Twitter Akhs are coming after the Beloved Mufti Menk


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Him meeting up with those zionists in Israel was a very big red flag
And they still call him a 'scholar' and one of the ulama.

What knowledgeable muslim, let alone someone who is supposed to be able to give fatwa who knows the situation of our brothers in Palestine and the situation of masjid al aqsa would behave like this??
This is how I know you don’t know what you are talking about. He never went to Israel. It was in Dubai and he was never told by the organizers (Emiratis) that the Rabbi was a zionist. You guys love to spread false information.
This is how I know you don’t know what you are talking about. He never went to Israel. It was in Dubai and he was never told by the organizers (Emiratis) that the Rabbi was a zionist. You guys love to spread false information.
Ok, my bad, got the info wrong, but watch the vid brother Daniel did on him with the yahuuds, do you see other daees such as Dr Naik commiting such atrocities?


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Ok, my bad, got the info wrong, but watch the vid brother Daniel did on him with the yahuuds, do you see other daees such as Dr Naik commiting such atrocities?
It was an honest mistake that he apologized for because he didn’t know the guy was a zionist. Everyone makes mistakes, it wouldn’t even be a mistake in this case because he didn’t know. Stop with the nonsense. Daniel Haqiqatou needs to get a life instead of attacking other muslims as a living. He’s a sad excuse of a human being.
It was an honest mistake that he apologized for because he didn’t know the guy was a zionist. Everyone makes mistakes, it wouldn’t even be a mistake in this case because he didn’t know. Stop with the nonsense. Daniel Haqiqatou needs to get a life instead of attacking other muslims as a living. He’s a sad excuse of a human being.
I understand this, and at the end of the day he is a fellow Muslim, however what brother Daniel does should not be interpreted as an attack on whoever he is talking about, it should be interpreted as a reminder that you should not follow these media personalities and assume they are ulamaa and can be relied upon to represent the collective Islamic scholars and give peer reviewed fatwas, brother menk does alot of good for the ummah I'm not denying this , however his scope does not extend beyond giving reminders and dawah like other daees such as Dr Zakir Naik. Also, sister, please understand that you must never follow any such a personality, you must follow the prophet of God Sent by he who is infallible. So please do not get worked up when someone's faults are exposed (I have not researched Into mufti menk so i cannot say much about him.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
I understand this, and at the end of the day he is a fellow Muslim, however what brother Daniel does should not be interpreted as an attack on whoever he is talking about, it should be interpreted as a reminder that you should not follow these media personalities and assume they are ulamaa and can be relied upon to represent the collective Islamic scholars and give peer reviewed fatwas, brother menk does alot of good for the ummah I'm not denying this , however his scope does not extend beyond giving reminders and dawah like other daees such as Dr Zakir Naik. Also, sister, please understand that you must never follow any such a personality, you must follow the prophet of God Sent by he who is infallible. So please do not get worked up when someone's faults are exposed (I have not researched Into mufti menk so i cannot say much about him.
Yes, Mufti Menk isn’t a scholar that goes deep into deen studies but he’s still a scholar. There is no problem with following him, absolutely none. Simply because he doesn’t cover every topic in depth, people shouldn’t follow him?

people like daniel are the problem but you won’t see it unless you step back and look at the full picture. Daniel himself has many faults and has made many problematic and unislamic comments, that have been posted here on sspot. Search his name up and Look for yourself
Yes, Mufti Menk isn’t a scholar that goes deep into deen studies but he’s still a scholar. There is no problem with following him, absolutely none. Simply because he doesn’t cover every topic in depth, people shouldn’t follow him?
But that's the issue, a scholar is someone whose whole life, whole career is spent going deep into deep studies. The correct terminology for someone like him is a daee or a sheikh(as a mark of respect). And my advice for anyone who doesn't want to compromise their iman should not follow anyone these days, infact there is a saying don't follow anyone who is still alive follow those who died before you because if they become corrupted or change their stance to anything against Islam history will record it.
Get out of here. We have rampant abuse against women in many Muslim countries due to traditionalism. From in law abuse, to honor killing with regards to Arabs and Asians to FGM and people believing that women shouldn’t get any help from men at home to men back home getting away with the r-word. Because Scholars and Islamic speakers have been talking about womens rights in Islam all of a sudden you feel threatened, despite this being a man’s world and women being at the mercy of men in most traditional societies.You’re a liar. Abuse against women is a lot more common in the Muslim community compared to that of men and real life anecdotes and data backs this up. What is incredibly feminine is the poor me victimhood you find with your redpill types that you even forget that we are indeed in a man’s world. The thing that impact gaals like alimony ect doesn’t even impact the wider Muslim community let alone Somalis. Yet, you have took on the trauma of the cadaan redpillers as a way to feel like a victim. You’re version of victimhood is that some women refuse to cook for you. Our version is financial abuse and even death at the hands of our spouses.
Most women living in the third world have no rights, regardless of religious beliefs or culture. I don’t see your point.

The kibir with your types is crazy to see. I mean you’re the same poster who believes women shouldn’t even have the right to get an education, yet men are the victims when you believe depriving women is normal behavior?
I’m not against the education of women but rather the indoctrination, and social engineering that women easily fall pray to. You are a perfect example of that.

I hate men that talk disrespectfully about women, the same way you wouldn’t like a woman talking horribly about men. It’s simple really, but you can’t seem to fathom that women are worthy of being treated with dignity.
I really don’t care much for what most women say or do, because it’s all emotional anyways.

I’m sorry but arrogance and yapping on about Bugattis and walking around topless chatting rubbish isn’t my view of masculinity and you’re too old to be believing that.
Even as you try to undermine Tate, the only two things you can think of, are his Bugatti and his bare chest. Why not his unhealthy cigar habits or his earlier drinking? You see my point darling. You’re attracted to cheeky buggers lol.
Feminine men are ones that are online constantly crying and behaving like victims. You’re one of them. Good luck .
You still haven’t figured me out, sorry I’m hard to read. But do tell me where did I play a victim lol?
Women don’t do xyz, warya you’re not a woman. You have no idea what a woman would and wouldn’t speak about. This is why I question your logic, because you can’t even understand that women like
Men have the capabilities of talking about an array of topics. You have a caricature version of femininity that is based on your fantasies. Get out in the real world.
I don’t have to be a woman to understand a woman, but I have to understand women to be a compatible man. That does not include knowing what women like, want or fancy. But rather what women need and desire. Conscious vs subconscious.

