We need to accept being called "Somalian"

Somalian = Citizen of Somalia

Somali = An ethnicity.

All Somalis are Somalian but not all Somalians are Somali.

If you are describing people from Somalia, you say Somalian. If you are describing an ethnic Somali community, you say Somali.
Even interns of citizen it’s Somali citizen I don’t understand where Somalian citizen comes from maybe from your own pocket?


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Even interns of citizen it’s Somali citizen I don’t understand where Somalian citizen comes from maybe from your own pocket?

Yes, I know, but doesn’t it cause confusion when you say a Bantu Somali is Somali but not Somali.

Therefore an easier way is to say that they’re Somalian not Somali.

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
It is always going to be Somali. You don’t call afghans Afghanian or Pakistanis pakistanian it’s Somali then it’s Somali now it will be Somali for ever


From Kismaayo
It is always going to be Somali. You don’t call afghans Afghanian or Pakistanis pakistanian it’s Somali then it’s Somali now it will be Somali for ever
Half these guys who are saying “let’s accept Somalian” don’t even know the importance of its origin and dhaqan. (So-Maal)

I don’t bother correcting it to an Ajnabi, only when it’s a fellow Somali or a longtime friend, even I used to call it Somalian.
Yes, I know, but doesn’t it cause confusion when you say a Bantu Somali is Somali but not Somali.

Therefore an easier way is to say that they’re Somalian not Somali.
No its doesnt just like a somali born in norway is norwegian by citizenry but ethnically norwegian. A somali bantu is somali citizen except that he is not ethnic somali


🇨🇦 Black Indigenous
Staff Member
Somalian is a real word and is in various dictionaries. Even Somalians used that word when I was growing up. You guys are just butthurt the community is seen in a negative light so now you just use Somali. But guess what? It's seen the same way. It's not a pejorative like nigg*r or f*ggot but those communities have reclaimed those slurs. There is no need to reclaim Somalian because it's the legitimate word to call yourselves. You guys are natives of Somalia and according the constitution automatically citizens of that place so you are Somalians.
Typical 68 IQ. Why does it even bother anyone whether we're called Somali or Somalian?

Country: Ethiopia People: Ethiopian
Country: Kenya People: Kenyans
Country: Tanzania People: Tanzanian
Country: Somalia People: Somalian
Country: DJibouti People: DJiboutian

Common sense is hardly found amongst the 68tian people. I don't understand how being called Somalian bothers anyone. Some people just have a constant identity crisis.
Dutch people get mad if you call their country "holland" (it's the Netherlands, Holland Is only a region) so why can't we somalis be mad if people purposely call us "somalian" despite knowing its the wrong term?


🇨🇦 Black Indigenous
Staff Member
Dutch people get mad if you call their country "holland" (it's the Netherlands, Holland Is only a region) so why can't we somalis be mad if people purposely call us "somalian" despite knowing its the wrong term?

False equivalency. What a bad faith argument.



somalis are superior to any group on this planet. they must call us by our name instead of us changing our native name to fit their ugly language. somali has to be somali in every language because we are better than them
Exactly how are we superior to everyone? We are poorest country in the world and rank lowest on every index out there


Coping through the 1st world
somalis are superior to any group on this planet. they must call us by our name instead of us changing our native name to fit their ugly language. somali has to be somali in every language because we are better than them

I was born in Somaliland wtf does that makes me then ? Bedsides that the word "somalian" is grammatically incorrect and even in old European history books they described us as "somalis". The world "somali" refers to both ethnicity, nationality and language.

Once and if Somaliland obtains full membership (recognition) in the International community, you'll be Somalilander by nationality and ethnicity-wise you'll be a Somali.

My main point was, why does it bother some Somalis that we're called Somalian by people who only calling us Somalian because they assume every Somali is from Somalia. It doesn'yt bother me being called Somalian.
Once and if Somaliland obtains full membership (recognition) in the International community, you'll be Somalilander by nationality and ethnicity-wise you'll be a Somali.

My main point was, why does it bother some Somalis that we're called Somalian by people who only calling us Somalian because they assume every Somali is from Somalia. It doesn'yt bother me being called Somalian.
Walaal you're right about it not being a bothersome, but it doesn't hurt to educate/correct people.

