Were you hit as a child? Will you hit your children?

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LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Beatings makes children intelligent. Its early years of brain development that causes trauma and thus accrued intelligent brain cells!
Exaggeration.. the school system and their peers also ''raise'' them, not just their parents.


You believe that corporal punishment on children by their parents will impact on their cognitive development, so what happens on their behavioural social skills? Studies after studies on physical and mental abuse on children has revealed that many of them will become abusers. The cognitive deficiency of a child due to parental abuses has the potential of them becoming abusers of others in adulthood, unless it is intervened earlier through education, peer role models or counselling. The “gaal” kid has been raised to own his mistakes and cop the consequences. But we Somalis learn from an early age to scream walaahi hooyo/aabe and lie through our teeth to avoid a belting.


very lowkey
My mom never hit me, but my dad used to.

No. I want my kids to respect me out of love, not out of fear. There are other more effective ways of disciplining your children, without having to lay your hands on them.

You teach your kids by setting an example. If you hit them, what example are you setting? That violence is ok?
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My mom never hit me, but my dad used to.

No. I want my kids to respect me out of love, not out of fear. There are other more effective ways of disciplining your children, without having to lay your hands on them.

You teach your kids by setting an example. If you hit them, what example are you setting? That violence is ok?

Your dad hit you, but I’m sure you still love him. Just as my mom did, nothing bad about it if the child does something wrong, but if you hit them unprovoked then yeah, that’s physical abuse.


very lowkey
Your dad hit you, but I’m sure you still love him. Just as my mom did, nothing bad about it if the child does something wrong, but if you hit them unprovoked then yeah, that’s physical abuse.
Well, I don’t hate him, but I don’t love him either..

Since I’m a girl, I would prefer my mother to have done it instead of my father. It strips away your integrity when a man lays his hand on you. :uCkf6mf:
Yes I was up until the age of 8. I remember as clear as day the beatings with the belt, flipflops and telephone wires

I wouldn't do it to my own kids.
Well, I don’t hate him, but I don’t love him either..

Since I’m a girl, I would prefer my mother to have done it instead of my father. It strips away your integrity when a man lays his hand on you. :uCkf6mf:

Yeah, I feel you, sometimes dads do go too far. Mine sure did. It’s interesting that you mention integrity, I never considered it from that vantage. :cosbyhmm:


My father is HA who don't abuse their kids but educate them while my HY mother was violent but she stopped when I became 10 but she did give me few slaps but eventually stopped when I became 13.


My mom never hit me, but my dad used to.

No. I want my kids to respect me out of love, not out of fear. There are other more effective ways of disciplining your children, without having to lay your hands on them.

You teach your kids by setting an example. If you hit them, what example are you setting? That violence is ok?
I have never met or seen a Somali father who hits his daughter(s):faysalwtf::drakewtf:
Is he one of those "wadaads" with beards and khamiis?:mugshotman:
Hated beatings, it took me years of self therapy to get over the beatings I got.It has also shaped me to understand the world is a bear eats bear world.If I have children I will not beat them, rather mistakes are part of growing up.The problem with most parents is that they expect their kids to be perfect, however children inherently know nothing and thus are growing.On the process they will make mistakes.

A lot of Somalis get beat , a lot don't succeed.


My father is HA who don't abuse their kids but educate them while my HY mother was violent but she stopped when I became 10 but she did give me few slaps but eventually stopped when I became 13.
How's ass whooping = qabiil?


How's beating = qabiil?

Qabil has different cultures and different cultures can be used towards their kids.

Habar Awal, Gadabursi, Eidagale, Hawaadle, Rahanweyn, Gurgura, Warsangali, Jidwaaq, Degoodi, Sheekhaal, Bimaal and some Majerteen don't abuse their kids.

While Ogaden, Abgaal, Habar Yoonis, Habar Jeclo, Habar Gidir, Marehan, Garre, Geel Jecel, Dhulbahante, Garre, Issa, Mursade and some Majerteen do abuse their kids.

That's a fact. :trumpsmirk:
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