A British officer sent to Ethiopia to fight the Emperor Tewodros in 1868 said the following of the Wollo Oromos:
''They were a formidable crew, the very sort of men I’d have expected from my acquaintance with the female of the species, They were big, likely youth, not one of them under 6 feet tall, active as cats, muscled like wrestlers, and African only in color. Speedy has said that of all the countless Oromo tribes, the Wollos were the pick, and I could believe him and thank God they were Tewodros’s sworn enemies, for if they’d opposed us I doubt if one of Napier’s army would ever have got back to the coast. They are warriors from their cradles, expert fighters, splendid horsemen, and would rather cut throats than eat dinner. Fortunately for their neighbors, the 50 or 60 families of the Wollo Oromo are never done feuding among themselves, for if they ever united THEY COULD SWEEP NORTH AFRICA FROM THE RED SEA TO THE SAHARA. They must be the most independent folk on earth; those of their tribes who are republican acknowledge no law and pay taxes to no one and even the Wollo soldiers, who recognized Masteeat as their queen, served in her army as volunteers without obligation.’’
[Flashman on the March, pages 153-157]
''They were a formidable crew, the very sort of men I’d have expected from my acquaintance with the female of the species, They were big, likely youth, not one of them under 6 feet tall, active as cats, muscled like wrestlers, and African only in color. Speedy has said that of all the countless Oromo tribes, the Wollos were the pick, and I could believe him and thank God they were Tewodros’s sworn enemies, for if they’d opposed us I doubt if one of Napier’s army would ever have got back to the coast. They are warriors from their cradles, expert fighters, splendid horsemen, and would rather cut throats than eat dinner. Fortunately for their neighbors, the 50 or 60 families of the Wollo Oromo are never done feuding among themselves, for if they ever united THEY COULD SWEEP NORTH AFRICA FROM THE RED SEA TO THE SAHARA. They must be the most independent folk on earth; those of their tribes who are republican acknowledge no law and pay taxes to no one and even the Wollo soldiers, who recognized Masteeat as their queen, served in her army as volunteers without obligation.’’
[Flashman on the March, pages 153-157]