What do you think of this comment ?

This things are highly present in the other countries though
u dont understand my point
anyway, all these countries who go away from supposed wahhabism always go towards degenracy and away from the deen, if "wahhabism" or whatever they call it was so bad then surely leaving it would make u more religious


عادل | جامعة الدفاع العربي
You criticize Wahhabism from a strictly Islamic perspective not this sociocultural autism
"muh culture" kulaha ok and?
North African including Sudan have rejected extremism , they barely have a presence in society in west Africa

why won’t Somalis reject it as well? Why do you want to be the face of poverty and extremism when your neighbours reject it 👀.
difference is Senegal and most west African countries are Sufi theirs a great documentary about how Sufism stops extremism and Somalia is a dead country we can not thrive until waaq Sufism is back our original form of Islam.

