Twitter Akhs are coming after the Beloved Mufti Menk

Asharis are now innovators so maaha? Y’all just need to say that you see anyone with any differing opinion as “misguided”. The intolerance of you folks is not shocking.
I feel like you didn't even read what I wrote, in any case do you see a problem with innovations, what about being intolerant to innovations is bad.
People like you see difference in opinion as “misguidance”. Your creed is not better than another.
There is such a thing as a difference of opinion which is 100% valid, it seems as though you've been told that Salafis do not believe in them which is incorrect. However there are differences of opinions which are 100% not valid like for example believing the Quran is created or that Allah is inside us.

Like in terms of aqeedah for instance, there isn't "schools of thought" compared to something like fiqh which can carry ijtihads.
Arrogance will be the downfall of the younger Muslim youth who spend most of the their days mocking, making takfir and pointing the finger. If you were to ask them the pillars of Imaan, they’d stutter. They don’t even know the real reason why some scholars, especially Salafi scholars have issues with Menk.
Even though I don’t agree with the youth on this one, I do understand their frustration with these sheiks, that tip toe around important issues taking place in the Muslim community. To appease their associates in the global community.
The reason why some people have issues with Mufti Menk is because he’s part of the deobandi group,among the promoters of Tabligh jamaath, however the vast majority of these young Muslim men on twitter dislike him due to his kindness and laid back manner,

hence why they’ll compare him to Tate, a new revert who walks around topless talking about his Bugatti and many women. They see displays of wealth and talking about women in a vile manner as real masculinity.
Boys need men to look up to and mufti men and his likes do not appeal to modern men, especially when they push the happy wife happy life philosophy. A philosopy that you would argue is Islamic do to your feministic beliefs.

Young men having witnessed their fathers being abused by their mothers do no subscribe to that notion, instead masculine men like Andrew Tate appeal to them, for the same reason they appeal to you.

You and many other women pretend to hate men like Tate, because they make you emotional and by doing so live in your head rent free.

Further more their masculine frame forces women like yourself to acknowledge your femininity, something majority of modern fail to do. Because they themselves are feminine, women do not speak of men they do not care for, or aren’t emotional towards. Just accept the truth Angie and stop denying your truth be yourself nayaa.


Garaadka Guud ee Beesha Calaamka
Mufti Menk is a wonderful daee, do half of how much he has done serving Islam and the needs of the Muslims and then you can slander him.
Even though I don’t agree with the youth on this one, I do understand their frustration with these sheiks, that tip toe around important issues taking place in the Muslim community. To appease their associates in the global community.

Boys need men to look up to and mufti men and his likes do not appeal to modern men, especially when they push the happy wife happy life philosophy. A philosopy that you would argue is Islamic do to your feministic beliefs.
Get out of here. We have rampant abuse against women in many Muslim countries due to traditionalism. From in law abuse, to honor killing with regards to Arabs and Asians to FGM and people believing that women shouldn’t get any help from men at home to men back home getting away with the r-word. Because Scholars and Islamic speakers have been talking about womens rights in Islam all of a sudden you feel threatened, despite this being a man’s world and women being at the mercy of men in most traditional societies.
Young men having witnessed their fathers being abused by their mothers do no subscribe to that notion, instead masculine men like Andrew Tate appeal to them, for the same reason they appeal to you.
You’re a liar. Abuse against women is a lot more common in the Muslim community compared to that of men and real life anecdotes and data backs this up. What is incredibly feminine is the poor me victimhood you find with your redpill types that you even forget that we are indeed in a man’s world. The thing that impact gaals like alimony ect doesn’t even impact the wider Muslim community let alone Somalis. Yet, you have took on the trauma of the cadaan redpillers as a way to feel like a victim. You’re version of victimhood is that some women refuse to cook for you. Our version is financial abuse and even death at the hands of our spouses.

