Wagner coup in Russia

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
yes, I hope Wagner please take over Russia..... I am fed up with Putin :Sutehja:

I am fed up with this garbage propaganda that Putin is 20-dimensional chess player making genius moves outsmarting the West with his 300 IQ...

it is just not the case... I am convinced that Putin is a traitor and it is not I am a stooge or patriot of Russia but I would like that we please have some legit opponent of the West in charge of Russia so that at least there is some real difference between Russia and the West.... I want a genuine multipolar world so Muslims are in a better position to build genuinely independent societies and will be in a stronger position with respect to the enemies

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I recommend this article as context for what I am saying about Putin and to explain the Putin-is-a-traitor viewpoint

let us remember that Putin was put in place by West-lover Yeltsin.... I am not a fan or supporter of Russia, I really am not but I want a genuine division between Russia and the West, I want genuine conflict between them, I don't want fake, wussy, wanna-be-Western leaders in Russia because I want them really go at each other so Muslims will be in a stronger position due to them being divided


yes, I hope Wagner please take over Russia..... I am fed up with Putin :Sutehja:

I am fed up with this garbage propaganda that Putin is 20-dimensional chess player making genius moves outsmarting the West with his 300 IQ...

it is just not the case... I am convinced that Putin is a traitor and it is not I am a stooge or patriot of Russia but I would like that we please have some legit opponent of the West in charge of Russia so that at least there is some real difference between Russia and the West.... I want a genuine multipolar world so Muslims are in a better position to build genuinely independent societies and will be in a stronger position with respect to the enemies
Putin is probably half backing this. He doesn’t have control over the military it looks like.

We shall see if this fails, Wagner needs support from within the MoD.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
also I've had some caffeine and I'd like to just say it... I think Zelensky is an ftm tranny and I'm not sure if Putin is but I kind of think Putin might be.... I've heard the theory and it makes sense to me.... he looks like he could be to me

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Putin is probably half backing this. He doesn’t have control over the military it looks like.

We shall see if this fails, Wagner needs support from within the MoD.

can't believe we're sort of in agreement with each other.... but yes, one million percent, Putin has not been serious and the man (if he is a man) has been seriously half-stepping this.... if Russia had just went all the way and waged total war I think this whole war would either be over or decisively in Russia's favor already.... it is only as even as it is because Putin has been half-stepping..... I also learned recently that it's Putin's fault that all this is even happening to begin with, that he ordered the guy in Ukraine not to brutally crush the Maidan uprising people in I think 2014..... this could have all been avoided if not for Putin being a wuss and if he would have just called for them to be brutally crushed..... I thought it was the Ukraine guy that got couped that was a wuss but apparently it was Putin..... so much for this image of Putin being this 5dimensional 4000iq chess genius slash "macho alpha" dude

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
also btw there is a music video by a Russian pop singer from I think around 2007 that predicts the entire war and the video even features Zelensky... I learned about this from a Russian board, the Russians were talking about this


can't believe we're sort of in agreement with each other.... but yes, one million percent, Putin has not been serious and the man (if he is a man) has been seriously half-stepping this.... if Russia had just went all the way and waged total war I think this whole war would either be over or decisively in Russia's favor already.... it is only as even as it is because Putin has been half-stepping..... I also learned recently that it's Putin's fault that all this is even happening to begin with, that he ordered the guy in Ukraine not to brutally crush the Maidan uprising people in I think 2014..... this could have all been avoided if not for Putin being a wuss and if he would have just called for them to be brutally crushed..... I thought it was the Ukraine guy that got couped that was a wuss but apparently it was Putin..... so much for this image of Putin being this 5dimensional 4000iq chess genius slash "macho alpha" dude
We should entertain the idea that Putin is a bit of a coward and doesn’t rule the military. It’s been a year and a half of failure and he’s made no changes to the military. The military is massively corrupt and he’s now relying Iran for weaponary.

I doubt he has any love for the West anymore. But seems he’s too weak to confront the Russian elites.


