What’s holding Somalia back the most?


Weeping for the Nation of 68
68IQ is holding us back. It makes Somalis fight each others again and again, not thinking: hey wait, this looks like dejavu. Didnt we have this fight a week ago?
Maybe great majority of them are autistic.

They dont learn from past mistakes. Making the same mistake over and over
so how would we get forward on something so intricate in our social fabric?

Propaganda from early age through education, promotion of patriotism and brotherhood via Islam. Reviving Soomalinimo and using external enemies(Kenya & Ethiopia) to bring Somalis closer to eachother. Qabiil on itself isnt bad but it becomes toxic when you put your Qabiil b4 Soomaalinimo( Identifying more with your qabiil than as Somali and pledging loyalty only to your qabiil).

It takes time to qwell Qabyaalad in Somali society. But if we dont collectively take steps towards this future we will never achieve it.


Propaganda from early age through education, promotion of patriotism and brotherhood via Islam. Reviving Soomalinimo and using external enemies(Kenya & Ethiopia) to bring Somalis closer to eachother. Qabiil on itself isnt bad but it becomes toxic when you put your Qabiil b4 Soomaalinimo( Identifying more with your qabiil than as Somali and pledging loyalty only to your qabiil).

It takes time to qwell Qabyaalad in Somali society. But if we dont collectively take steps towards this future we will never achieve it.
After a civil war between these clans it’s a lost cause
Its the people thats holding the country back

Somalia is a muslim country but the way Somalis use qabiil is haram yet they still practice it

tribalism (al-asabiyyah) is a horrendous sin, which is defined in Islam as loyalty to one’s tribe or family over the principles of justice. The Prophet (ṣ) disavowed himself and Islam from anyone who acts according to the various ideological and cultural manifestations of tribalism.

Jubair ibn Mut’im reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

لَيْسَ مِنَّا مَنْ دَعَا إِلَى عَصَبِيَّةٍ وَلَيْسَ مِنَّا مَنْ قَاتَلَ عَلَى عَصَبِيَّةٍ وَلَيْسَ مِنَّا مَنْ مَاتَ عَلَى عَصَبِيَّةٍ

He is not one of us who calls to tribalism. He is not one of us who fights for the sake of tribalism. He is not one of us who dies following the way of tribalism.

Well said I couldn't said it myself better, qabiil is the worst thing to have happened to Somalia.

Sometimes I wonder if we would fare better if we had Saudi style regime as Single Absolute Monarch where every clan go to every Friday in turns twerking and lavishly praising that King while then asking whatever favour that clan wishes (such extra cars, houses or perhaps the Suldaan, imams or islan wants an extra wrestler in the sack as for his 4th wife but cant afford it).


It's all so tiresome
Somalia is seemingly the perfect storm for unending chaos.

There isn't just a single issue unfortunately but here are a few:

1. We never got to finishing of our constitution after independence.

This led to constant chaos and infighting withing the government. From prime minister vs presidents in the 60s, Siad Barre taking over without no constitutional oversight and no one with the mandate to take over from him.

2. No static resources to act as an incentive to keep the peace. Other governments could tax farmers at the very least while most of us were pastoralists.

This meant that the pie wasn't big enough for factions to organize and fight over so instead only small time bandits ended up taking interest.

3. Another obvious reason which I won't delve into to avoid insulting those suffering from it.

4. Ethiopia seeing our sovereignty as a threat since us getting more powerful could lead to Ethiopia breaking up.

5. Somalia being located in one of the most strategic positions on the map. From water ways to airspace. Whoever controls this region could have a huge advantage in any future global war.

Just releasing an EMP 50 km above sea level just off the Somali coast could shut down Moscow and the Baltic Sea if not west Europe as well.

Most global powers would be idiots to give sovereignty over this land to crazy geeljire.