What’s the most self hating thing you’ve heard a Somali say?

One day they brought this temp guy to my work. He is somali....we all sitting there and he was asked where you from. He said my parents are from somalia.....and the guy asked and you? He said um born here....the guy asking him is a white tattood english guy. If the guy thought a black guy called mahmud was english he wouldnt ask him. It really bothered me how he handled that.

I seen 3rd generation pakis who never been to pakistan or speak their language abd they will say im pakistani


Those are their names as Mohameds are great
not in Somali culture lol, thats just the name their mom calls them, nobody else in the world does,
for example who in their right mind will call gaas as Abdiweli Mohamed Ali, it docent work like that sahib once you get a nickname it becomes your new name for life
not in Somali culture lol, thats just the name their mom calls them, nobody else in the world does,
for example who in their right mind will call gaas as Abdiweli Mohamed Ali, it docent work like that sahib once you get a nickname it becomes your new name for life
Horrible choices loool
I came across one self hating weirdo who said that he’d prefer somalis to abandon the Somali language and speak Arabic instead :ileycry: He even identified somalia as deep southern Arabia and said that somalis are the only purely basal eurasian group alive today


East African pastoralist. Cushite. Samaale.
Took the 100% Somali result from 23andme as fake news and went with the AncestryDNA Bantu Ayrab mutt as more "accurate" because Banu Hashim :snoop:


I have no proof, only whispers
I haven't been on facebook in like a decade but do those arab wannabe Somalis still put 'ibn' in their profile names? Shermake Ibn Ali <-- :vqbuyv0:


Unfortunately I worked with a farax named abdi who gave me the cold shoulder but I continued to be nice to him. Eventually he started returning my salaan as he realized I was not judging his lifestyle, I think some of our people tend to avoid their people because of bad experience. It’s important to show them that people are individuals and that they shouldn’t judge everyone based on some :)
Unfortunately I worked with a farax named abdi who gave me the cold shoulder but I continued to be nice to him. Eventually he started returning my salaan as he realized I was not judging his lifestyle, I think some of our people tend to avoid their people because of bad experience. It’s important to show them that people are individuals and that they shouldn’t judge everyone based on some :)
Probally a closeted individual


To an American ear, Michael Banks sounds more like a rich, Black entrepreneur who lives in ATL, not a White guy lol.

Lol to an English ear, Michael Banks sounds like a poor, Australian bum who is trying to wash off his foreign ethnicity to fit in with his cadan friends. He also claims he is an African American by ancestry so the name makes sense


Lol to an English ear, Michael Banks sounds like a poor, Australian bum who is trying to wash off his foreign ethnicity to fit in with his cadan friends. He also claims he is an African American by ancestry so the name makes sense
The only things I’ve seen Aussie refer to himself as are:
1) Nigerian

2) Aborigine
I’m getting vibes, what’s going on between you two :yloezpe:
I haven't been on facebook in like a decade but do those arab wannabe Somalis still put 'ibn' in their profile names? Shermake Ibn Ali <-- :vqbuyv0:

Same folks that pepper in the same four Arabic phrases they picked up in the UAE on the way to the West

