What Is The Explanation For Sleep Paralysis?

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I sleep on my back all the time. I've never experienced sleep paralysis. Hell, I rarely ever dream, most of the time it's just pitch black until I wake up.


Isaaq Elitist
I'd like you hear your stance is it science based or do you think there is more to it?

I just had it happen to me and it's terrorfying, it's not my first time I've suffered through this for years. On this occasion I saw someone sit on my bed next to me and I felt them touch me, it felt so real I even grabbed this persons face to push it away but the person bit me and yes I felt it! I know I wasn't moving or touching whatever that thing was but to me it felt so real.
I was about to get sleep paralysis by trying to lucid dream once. I wasn't attacked by demons, I just couldn't move for a few seconds. I came out of the effect by focusing my mind on just moving my pinky.
I used to do lucid dreaming too when i was 18-19 yrs old, I had to stop cause I started confusing reality with dreams, I remember this one time my older brother pissed me of, I went to my room and was determined to beat his ass in my dream, long story short everything went terribly wrong. :mjhaps:
Sleep paralysis can happen if your stressed or don't get enough sleep. If you want to avoid it than you should try and get an organised sleeping pattern and not sleep on your back. If you do get sleep paralysis just close your eyes and try to move your toes or fingers.
I'd like you hear your stance is it science based or do you think there is more to it?

I just had it happen to me and it's terrorfying, it's not my first time I've suffered through this for years. On this occasion I saw someone sit on my bed next to me and I felt them touch me, it felt so real I even grabbed this persons face to push it away but the person bit me and yes I felt it! I know I wasn't moving or touching whatever that thing was but to me it felt so real.



I'd like you hear your stance is it science based or do you think there is more to it?

I just had it happen to me and it's terrorfying, it's not my first time I've suffered through this for years. On this occasion I saw someone sit on my bed next to me and I felt them touch me, it felt so real I even grabbed this persons face to push it away but the person bit me and yes I felt it! I know I wasn't moving or touching whatever that thing was but to me it felt so real.
It's when your brain wakes up from R.E.M. Sleep so you are technically aware of your surrounding and your brain is semi awake but when you move your body you can't as your body hasn't woken up yet and your nerves haven't fired up your muscles. Used to happen to me when I fucked around with lucid dreaming.

The hallucinations are just dreams but since you could open your eyes you were seeing the dream come to life. If you closed your eyes you would've been able to control that dream which is so cool.


I was about to get sleep paralysis by trying to lucid dream once. I wasn't attacked by demons, I just couldn't move for a few seconds. I came out of the effect by focusing my mind on just moving my pinky.
I start moving my toes when it happens to me. The longest it's happened to me was about an hour so instead of trying to fight the paralysis I embraced it and lo and behold I started to lucid dream.
Sleep Paralysis is basically a hallucination but you're unable to move your muscles or use motor functions. They can be comforting or terrifying and are affected by mental state.
Just don't sleep on your back and you'll be good

TLDR; it's not a jinn and it's all in the head


I used to do lucid dreaming too when i was 18-19 yrs old, I had to stop cause I started confusing reality with dreams, I remember this one time my older brother pissed me of, I went to my room and was determined to beat his ass in my dream, long story short everything went terribly wrong. :mjhaps:
Did you get that dream pussy tho???:hmm:
Did you get that dream pussy tho???:hmm:
Unfortunately some people can get too exited and wake up, most people can't even experience their lucid dreams because they wake up upon realising that they're in a lucid dream.
Dream pussy is just as hard as getting real pussy if not harder
I suffered from sleep paralysis a
Few times in the past.

It would Always happen I feel I was sleeping On my back.

In my opinion, it's a supernatural
Phenomenon, it's the worst thing!

Alhamduillah I don't suffer from
It anymore.
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