Weight loss.

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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I lost about 22 pounds/10kg in the last year and so it wasn't intentioned but unplanned due stressful situations I encountered. This messed up my shape, dude I almost look like a skeleton having my collar bone sticking out like nobody else if I didn't have the somali thigh and hips and also my natural chubby cheeks way ii dhamaan lahayd.
I just want to gain at least half of the weight I loss back. So I start to eat out a lot ,unhealthy food, cakes and chocolates you name it but nothing has change, wax is badelay baa iska yar.
Walaalayaal ila taliya maxaan cunaa oo aan isku buura I want to gain weight fast.
Do it incrementally, start out eating cheese and beanut butter with everything.

Drink a lot of protein shakes too.

U want healthy fat, not the other one.


Do some resistance training while you are on a caloric surplus. That way you will gain muscle instead of just fat.
This will help you gain weight.
1. A lot of shaah
2. Bariis iyo baasto
3. Goat meat with the fat
4. Oatmeal cooked with butter, milk, and sugar.
5. Sugary malawax
Increase your calorie intake. Sams & chicken cottage every day will get you back in no time.

I've lost alot weight too, just too lazy to eat lately but I've ordered this:



How can you guys become underweight in the West, lol? Are you poor or something?

Most people in the West suffer from being overweight, almost never from being underweight.
How can you guys become underweight in the West, lol? Are you poor or something?

Most people in the West suffer from being overweight, almost never from being underweight.

Well we do suffer from stress and depression in the west - f*ck her and the rebound man :axvmm9o:
How can you guys become underweight in the West, lol? Are you poor or something?

Most people in the West suffer from being overweight, almost never from being underweight.
Lol, no we are not poor. I was really skinny before I had kids because I had two jobs and school. I never had time to eat. But I gained little bit before I got married. Being too skinny is not cute sometimes.


I almost had a heart attack till you mentioned Chubby cheeks :banderas:Sxb keep :eating:If you want I can be your cheerleader while you're trying to get the weights back.:dance:lol


This will help you gain weight.
1. A lot of shaah
2. Bariis iyo baasto
3. Goat meat with the fat
4. Oatmeal cooked with butter, milk, and sugar.
5. Sugary malawax
Lol at shaah seriously Ruqia come up with another idea. I drink shaah like a mad man but I never gain weight :umwhat:
Does the naked mango really work? :what:Walahi I can eat everything in this world and never gain the amount of weight I want. I hate having fast metabolism.:mjcry:
Lol at shaah seriously Ruqia come up with another idea. I drink shaah like a mad man but I never gain weight :umwhat:
Does the naked mango really work? :what:Walahi I can eat everything in this world and never gain the amount of weight I want. I hate having fast metabolism.:mjcry:
The naked juices did worked for me but everyone is different. I think shaah works too because I noticed islaamo who drink like 5 cups a day oo ku naaxay.


The naked juices did worked for me but everyone is different. I think shaah works too because I noticed islaamo who drink like 5 cups a day oo ku naaxay.
Lol at ku naaxay are you sure they didn't ku naax on something else:mjpls:I'll try the naked juice IA.:nvjpqts:


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
@Games I tried the my brother's protein shake and it made gag:hova:
I eat my toast with peanut butter but I don't like cheese.
@Amun my schedule is really tight during the week but that's the plan after I again the weight back
@Ruqiya whoever says drinking shaax will make u a fat been buu sheegay yaakhi I live on shaax can't function without it. I dont eat hilib I'm more of chicken and fish kind of girl but now wax kasta waan isku dayi inshallah.
@freeAgent I love Sams chicken but haven't been there in a while lol I need to make make a visit but I'm frequent to dixy chickens though.
@Amun lol stress,work, uni my schedule is really tight most of the time I don't even get something to eat during lunch, I rushed out of the house without breakfast but all that thing has change now. I'm on a mission to gain weight.


@Amun my schedule is really tight during the week but that's the plan after I again the weight back.

Look up ''meal prepping'' it is popular among bodybuilders, but it may also be useful in your case.

Basically it is preparing all your lunches and dinners for the week on Sunday. This way you will never have to skip over them and you have a better macro nutrients balance.
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@Air Jalam loooool I used to hate it having chubby cheeks growing up but now it saves me from naa maxaa kugu dhacay.
@Ruqiya I'm gonna give the naked mango a go bal.
@Amun that's amazing cheers mate
Somalida qaarkood ma ku daynaayaan markasta. If you gain a little weight they will say stress baa ku dhacay oo cuntadii bay ag fadhiistay hadii aad caato tahayna waxay dhahayaan gaajaa saas yeeshay.


On Hiatus
It's the sugar in the shaah that makes you gain weight. 2 tsp in a cup won't make you gain weight, but the amount the average Somali person drinks will.

But honestly, you just have to increase your intake and eat healthy. You don't want to look flabby.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Your aim shouldn't be an "unhealthy" means of weight gain. Processed food and inactivity are not the way to go. Your aim should be to focus on having the best quality of life you can. And not yo-yoing.

This is a snapshot of what I believe encompasses a healthy lifestyle:

1. Drink plenty of water.
2. Eat plenty of nutrient dense foods (particularly more vegetables and fruits) and limit or eliminate processed foods and sugar.
3. Get healthy fats in your diet (coconut, avocado, olives, nut/seeds).
4. Eat a moderate amount of animal products (ideally wild fish, eggs).
5. Get at least 5 hrs of exercise a week.
6. Reconnect with family, friends and your spirituality/religion.
7. Give your time and/or money to causes you believe in.
8. Sleep enough and at appropriate hours (normally before 11 pm).
9. Keep your distance from negative people and complainers (it's infectious).
10. Surround yourself with positive and uplifting people.
11. Be cognizant of who and what you listen to ex/ limit negative self-talk, negative news, gossip rags, and over-indulgence in entertainment.
12. Read, Read, Read (something of substance) and invest in your self-education.
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