unpopular/controversial opinions?

Leonardo DiCaprio is a very overrated actor, and a fucking creep. A good actor is supposed to make you completely forget they are acting. With this guy, i can't watch a single movie with him in it without thinking "That's Leonardo DiCaprio trying to be (Character)." And he is a creep because he only dates chicks specifically under 25. That's the age in which your brain, especially the part that helps you make rational decisions, becomes fully developed. So he pretty much aims for vulnerable, immature women. His current girlfriend also happens to be his friends daughter, who he knew since she was 11 :jaynerd: the dude was practically grooming her


Leonardo DiCaprio is a very overrated actor, and a fucking creep. A good actor is supposed to make you completely forget they are acting. With this guy, i can't watch a single movie with him in it without thinking "That's Leonardo DiCaprio trying to be (Character)." And he is a creep because he only dates chicks specifically under 25. That's the age in which your brain, especially the part that helps you make rational decisions becomes fully developed. So he pretty much aims for vulnerable, immature women. His current girlfriend happens to be his friends daughter, who he knew since she was 11 :jaynerd: the dude was practically grooming her
Imagine your father's friends waiting for you to develop like

:jaynerd: :deadosama:
U guys are weird I can’t lie

using inflations, terrorism,poverty rates as qabil points 😕

U guys will also look for random history and use it against another qabil 💀


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
Leonardo DiCaprio is a very overrated actor, and a fucking creep. A good actor is supposed to make you completely forget they are acting. With this guy, i can't watch a single movie with him in it without thinking "That's Leonardo DiCaprio trying to be (Character)." And he is a creep because he only dates chicks specifically under 25. That's the age in which your brain, especially the part that helps you make rational decisions, becomes fully developed. So he pretty much aims for vulnerable, immature women. His current girlfriend also happens to be his friends daughter, who he knew since she was 11 :jaynerd: the dude was practically grooming her
him after her 15th birthday



I am NOT a federal agent
The industrial revolution was a disaster for the human race.
Gays don't deserve rights.
Women r inferior to men. (only on weekdays)
victim mentality like protesting for rights and shyt is dumb.
if you want rights grab da gun and take it.
dictator ship is the only way forward
i agree with everything u said but this one is controversial
somalia is what it is now because of dictatorship
civil war broke out after the outsing if siad and since then Somalia has been shit
but he ruled for 22 years and that was somalias best period ever
but because of that our country was in war and hunger for 29 years
so his bad outweighs the good
but he a few very precious and important things