-"All is well, Shoigu told me his Tuvan cavalry will save Moscow"
-"M-mein Monke, Shoigu...
-"Shoigu fled beyond the Sayan mountains and declared himself the reincarnated avatar of Subotai and took half the army. Wagner has entered Moscow, we have 2 Syrian & Chechen divisions left"



Real talk, If Putin liquidates Wagner, he will not have much trouble in Ukraine. Because the Russian command has been working on an alternative to Wagner for some time. Prigozhin may be trying to thwart this plan by making a fuss about the Russian army striking the Wagner base.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
We should entertain the idea that Putin is a bit of a coward and doesn’t rule the military. It’s been a year and a half of failure and he’s made no changes to the military. The military is massively corrupt and he’s now relying Iran for weaponary.

I doubt he has any love for the West anymore. But seems he’s too weak to confront the Russian elites.

I understand that there's this narrative that Putin was this naïve guy who really wanted to be a buddy of the West but the West looked down on him and wouldn't reply to his texts even after he sent chocolates, flowers and a hand-written love-poem...... no, no I don't believe he is a spurned West-lover who turned on the West.... I think he's a traitor actively stabbing his troops in the back... there is a whole current of thought out there that is along this line, many Russians suspect this kind of thing, I just don't really post that kind of material because.... I'm not a stooge for Russia.... but I do believe that kind of view... I think his name is spelled Strelkov, you know Strelkov? he is sort of a leader figurehead of this kind of thought among the Russians... although Strelkov and the Wagner guy for some reason won't just come out and accuse Putin of being a traitor


Real talk, If Putin liquidates Wagner, he will not have much trouble in Ukraine. Because the Russian command has been working on an alternative to Wagner for some time. Prigozhin may be trying to thwart this plan by making a fuss about the Russian army striking the Wagner base.
Russian Military is too corrupt to change the Ukrainian dynamics further in their favour. They’ll be stuck, suffer significant causal ties to hold onto land and no end in sight but tbf they’ve accomplished their goals in preventing Ukraine from entering NATO, EU. Zelenksy will eventually fall after his countless failed counter offensives.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
-"All is well, Shoigu told me his Tuvan cavalry will save Moscow"
-"M-mein Monke, Shoigu...
-"Shoigu fled beyond the Sayan mountains and declared himself the reincarnated avatar of Subotai and took half the army. Wagner has entered Moscow, we have 2 Syrian & Chechen divisions left"

View attachment 280506

that scoundrel Shoigu is actively stabbing the war effort in the back....... I assume Stalin would have purged him a long time ago at this point

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Russian Military is too corrupt to change the Ukrainian dynamics further in their favour. They’ll be stuck, suffer significant causal ties to hold onto land and no end in sight but tbf they’ve accomplished their goals in preventing Ukraine from entering NATO, EU. Zelenksy will eventually fall after his countless failed counter offensives.

if Russia would just get it together, maybe their troops could push to the UK and liberate our SomaliSpotters over there

look at what UKers are suffering under their evil regime

This is good news. Throughout history, Russia has always commited atrocious crimes against Muslims and other groups. In modern times, they meddled in Syria, massacred Syrians and bombed them into oblivion for rejecting the illegitimate rule of the terrorist Bashar, massacred the Chechnens for wanting independence, waged war and killed innocent Ukrainians and committed other monstrous crimes around the world.

May Allah destroy Putin and Russia.
@Omar del Sur

You are starting to sound like a Tankie who isn’t nuanced and who’s politics is strictly motivated by anything Anti American/West. There isn’t going to be a multi-polar world, Russia and the United States are two sides of the same coin, both of whom want to take over the world. Russia has an interest in re-creating the soviet Union and swallowing up all it’s former territories (which includes central-Asian Muslim countries) and let’s not forget the atrocities they have committed against Syrian Muslims on behalf of Bashar al-Assad and how they are allies to Iran (the biggest enemy of the Arab and Muslim world).