Were you hit as a child? Will you hit your children?

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When I was younger, I used to get an ass whooping for doing anything my parents didn't like. At a certain age, however, they stopped doing that(10/11). All my somali friends have similar stories. This made us talk about if we would spank our children. There was a clear split between the boys and the girls; with most girls saying they would never parent the same way their's did. What do you guys think? Should hitting a child ever be okay?
Hitting your (not taking it to an extreme level) child is okay in my books provided you give them a reason. Sometimes, you need to imbed your children with a sense of discipline and acknowledgement of clear boundaries.


[[Puntland Republic πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡±]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
If it is legal one of the most conservative white states in US why not? Little whooping doesn't hurt and is required in my opinion.

My mom used to whoop my ass for no reason mostly, I don't blame her as we were 6 boys only two years apart , we all used to move together and get into fights at school.

As soon we started to get taller than her, she stopped all the the regular beating session into nagging and talking trash,even worse.:gucciwhat:
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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
No I will not hit my child.

But I will make sure they know I'm their mom first and then their friend and there will certain lines they will not cross.


Studies show that hitting children lowers their IQ.

The pansy white strategy of not hitting your children has cognitive benefits.


I dare u to show yourself.
I got stabbed. But hey I’m still her cub. I can’t hate my parents even if I tried.
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If it is legal one of the most conservative white states in US why not? Little whooping doesn't hurt and is required in my opinion.

My mom used to whoop my ass for no reason mostly, I don't blame her as we were 6 boys only two years apart , we all used to move together and get into fights at school.

As soon we started to get taller than her, she stopped all the the regular beating session into nagging and talking trash,even worse.:gucciwhat:


My mom used to beat me with a broomstick. :russ:


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I did get beat alot worse was the cords especially the metall part at the end

I Will not beat My child beating wont make them think about what they did wrong a better approach in My opinion is to set rules breaking them youre faced with punishment


+op MVLI
Some of the shit my parents would pull, they're lucky none of their kids snitched :wowsweat:

Will I? Never thought about, will think hard about it when that time gets closer


[[Puntland Republic πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡±]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]

My mom used to beat me with a broomstick. :russ:

My mom used to beat me with anything convenient,she was so flexable and fast at grabbing any thing and turn it into a deadly weapon in seconds.

One time At 12, I run over an old lady with my bike in tight a curve,my mom whoop my ass like no tommorow, I felt like a slave onboard Amistad and kept asking my self did this women bring you to the world to whoop my ass only.
But Somali parents don't usually beat their daughters not at least as much as boys.:ufdup:
I got whooped quite a few times under the age of 8-9, then one last time at 13. To be fair, we were very well behaved compared to our Somali peers.

I don't think you should ever hit your child out of anger or frustration, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't think it'd help with discipline. I definitely don't think it's necessary either, it's mostly lazy parenting.


I got whooped quite a few times under the age of 8-9, then one last time at 13. To be fair, we were very well behaved compared to our Somali peers.

I don't think you should ever hit your child out of anger or frustration, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't think it'd help with discipline. I definitely don't think it's necessary either, it's mostly lazy parenting.

Taking away their gadgets/electronics probably has the same disciplinary effects as beating used to in the past.
Hitting children sends them the most negative signal that it is Ok to hit those weaker than you into submission. Kids who are beaten will behave badly, lie, become aggressive, confrontational and untrustworthy when they are accused of something (real or false) outside of the home. They will lack communication and negotiation skills and will find tough to deal with their anger. They will become like us, Somalis.


Hitting children sends them the most negative signal that it is Ok to hit those weaker than you into submission. Kids who are beaten will behave badly, lie, become aggressive, confrontational and untrustworthy when they are accused of something (real or false) outside of the home. They will lack communication and negotiation skills and will find tough to deal with their anger. They will become like us, Somalis.

Exaggeration.. the school system and their peers also ''raise'' them, not just their parents.

Jake from State Farm

We pro xalimo all 2019
I got my ass whooped a lot. I was pretty bad as a child especially 8 and below. Had phone calls home a lot.

Would I hit my kids though. I don't think I can spank them. Maybe a slap to the face.

Now I'm considering leaving the spanking part to my wife.
Taking away their gadgets/electronics probably has the same disciplinary effects as beating used to in the past.

You would be surprised how quickly young children <12 adjust if you keep it away consistently. It's annoying because you have to block them off of everything. Take away their tablet, and they'll be streaming Minecraft on the laptop, TV or their phone. You can't tell them not to either, because it's almost like telling a crack addict to not touch the crack on the table. Then when you finally make progress, they need to do some BS homework and you'll find them lapsing.

Our parents had it easier

Jake from State Farm

We pro xalimo all 2019
I did have a decrease in bad behavior now that I think about it. when I moved here to Texas with my pops. Cause that second grade year I was pretty bad. Started 3rd grade in Texas

The rewards my father game me whenever I did good in school honestly played a big part in my behavior in school.

New toy if I received good grades on my progress report and report cards. Wallahi true story.

Once I received my first console(PlayStation 2)it was new games every report card(progress reports came out ever 3 weeks and he didn't want to spend $60 on games every 3 weeks)
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