What is on your mind right now?


Getting draids inshallah
really stressed
ap exams might be cancelled but i’m assuming that’s a good thing because i haven’t really studied much for them
science olympiad states and regionals are cancelled, i think that research competition in durham might be too
oh well

You are such a nerd

a y a n

nigga I am not a firefighter
A big, bold (fore)head. On a serious note, 0,- EUR debt so far and none to come insha Allah.

Didn't know college debt was a thing in Europe.
oh no i’m a dirty amerikkan
if you source properly getting scholarships won’t be much of an issue ngl
theoretically at least
I just learned a new word today.

'denoting or relating to a world view that promotes heterosexuality as the normal or preferred sexual orientation.'

Someone used it to describe a painting.

