Turkish man violently abuses Somali ayeeyo in Ankaara

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How are we still refugees after 30 years? How is there still civil unrest after 30 years? That’s longer than both World Wars, the Kuwait war and the Vietnam war combined (approximately). We’d rather be like this than have one person rule the country. But every man wants to be president. It’s so wild. And those who suffer are the poor, the sick and the children.
💯💯💯 what somalia needs is a strong man to bring qabils to heel and stamp out corruption. A man like kagame would do wonders for us
💯💯💯 what somalia needs is a strong man to bring qabils to heel and stamp out corruption. A man like kagame would do wonders for us
What’s interesting is that that war was because of two ethnic groups fighting. We’re Somali, we are the same people, yet want to differentiate ourselves between tribes. How sick is that?

greyhound stone

The Boss💎
What’s interesting is that that war was because of two ethnic groups fighting. We’re Somali, we are the same people, yet want to differentiate ourselves between tribes. How sick is that?
*clans. Also our forefathers were mostly primitive people who were nomads previous to colonisation somalia would just be a desert full of nomads.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
@Desert Flower hate to break it to you but Somalia as a country is an artificial concept and relatively alien to Somali creed. Before the colonialists arrived we were pillaging rival clans and camels with our own little tribal enclaves. Its no surprise that the Western artifical state was bound to fail and all those 30 years reflect that lawlessness.


Shaah Enthusiast
How do you know he's Turkish? There are many arabs living in Turkey and this behavior is more typical with them. It's probably an arab.
@Desert Flower hate to break it to you but Somalia as a country is an artificial concept and relatively alien to Somali creed. Before the colonialists arrived we were pillaging rival clans and camels with our own little tribal enclaves. Its no surprise that the Western artifical state was bound to fail and all those 30 years reflect that lawlessness.
It doesn’t matter this isnt the 1300s. Somalis have to come under a government with other tribes either by force or willingly. Using the fact that our forefathers had clans isn’t an excuse. The turks, Japanese, Arabs and many more had clans and they’re not shitholes. Qabyalad needs to be replaced with ethno-nationalism


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
It doesn’t matter this isnt the 1300s. Somalis have to come under a government with other tribes either by force or willingly. Using the fact that our forefathers had clans isn’t an excuse. The turks, Japanese, Arabs and many more had clans and they’re not shitholes. Qabyalad needs to be replaced with ethno-nationalism
I agree absolutely, but Somalis are similar to animals and only respond with brute force dictatorship. And even that won't last.
I agree absolutely, but Somalis are similar to animals and only respond with brute force dictatorship. And even that won't last.
Somalis need a leader that uses force, but is fair. We had a dictator who used force unfairly and to his own gains
welcome back @TekNiKo

Turkey's government treat Somalis better than neighboring Cyprus and Greece, heck even better than our Arab and African neighbors, Somalis should establish themselves in Turkey and fight for their right, it is a multi-ethnic country, real turks aren't even majority ! who is to say that abusive man is a real turk and not some other ethnic group.
Say walahi turks are not the majority.
Statistics plz if you don't mind, but I believe you because I know kurds shares the country with them, but never knew they were the majority
@Desert Flower hate to break it to you but Somalia as a country is an artificial concept and relatively alien to Somali creed. Before the colonialists arrived we were pillaging rival clans and camels with our own little tribal enclaves. Its no surprise that the Western artifical state was bound to fail and all those 30 years reflect that lawlessness.

The same can be said about many Arab nations who were not countries, but various Arab tribes living in the same regions who would at times fight each other. Yet, look at the Khaleej now? Tribal and poor desert dwellers have managed to put their disputes aside and get on with it.

That is just an excuse we tell ourselves to hide from the stark reality that we are indeed the only homogeneous SSA country. We share the same heritage, language, culture and religion. Countries for the most part are colonial artificial concepts in which people from different ethnic groups who speak different languages have been forced to share borders, yet Somalis in Somalia have been delt a good hand and still can't make it work.


The same can be said about many Arab nations who were not countries, but various Arab tribes living in the same regions who would at times fight each other. Yet, look at the Khaleej now? Tribal and poor desert dwellers have managed to put their disputes aside and get on with it.

That is just an excuse we tell ourselves to hide from the stark reality that we are indeed the only homogeneous SSA country. We share the same heritage, language, culture and religion. Countries for the most part are colonial artificial concepts in which people from different ethnic groups who speak different languages have been forced to share borders, yet Somalis in Somalia have been delt a good hand and still can't make it work.
The Khaleej countries produce 30% of the worlds crude oil and have 40% of the worlds natural gas reserves. Somalia has nothing close to that.
The Khaleeji countries produce 30% of the worlds crude oil and 40% of the worlds natural gas as reserves. Somalia has nothing close to that.

My point is about their sense of current unity, despite being culturally similar to Somalis. They were pre- 1960, Bedouin nomads split into various clans having disputes over resources, the same why our ancestors were.

It is a fact that we are indeed the only SSA county who are 85%+ homogeneous. We have been dealt a better hand than other African nations who have to share their land with people who speak different languages and cultures.


My point is about their sense of current unity, despite being culturally similar to Somalis. They were pre- 1960, Bedouin nomads split into various clans having disputes over resources, the same why our ancestors were.

It is a fact that we are indeed the only SSA county who are 85%+ homogeneous. We have been dealt a better hand than other African nations who have to share their land with people who speak different languages and cultures.
Bedouins are still insanely tribal, it's just that they all have so much oil wealth that it forced them to co-operate in order to make the most of it. It's easy to preach and accept unity with other enemy tribes when you can go from a tent and a camel to a Villa and Lamborghini in a single generation.

In Somalia there isn't anything like that, so people are still at each other's throat and fighting over water wells.
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