viral tweet about somali girl pushed in front of train turns out to be a hoax!

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Kinda disagree. If anything, I feel like this tweet inspired racists. Just like how Breivik inspired many white national terrorists when he committed the atrocities in Utøya island. Or how Donald Trump's rhetoric inspired many racists to come out of the closet. Hate breeds hate. Seeing a man bring to reality something you always wanted to do, makes you feel even more compelled to do it. And vice versa; I also think act like these radicalizes many young muslim minds.

It is important to keep in mind that April 3 is just around the coner. This might have inspired some who were on the edge about joining, or felt like they didn’t have the balls to commit these type of act. The whole «If he can do it, so can I» type of mentality. Many radical racists also don’t mind being in the media, as they think what they are doing is noble. They want the ‘martyr’ title.

To think this tweet will bring more good than harm is reaching.. Anyone who thinks that must be very naive.

I rarely curse, but to hell with this Xaalimo! This tweet was very untasteful and puts many of us in a greater damage. She deserves to be scrutinized.

Summon you made some good points but I still I partially disagree. I just wanted you guys to look at things from a different perspective as I said before. Stimulate your thoughts as it were. Evaluate your thinking patterns you know lol
I tried looking at that perspective too. I always try to look at both sides before I make my decision. And the negatives here do outweigh the positives.

To think that in this case:
positive >> negative, is like I said a very naive conclusion to make.

But I apprecite the effort. ☺️

Well I stand corrected in that case. I tried here but seeing as I'm very much outnumbered it is probably wise to let it go. But nevertheless I give myself a :qri8gs7: for the effort.
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