Turkish man violently abuses Somali ayeeyo in Ankaara

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The Khaleej countries produce 30% of the worlds crude oil and have 40% of the worlds natural gas reserves. Somalia has nothing close to that.
Bedouins are still insanely tribal, it's just that they all have so much oil wealth that it forced them to co-operate in order to make the most of it. It's easy to preach and accept unity with other enemy tribes when you can go from a tent and a camel to a Villa and Lamborghini in a single generation.

In Somalia there isn't anything like that, so people are still at each other's throat and fighting over water wells.
I agree absolutely, but Somalis are similar to animals and only respond with brute force dictatorship. And even that won't last.

they are also ruled by monarchies especially saudi arabia with an absolute monarchy. they know how to rule their people and iraq affirmed that.
iraq is also oil rich. their dictatorship fell and iraqis karbashed each other. if iraq was an absolute monarchy they would be doing better no 2 decade war.

solution for somalia is absolute monarchy where the king is the head of state and interior minister and defence minister. hardheaded geeljires sitting under a civilian begging them to choose him is hilarious and stupid. indoctrinate everyone about the abyssinian bogeyman and scare them into unity. pakistan india style.


they are also ruled by monarchies especially saudi arabia with an absolute monarchy. they know how to rule their people and iraq affirmed that.
iraq is also oil rich. their dictatorship fell and iraqis karbashed each other. if iraq was an absolute monarchy they would be doing better no 2 decade war.

solution for somalia is absolute monarchy where the king is the head of state and interior minister and defence minister. hardheaded geeljires sitting under a civilian begging them to choose him is hilarious and stupid. indoctrinate everyone about the abyssinian bogeyman and scare them into unity. pakistan india style.
Democracies don't work for most of the Middle East/Africa. There is a lot of tribal/Ethnic/Religious tensions that a dictatorship suppresses. Look al Libya, despite having immense oil reserves, the enemy Tribes/Islamists/Secularists all held hands and sang kumbaya while they were fighting Gaddafi, and after he was gone nearly a decade later they have slave markets, ISIS and warlords instead of development.

The ideal system for me is something of Modern Police state like the UAE or Singapore.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
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