The kibir with your types is crazy to see. I mean you’re the same poster who believes women shouldn’t even have the right to get an education, yet men are the victims when you believe depriving women is normal behavior?

You and many other women pretend to hate men like Tate, because they make you emotional and by doing so live in your head rent free.
I hate men that talk disrespectfully about women, the same way you wouldn’t like a woman talking horribly about men. It’s simple really, but you can’t seem to fathom that women are worthy of being treated with dignity.

Further more their masculine frame forces women like yourself to acknowledge your femininity, something majority of modern fail to do.
I’m sorry but arrogance and yapping on about Bugattis and walking around topless chatting rubbish isn’t my view of masculinity and you’re too old to be believing that.
Because they themselves are feminine, women do not speak of men they do not care for, or aren’t emotional towards. Just accept the truth Angie and stop denying your truth be yourself nayaa.
Feminine men are ones that are online constantly crying and behaving like victims. You’re one of them. Good luck .

Women don’t do xyz, warya you’re not a woman. You have no idea what a woman would and wouldn’t speak about. This is why I question your logic, because you can’t even understand that women like
Men have the capabilities of talking about an array of topics. You have a caricature version of femininity that is based on your fantasies. Get out in the real world.
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East Africa UNUKA LEH
Even though I don’t agree with the youth on this one, I do understand their frustration with these sheiks, that tip toe around important issues taking place in the Muslim community. To appease their associates in the global community.

Boys need men to look up to and mufti men and his likes do not appeal to modern men, especially when they push the happy wife happy life philosophy. A philosopy that you would argue is Islamic do to your feministic beliefs.

Young men having witnessed their fathers being abused by their mothers do no subscribe to that notion, instead masculine men like Andrew Tate appeal to them, for the same reason they appeal to you.

You and many other women pretend to hate men like Tate, because they make you emotional and by doing so live in your head rent free.

Further more their masculine frame forces women like yourself to acknowledge your femininity, something majority of modern fail to do. Because they themselves are feminine, women do not speak of men they do not care for, or aren’t emotional towards. Just accept the truth Angie and stop denying your truth be yourself nayaa.
Sadly Andrew tate has large young Muslim men followers. Basically confused men who likes his macho talk and he knew if he converted it would open a huge following for him.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Menk is a hafid Quran, he’s been leading taraweeh prayers for decades now. Hufaad, aka carriers of the Quran, are Allah’s people and they’re are special to Him (ahluhu waa khaasatuh). Beware of slandering and hurting them.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
As Imam Muhammad bin Sireen once said:
“This knowledge is a religion, so consider from whom you receive your religion.”

A beautiful quote and overused by madkhalis/ salafi jadiids that confined the religion to following Saudis. I bet you spent your times praising aal saud.
Menk is a hafid Quran, he’s been leading taraweeh prayers for decades now. Hufaad, aka carriers of the Quran, are Allah’s people and they’re are special to Him (ahluhu waa khaasatuh). Beware of slandering and hurting them.
None of what I'm saying is slander, and there are shia who are hafid of Qu'ran, there are ahmadis that are hafids. Being a hafid doesn't mean you have the correct methodology of Islam, its a great thing no doubt but there's more to being a scholar than this.
A beautiful quote and overused by madkhalis/ salafi jadiids that confined the religion to following Saudis. I bet you spent your times praising aal saud.
What does madkhalis/ salafi jadiids even mean? Who are madkhali jadiids, how are they different from salafis? Who says that religion is confined to following Saudis? I can bring hundreds of great scholars from outside of Saudi Arabia. And you're the one telling me to beware of slander, I suggest you reserve your judgement and further educate yourself.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
What does madkhalis/ salafi jadiids even mean? Who are madkhali jadiids, how are they different from salafis? Who says that religion is confined to following Saudis? I can bring hundreds of great scholars from outside of Saudi Arabia. And you're the one telling me to beware of slander, I suggest you reserve your judgement and further educate yourself.

