Weight loss.

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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
@Ruqiya my weight lost wasnt even bothering me until people start question me, some actually thought that something is wrong with me. I had to go to the doctors to get check up. Shaki bay igu rideen.

That's probably the reason I don't drink tea not because of sugar but the caffeine, the smell and the Strongness of the tea.
The thought of having flabby upper arms makes cringe.

@sophisticate I always look forward to your replies. Your list got me thinking I ain't even living a healthy lifestyle out of the 12 you post I'm on only following 3 or 4. I can't even remember the last time I slept more than 5 hours of sleep.#ineedtochangemylifestyle#
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Queen Carawelo

Hey baby blue!

I'm sure you don't want unhealthy fat. I agree with everything sophisticate mentioned. Eat protein rich food, exercise and may the force be with you.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Hey baby blue!

I'm sure you don't want unhealthy fat. I agree with everything sophisticate mentioned. Eat protein rich food, exercise and may the force be with you.
Inshallah huuno that's the plan and ameen.


lol @ some of the replies in here

@Antisocial Follow sophs advice, she basically covered everything. Don't think of gaining weight as a black and white thing, gain healthy weight.

If i could add one thing, it's to remember and understand how weight loss (and gain) works. If you understand how it works it makes planning easier. It's the basis of losing/gaining weight, it all starts and ends with this formula. This should be everyones starting point before planning to lose/gain weight, yet most people don't even take this into consideration. I usually see it as a mathematical equation, which it is, but you can try to visualize it whichever way makes it easier for you to understand.

  • To lose weight, you will need to be on a calorie deficit. This means you have to burn more calories than you consume. Eg. You eat 1400 calories but burn 1700. You are at a 300 calorie deficit. The aim is to accumulate a large deficit at the end of the week. Thats how weight loss works.
  • To gain weight, you need to be on a calorie surplus. This means you have to consume more calories than you burn. Eg. You eat 3000 calories but burn 2500. That's a 500 calorie surplus. Your aim is to accumulate a surplus at the end of the week. This is more tricky tho because weight gain comes in two forms; muscle and fat. If you take @Amun's advice and do resistance training, you can minimize the amount of fat you gain. A good surplus is 300-500 calories, anything else will just turn into fat.
ALL weight loss/gain happens as a result of those two bullet points. Weight loss/gain can not happen without a surplus or deficit in place. This can be a bit confusing, so people already created calculators that do the work for you. http://iifym.com/tdee-calculator/ Fill in that calculator and it outputs a value called TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure). That number is just how many calories your body burns in order to maintain your current weight. For example I need to eat 2670 (my TDEE output) calories to maintain my weight. If i want to gain weight I'd add a 300 calorie surplus. Don't add too much tho, cuz it'll jus turn into fat. If i wanted to lose weight I'd subtract a 300-400 calorie deficit from 2670. These should be the first steps you take when you begin your journey of losing/gaining weight. Everything else revolves around this concept.
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