unpopular/controversial opinions?

Somalis are black
being gay is okay
no we are Arabs
and for the gay one


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So i gont like liberals because they instill victomhood on minorities, like blacks cant succeed because there is racism.

My problem is that there is SOME truth, but its also having a defeatist mindset. Because you think why should i strive because i likely wont succeed?

Its pretty bad for motivation when you have those ideas 24/7 and liberals are to blame.
you sound stupid
1. The man should be the lead of the household
2. The reason why AAs are fucked up is because of whites cuddling them
3. The reason why non-blacks like Kim Kardashian, Cardi B, Machine Guy Kelly fucks with blacks is because they’re rejects in their own community. It’s a business. White Jews pretend to be allies for money through loans.
4. One piece better than Naruto.
5. Boruto has grown on me. He reminds and looks of my boyfriend
6. Natsu is the worst shonen main character
It’s easier to love a rich man than a poor one.

Social media has made people depressed and unhappy. Things weren’t this bad 10 years ago.

Most people hate others who think for themselves.
The whole fat movement and thick girl movement is fake. A healthy, slim body is timeless and enviable, but many don’t want to do the work to maintain it.

Girls who get BBL’s will regret it. I guarantee that.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
i hate walking the same road as a girl late at night where it looks like im following her so I end up taking another road


The Horn ~~~
so many shops and businesses have gone bankrupt, so many restaurants are gone, all that will be left is McDolands and Burger King.

People treat covid like it’s ebola wallahi

People have lost their jobs

child abuse rates have gone higher. Dont forget the unreported cases but no COVID kills you before abuse.

People dont get their cancer diagnoses in time because everyone is scared of COVID. Hell There’s a case over here about a woman whose cancers has spread and will die in 5 years but the doctors rejected her due to the lockdowns when she has contacted them repeatedly.

people act like you can only die of COVID and thats the center of everything. They’re scum wallahi.


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