Who do you take your religion from? Tell us the English speaking ones

I know your kind very well. You go for the low hanging fruit. There’s a tweet comparing a well known daa’I to a well known faasiq YouTuber, who hasn’t changed his crooked lifestyle even after converting. Instead of standing up against the slanderous tweet, you choose to attack Menk. Your kind is hasty in judgement that’s why 80% of the sheikhs your wicked group use to praise are now being refuted by you guys. What happened to Yahya Hajooree? What happened to Mohammed bin Haadi? Your wicked group even attacked the good old Sheikh Falaah Ismail AUN. As sheikh Ibn taymiyyah said ‘ahlu bidcah are known to split itself’. Your group is now refuting the same sheikhs to use to praise.

Everyone has faults, everyone errors. This beautiful religion is a religion of justice. Give the man his credits when credits are due. Menk is ahlu sunnah regarding the things he agrees with ahlu sunnah, if he opposes ahlu sunnah regarding others, then it’s rejected from him. He shouldn’t be accepted wholeheartedly nor should he be rejected wholeheartedly.
Who do you take your religion from? Tell us the English speaking ones

I know your kind very well. You go for the low hanging fruit. There’s a tweet comparing a well known daa’I to a well known faasiq YouTuber, who hasn’t changed his crooked lifestyle even after converting. Instead of standing up against the slanderous tweet, you choose to attack Menk. Your kind is hasty in judgement that’s why 80% of the sheikhs your wicked group use to praise are now being refuted by you guys. What happened to Yahya Hajooree? What happened to Mohammed bin Haadi? Your wicked group even attacked the good old Sheikh Falaah Ismail AUN. As sheikh Ibn taymiyyah said ‘ahlu bidcah are known to split itself’. Your group is now refuting the same sheikhs to use to praise.

Everyone has faults, everyone errors. This beautiful religion is a religion of justice. Give the man his credits when credits are due. Menk is ahlu sunnah regarding the things he agrees with ahlu sunnah, if he opposes ahlu sunnah regarding others, then it’s rejected from him. He shouldn’t be accepted wholeheartedly nor should he be rejected wholeheartedly.
Again you’re making ascriptions to me for which no basis “I know your kind very well” you don’t know me at all. I remind you again you were the one to remind me about slander yet you are. I never even mentioned Tate at all, you call him a faasiq on what basis, do you have proof? I warn against slandering new brothers of the faith, of course he things to learn (as well all do).

What are you even saying, I have no issues with Mohamed bin hadi nor Falah Mundakar and I’ve never really attached myself to Yahya al Hajoori, and he’s made poor decisions and statements but his case and Menks are not the same. This notion that your pushing that you can take the good and leave the bad is not found by any scholars, do we do the same for Shias, how about the good of the grave venerating sufis let’s take the good from them and leave the bad shall we.

This is a poor argument, why are you acting as if the scholars of ahlul sunnah are so little in number that we have to take knowledge from someone who deliberately hides their manhaij and aqeedah, do you think aqeedah is important? If he disagrees with clear established principles what good is there to take, there’s a difference between a mistake of minor magnitude and being a deobandi which is a very deliberate deviation from the sunnah.

In terms of English speakers one can listen to there’s many, they may not share the same media presences as menk but they exist, if you wish I can make a thread and share some.

The point of my initial comment wasn’t to say Tate is a better Muslim than Menk or anything of the sort (as if I of all people can make such a claim) but rather to warn the people in general about him as the scholars have done already.
I remember there was a lot of controversy a few years ago when he did a radio interview. People on twitter love to slander anyone they don't agree with. If you don't like someone then keep it in don't insult. I don't agree with him on everything, but I wont question his deen.

Him meeting up with those zionists in Israel was a very big red flag
And they still call him a 'scholar' and one of the ulama.

What knowledgeable muslim, let alone someone who is supposed to be able to give fatwa who knows the situation of our brothers in Palestine and the situation of masjid al aqsa would behave like this??


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