N&N supporters are in bed with Qatar but have the audacity to blame everything on UAE.This a photoshopped letter. The formatting is incorrect and the grammar is also wrong. Also the city in Kenya makes no sense lol they are basically trying to include all of N&N’s ‘enemies’ in one letter....This was most likely made by a N&N supporter to slander the FMS presidents.
2 Al Shabaab members who came straight from the gift shop at Doha International Airport:N&N supporters are in bed with Qatar but have the audacity to blame everything on UAE.
Let’s be honest, why would UAE want to destroy and already shitty city? What will they benefit? Loooooool
They make me laugh. They sold their soul, kidneys and livers to Qatar
Fake, saw this couple of days ago on FB from a N&N zombie. Make no mistake tho, all these evil sand nig##rs are to be avoided like the plague. I dont even return salaam when one says to me Assalamu Aleikum.