Is this the most intellectual anti-woman rant of all time? Parts of it are outright chauvinist (i.e women being incapable of genius -- not true) but it's quite interesting listening.
Text version
I think this part is stand-up comedy level LOL:
If it is true that the Greeks forbade women to go to the play, they acted in a right way; for they would at any rate be able to hear something. In our day it would be more appropriate to substitute "let the woman keep quiet in the Church" for "let the woman keep quiet in the theater"; and this might perhaps be put up in big letters on the curtain.
Text version
I think this part is stand-up comedy level LOL:
If it is true that the Greeks forbade women to go to the play, they acted in a right way; for they would at any rate be able to hear something. In our day it would be more appropriate to substitute "let the woman keep quiet in the Church" for "let the woman keep quiet in the theater"; and this might perhaps be put up in big letters on the curtain.