So I was wondering for example let's say you have a African American parent and a White European parent.
One child comes out looking African American with lighter skin and the other child Very European-like.
First child being #1
Second child #2
Does that mean if tested child #1 who looks African American has inherited more genetic makeup from the African American parent making him 80% African American and 20% European. Child #2 being 90% European and 10% African American?
Or do both children have inherited 50% from both parents? Yes we know child inherits 23 chromosomes from each parent thus one cell having 46 chromosomes. But a Chromosome carries 100 to thousands of genes. So does a child who has more European or African American features inherited more genes from one parent?
One child comes out looking African American with lighter skin and the other child Very European-like.
First child being #1
Second child #2
Does that mean if tested child #1 who looks African American has inherited more genetic makeup from the African American parent making him 80% African American and 20% European. Child #2 being 90% European and 10% African American?
Or do both children have inherited 50% from both parents? Yes we know child inherits 23 chromosomes from each parent thus one cell having 46 chromosomes. But a Chromosome carries 100 to thousands of genes. So does a child who has more European or African American features inherited more genes from one parent?