What’s holding Somalia back the most?


You expected something here didn't you?!?!?
The weird, rare ability/power that our people have to appear as grown adults, but have the mental age of a 6 year old. And may Allah SWT help us, for they have the ability to become President and PM.

Oh yeah, and Qabiil- f*ck that shit.
Qabil is definitely number one and secondly Somalia they way Somalia is so concerned with somaliland.

Somaliland is trying to accomplish what Somalia failed to do over and over again since the War. But they keep being held back from Somalia. Somalia should take notes to what Somaliland is doing

Samaalic Era

Somaliland is trying to accomplish what Somalia failed to do over and over again since the War. But they keep being held back from Somalia. Somalia should take notes to what Somaliland is doing
Im always baffled by those who try to make distinction between Koonfur and Waqooyi because of qabil. All of Somaliwayn is underdeveloped and instead of supporting your tribal leaders blindly, look at what they have done first.
Culture=outdated and incompatible with modernity

Culture=rewards laziness and punishes meritorious and good work ethics.

Culture=The unavoidability of the cyclical episodes of wars.via qabiil.

Culture=discriminates the most productive group in society=women. They can’t become clan chiefs or presidents.

Culture== we’ve few food dishes nicked from Asians, Arabs or Italians and are the least nutritious food in all cultures.

Culture=We aren’t civilised or polished enough as we love insulting others and getting into trouble.

Will add more.


qabil but not in the way you think, we need to finally accept and come to terms with it instead of acting like it docent exist and 91 didn't happen and that there aren't major grievances that we need to settle to even think of moving forward lol

Sxb, never complain about the qashiin ratings, it is how I gauge that I said something correct when a bunch of Somali guys qashiin my posts. The more, the merrier. Keep counting how many qashiin that post will attract.


Culture=outdated and incompatible with modernity

Culture=rewards laziness and punishes meritorious and good work ethics.

Culture=The unavoidability of the cyclical episodes of wars.via qabiil.

Culture=discriminates the most productive group in society=women. They can’t become clan chiefs or presidents.

Culture== we’ve few food dishes nicked from Asians, Arabs or Italians and are the least nutritious food in all cultures.

Culture=We aren’t civilised or polished enough as we love insulting others and getting into trouble.

Will add more.
1, outdated how? its a modern culture lol
2, all culture rewards laziness, thats just how the world works, smarter not harder
3, haven't had a qabil war in ages
4, women haven't been president in the US and thats the greatest country in history
5, can you prove they were stolen and not a reverse causality, I'm assuming they stole from us, and its technically not the same, we have one of the best cuisines
6, in the US we also like insulting others and getting into trouble, hasn't stopped American greatness in the least


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Its the people thats holding the country back

Somalia is a muslim country but the way Somalis use qabiil is haram yet they still practice it

tribalism (al-asabiyyah) is a horrendous sin, which is defined in Islam as loyalty to one’s tribe or family over the principles of justice. The Prophet (ṣ) disavowed himself and Islam from anyone who acts according to the various ideological and cultural manifestations of tribalism.

Jubair ibn Mut’im reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

لَيْسَ مِنَّا مَنْ دَعَا إِلَى عَصَبِيَّةٍ وَلَيْسَ مِنَّا مَنْ قَاتَلَ عَلَى عَصَبِيَّةٍ وَلَيْسَ مِنَّا مَنْ مَاتَ عَلَى عَصَبِيَّةٍ

He is not one of us who calls to tribalism. He is not one of us who fights for the sake of tribalism. He is not one of us who dies following the way of tribalism.



A farsighted Somali intellectual once quipped, arreey kani waa mooto, Haaylukis (Hilux) ii keenaa.
don't know what that means however a lot of your points were just flat out inaccurate as countries have been very successful with the same "negatives" you pointed out, meaning its not whats holding us back:manny:
don't know what that means however a lot of your points were just flat out inaccurate as countries have been very successful with the same "negatives" you pointed out, meaning its not whats holding us back:manny:


If you think a culture that celebrates a profession of a Geeljire who adjusts the cubeed of a male camel into the vjay of a female camel and is viewed as superior to a Somali metal worker or a farmer is incompatible with modernity. It might’ve made sense few centuries ago.



If you think a culture that celebrates a profession of a Geeljire who adjusts the cubeed of a male camel into the vjay of a female camel and is viewed as superior to a Somali metal worker or a farmer is incompatible with modernity. It might’ve made sense few centuries ago.
no profession to me really has value outside monetary value, so if geeljires are making some profit putting food on the table let them at it, metalworkers and farmers aren't really valuable jobs anyways infact the three jobs you mentioned to me at are the same level so why act like one is better than the other


I've also stated why thats the biggest issue can you elaborate why you think so? I think the problem is we stick our heads in the sand on this issue and act like it docent exist and the civil war didn't happen and that all is well and there aren't major grievances, which is why we can't move forward, we need to accept this instead of how we are now
I've also stated why thats the biggest issue can you elaborate why you think so? I think the problem is we stick our heads in the sand on this issue and act like it docent exist and the civil war didn't happen and that all is well and there aren't major grievances, which is why we can't move forward, we need to accept this instead of how we are now

Qabyaalad is what ppl mean when they say qabiil. Do you think qabyaalad is alright?

