Tweet About Execution in Somalia Gone Viral


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Not the American conservatives using this as a chance to mention how it’s an injustice to fire police brutality officers


🇺🇸 PROUD MURICAN!!! Hamitic Horner Race
What dna and trial is needed during a crime like this?! Better off these beasts and throw them to the animals to tear apart and eat. No mercy for men like this
No Mercy Tennis GIF by Pickleby
They’ve already did the dna testing. But it wasn’t mentioned in the Twitter comment so everyone thinks were crazy! Lol


Forza Somalia!
Only right wing are enjoying in the replies. The same who will enjoy Somalis being killed, deported or whatever.
294 crimes in all of Puntland total in 2021, most of that being phone snatching. around 20 if those were executed so that is only a 10 percent execution rate, very low compared to many countries rate and this guy definitely deserves it.


🇺🇸 PROUD MURICAN!!! Hamitic Horner Race
294 crimes in all of Puntland total in 2021, most of that being phone snatching. 20 if those were executed so that is only a 10 percent execution rate, very lenient and this guy definitely deserves it.
That’s not that many crimes! Puntland needs to work their magic on the rest of Somaliweyn!


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