to Vasco da Gamma)
  • Are cities were huge (according to Ibn Battuta)
  • We beat the Portuguese (when they were a superpower)
  • Our history could go back possibly 5000 years if we include Land of Punt


I have an IQ of 300
No one's talking about thousands of years ago. The guy was talking about stuff like manufacturing boats and toilet paper, to me it was obvious that modernity is implicit. The entire video was conceived within the context of a current ban.
Oh. My bad. Then my point doesn't really apply to you.
Still, I think that the fact that Somalia's economy has managed to stay afloat to an extent despite all the civil war that has ravaged the country for decades shows Somalis and Somalia's potential. Billions of dollars in remittances have buoyed what's left of the economy, most of which is informal at this point. Some of the telecommunications systems in the country are more advanced than in certain countries in Europe.

Under a strong leader, I think the enterprising nature of Somalis can really make the country not only great, but far greater than it was at its greatest point in the past. I think the "Somalis have no toilet paper or boats (?)" point is a bit of an exaggeration, but the message has some truth behind it. The country is a mess. But I think that the people have prevented it from being far, far worse than it could be at this point. (Yes, they caused it as well, my point doesn't make total sense but I think you see what I'm getting at). The country right now is in a far better state than it was in 2007 or 2010. It's slowly but steadily improving. That progress could be quicker, but at least progress is being made, however small.


Hotep and Hebrew Israelite
We don't need some Portuguese pirate nigga for proof, the Wargaade Wall (which was built well before Islam) was over two hundred feet, almost the height of the Eiffel Tower :banderas:
The reason why I put his name, was because he was the general of the Portuguese super power. For him to say that show the respect he had for our people. When he wanted to occupy Mogadishu, his soldiers wanted to leave the army because they thought he would send them to their deaths.

Dire Dewa's son

Malik Obama 4 president.
why i speak about them like that?

i like letting people know about themselves. When people assume their not trash its always helpful to bring them back to reality so they know that Somalis are superior. i also have a general mistrust of muslamics wearing the hejibs much like him. i too think 9/11 was an inside job! we agree on many things but on opposite sides of the spectrum, i think whiteness is cancerous and koreans are a superior race. blacks that aren't bantu are made for greatness and ethiopians are seprate species more related to a hyena then a human. and arabs are birds that can speak. but i digress....
You speak some truth but I can't agree with you on principle because you sound sorta racist.
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