What if the young Diaspora started a political organization in Somalia?


The federal government handles 'national defence' that means borders with ethiopia and kenya, they do not handle regional security, PL can attack any region in Somalia that is encroaching on it's borders and if it wasn't for dhulbahante division, those isaaqs would be history, their wouldn't even be a war, truly, they wud just leave the territory.


Can Somalispot just purge the remaining nationalist who are spewing an out-dated idealogy, Somalia today is federation, they make arguments based on ignorance like this @OTF who doesn't know PL is independent region from the Somali govt till the constitution is ratified, because the constitution says this transitional constution ma 'quseyso' mamulada ka horeeye dawlada federalka.

The reason behind the faulty thinking of federalism in this diaspora forumer is disgusting, if we don't understand what Somali federation means, we need a huge campaign on our TV channels to switch they're centralized nationalist one govt for all nonsense and show them how govt functions are going to be separated between feds and regions.

I urge Somalispot to please remove the centralists and secessionist who are wasting time forming arguments and wasting somalispot space not knowing the official framework of the Somali nation. Infact PL has been to kind not to take on the responsibilty of the 4 functions given to the federal government which is foreign affairs, currency, immigration, and national defence(not regional defence) because it says this constitution the whole document doesn't effect the regional states that existed prior to the SFG, PL formed in 98, the sfg formed in 2012. We should be doing our own foreign affairs in my opinion till federation or confederation is agreed upon.

@Teeri-Alpha I don't like the prick but he at least knows what the hell this nation system is about while the b22n marehans and isaaq go wild about non-existent nationalism and secession, which are days that will never return.
"Somalia today is federation" &"I would join as long as the organization is pro confederation for Somalis " Ur literally contradicting urself. Do u even know the difference between Federation and confederation ?? u seem like an old, bitter, and mentally unstable if u want me to be completely honest with u.


somalia is probably too diverse to have 1 leader so it make sense to have regional leaders, however they should have limited power and not f with national security by allying with our enemies for leverage. also these regional leaders should be like representatives in parliment and vote for laws that would effect their region. furthermore everyone knows AS is funded by arabs and trained by the us so we should give them what they want for now, which is future access to somali oil and a substantial cut of profits. i also think 1man 1vote is a flawed system, many chances for electoral fraud and you can just buy votes. the system should be set up where only members for a region can vote for their regional leaders in a ballot, but should be allowed to vote for federal matters concerning the whole federation.

starting a political system by the diaspora would just alienate us and make them resent us, so we slowly need to infiltrate the system, using our education get the top jobs and after 5 years perhaps form a party. this party needs to have a clear strategy for somalia and accountability should be its main selling point. furthermore when somalis see themselves united, they'll forget about petty tribalism and we'll seize our lost dignity back.

finally we should design our approach to making a political party by making a diaspora thinktank. basically have some foreign sponsors such as turkey fund us to design a new political, legal, judiciary and financial systems so we will have a clear goal in mind