Vice mini Docu about Somalis being anti vaccination in Minneapolis, USA.

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Are Somalis in Minnesota really this clapped and backward.
This is what happens when there's too many Somalis in one area. When Somalis are spread out they tend to do better socially and economically


How is it qabyalad to want to stick to your clan?
I never said it is walaal you assumed I didn't like qabiil and I said that I do like qabil but not qabyaalad. I didn't say that marrying from you own clan is qabyaalad. All I'm saying is it is good to be open-minded and marry other qabiils.


I never said it is walaal you assumed I didn't like qabiil and I said that I do like qabil but not qabyaalad. I didn't say that marrying from you own clan is qabyaalad. All I'm saying is it is good to be open-minded and marry other qabiils.
I understand but that's just naive because on a race level people are more likely to marry the same race.

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
Nothing wrong with marrying from your clan/ subclan.
People from the same clan or neighbouring clan have the exact same culture, same dialects.
For example a man from Burco is going to struggle to understand a girl from baidabo, also the culture would be different.
That’s why most weddings back home are from the same clan, sub clan or neighbouring clan.
Tell that to Cali Waraabe whose wife is from Baidabo and said that Reer Konfur women are better than Reer Waqooyi. :icon lol::icon lol:
how are vaccines helpful if an in vaccinated person can still infect you?

And how do we know they aren't specifically targeting minorities and injecting them some chemical as an experiment of some kind or eugenics?


I understand but that's just naive because on a race level people are more likely to marry the same race.
True but it's less common to marry someone of your own race now more than ever. I think it's the same with qabil too as in the west there is more qabil mixing than there has ever been back home :nvjpqts:


Nah, it is the other way around. My mum was born in Laascaanood and came to Xamar only for university whilst my dad is from Xamar, and his family is from Kismayo. He has no family in the North. :icon lol:
Interesting. My grandmother was born in the north but raised in the south, she sounds more northern though. Only my grandfathers side are in the north.

True but it's less common to marry someone of your own race now more than ever. I think it's the same with qabil too as in the west there is more qabil mixing than there has ever been back home :nvjpqts:

Actually that's false. Interracial marriage is not common, interclan marriage I don't think is that uncommon because of the diaspora and more contact with different qabiil.
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