US midterm elections


Hiatus✅ 1/18/21- ?
Congratulations @Dalmoor
JB won:banderas:
Even though, I don't follow politics that much... this one was a good prediction. So, Hell yeah deargod.png :cool:


Just voted
Voted for my socialist Indian girl repping for my district and all the democrat candidates. Voted yes for lower taxes.

Oh senator Bernie Sanders got re-elected, he won by landslide
Vermont love their liberal Jewish man:ahh:

New York re-elected Democrat governor
This was a loss for liberals.

They meagerly won the House and the Senate can first be re-taken in 2024.

Good luck America.

or more like 2020 when majority senate republicans running. there were only 8 reps and 27 dems for reelection this year in the senate and majority of thm were in red territory. that's why republicans prevailed but it will be a massacre in 2020.


This was a loss for liberals.

They meagerly won the House and the Senate can first be re-taken in 2024.

Good luck America.
They won the house and turned five swing states blue and gained five governors.
The house is more important than the senate. Last time republicans controlled the house Obama couldn’t pass shit. They lost Texas and Florida but those were always red states. In the future Texas will turn blue.
Can you someone inform me about the purpose of this election?

congress is house of representatives(435 members), and the senate(100 members). the former is elected every 2 yrs and the latter is 6yr term,some elected along with the house and some with the presidential year.