What should Somalia do to become a developed country?

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Bosaso iyo Bandar Siyada
I wanted to know what Somalia should to do become a safe and developed country?


Somali chauvinist
  1. Become a unitary state
  2. Create a competent security apparatus
  3. Invest in infrastructure (Roads + electrical grid)
  4. Create working anti-corruption measures
  5. Use our natural resources to build a sovereign wealth fund
  6. Invest in our economy and abroad


Even though I only care about Somaliland. I still wish to see my brethren in the south to succeed. So what Somalia needs is a strong central government that rules over every territory. This means the country is peaceful and stable ready with investments and developments. Somalia should focus on three main economic sectors such as agriculture, livestock and fishery. This would gradually boost the Somali economy and eventually, they can further diversify its economy and become a powerhouse in the region.

Watch this video from below and maybe you'll understand.

First and foremost. Leave clanism in the 19th century where it belongs.

You gotta walk before you can run.

If the society isn’t mature enough to move away from caveman mentality. nothing will change


Bosaso iyo Bandar Siyada
Even though I only care about Somaliland. I still wish to see my brethren in the south to succeed. So what Somalia needs is a strong central government that rules over every territory. This means the country is peaceful and stable ready with investments and developments. Somalia should focus on three main economic sectors such as agriculture, livestock and fishery. This would gradually boost the Somali economy and eventually, they can further diversify its economy and become a powerhouse in the region.

Watch this video from below and maybe you'll understand.

There is no such thing as Somaliland, might aswell call it isaaqland cause they are the only people that want it to become independent.


There is no such thing as Somaliland, might aswell call it isaaqland cause they are the only people that want it to become independent.
I would take you serious if you skipped that Somaliland doesn't exist part because you know damn well there is a state called Somaliland.

It's like me saying Puntland doesn't exit but it does.. It's a federal state of Somalia...

If you consider Somaliland a federal state too then state that instead. Just a tip so we can actually start taking you seriously. :yacadiim:


There is no such thing as Somaliland, might aswell call it isaaqland cause they are the only people that want it to become independent.
Also you probably mean that only isaaq people want to see it sovereign because Somaliland is already independent.

I hope you are taking notes :damedamn:
They need tips from Ethiopia no offense to them. Don't quite understand how a country of one language and religion and when Pan-Somalism was taking root falls apart and stays that way until now. You Awdal-land, Somaliland, that Khatumo cluster-f*ck, Puntland, Al-Shabaab territories, regions that say f*ck off to both the federal government and Al-Shabaab lol, and Jubaland.

Meanwhile Ethiopia's got a Yugoslavia situation with all its different peoples but was able to placate everyone with federal states.

That cold war flip really fucked over Somalia in favor of Ethiopia. Wonder what would have happened if it was the other way around.


Independent as in auntonomous, yes. Independent as in a country? No my brotha. Don’t be delusional.
If that is what you believe then I respect that. I of course disagree.

If anything these past years have shown that Somaliland more than before functions as a country. We entered into deals with foreign nations and there is a military base being built by another nation.

You say independent as in autonomous well for me that is the same as independent as a country.


Darood must separate themselves from the lawlessness of Mogadishu and the icitiraaf terrorism of hargaysa once darood disassociate themselves from the anarchy in Mogadishu and the icitiraaf terrorists in hargaysa then and only then will darood lands prosper and development will occur peace and tranquility
Somalia is a nation of different races isaac are descendants of Jews hawiye are descendants of black people they are closely related to rendille tribe of Kenya and the Gambela tribe of Ethiopia while darood are Arabs as long as they separate races with their own cultures and religion share one country their will never be peace.
Get the f*ck out of this thread with your nonsense and stop derailing.
Get the f*ck out of this thread with your nonsense and stop derailing.

I've gotta ask, is there any proof to the Isaaaqs come from Jews opinion some have? I used to ask myself that bc I had a lot of Habar Younis - Isxaaq friends and i thought that sometimes


Weeping for the Nation of 68
Even though I only care about Somaliland. I still wish to see my brethren in the south to succeed. So what Somalia needs is a strong central government that rules over every territory. This means the country is peaceful and stable ready with investments and developments. Somalia should focus on three main economic sectors such as agriculture, livestock and fishery. This would gradually boost the Somali economy and eventually, they can further diversify its economy and become a powerhouse in the region.

Watch this video from below and maybe you'll understand.

Nicca u from a
If that is what you believe then I respect that. I of course disagree.

If anything these past years have shown that Somaliland more than before functions as a country. We entered into deals with foreign nations and there is a military base being built by another nation.

You say independent as in autonomous well for me that is the same as independent as a country.

I agree with most of your points but than again, the somaliland administration is and has been doing things outside the scope of Somalia due to not having a functioning government for so long (25+ years) and also riding the wave of the famous “somaliland is more peaceful than Somalia” slogan . That’s a very long time.

But all that is changing As federal government rebuilds its institutions and military and regains control of the country. when that is done. Other countries will have no choice but to go thru the federal government. For any deal. We saw a glimpse of that when the federal government kicked out UAE. Even though the government is still week they had to pack up.

And as for the deals with the uae they are gambling a lot of money by going into a deal with a regional administration because once the federal government can assert its power they will lose all of their investments.

And im not trying to offend any lander when I say these things but it’s just the reality. That’s how politics works. You can’t just make deals without the internationally recognized government
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Bosaso iyo Bandar Siyada
I would have respect for Somaliland if they actually made something out of the peace they have had for about 2 decades.


Bosaso iyo Bandar Siyada
Farmaajo and the govt can only help Mogadishu, everyone needs to help themselves, that’s the only way at the moment.
Yes, but it’s like the states every state have their own budget, plans and so on.
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