Trump and Nato

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Then u tell KIM he heres your options, u walk away with ur admin, denuke, never arm again, sign this deal like nato pact which automatic action 5 years siege till u do drop, saudi did it to qatar but thats saudi this is the franchise. Walk away with ur admin, its better then nothing lol. U tell him his options, u dont let think for himself so when he makes his moves he know what u will do and be like its over. Its when u dont tell him, he thinks he can do something or u forgot something.

Then work out the formalities on the news, and press conferences, have a dinner to show how well shit went and toast of wine or whatever the culture is there, could be different in iran maybe holding up cyrus and the persian greatness. Rub em up no need to shame them it could be counterproductive to hold the deal. Then walk away and work how much u had to put in, how u took(which is nothing but his life), history will speaks for itself.

U tell KIM no concessions or next nation will do it seeing how well u did, u come back to nations, earn ur keep, your still alive, bad scenario yes it is for u but dont make worser scenario show him how bad to worse has scales. He walked away not at zero, he broke even he gained nothing he lost nothing that was worthwhile to jepordize his life and admin.

Trump is a little bit nice from what I saw he didnt accept 150k for the embassy he said u can got 500k. So he may add an incentive just to make kim a little good, we pay for your nuclear investments so u didnt lose money also or something he needs but not giving incentive for ppl to do it. He has to always break back even and gain nothing when ppl analyse his moves in future.

Trump will then send a message to zahir and he will be scared. NUKES R NOT ALLOWED AND NOONE ESCAPES AND NO CONCESSIONS AND ZAHIR WILL BE LIKE OH SHIT HE DIDNT GIVE KIM NOTHING. Trump then walks into past presidents and said what did u get bush 7 trillion and destruction, what did u get obama? i didnt spend a cent hotel costs and refunded kim his nukes to ensure noone plays this game or thinks its incentive to build nukes and if u lose it u still gain heaps. not a single life lost, no destruction bush.
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Iran is different its running proxies north korea wasnt, it was more a proxy itself rather then proxy runner. Iran is proxy of russia but its proxy runner like a network of drug smugglers and the chain. If he does something to iran proxies, saudi is gonna be the top dog in arab world, and u cant have that we saw what faisal did when he had no threats and the oil embargo and he will see he can cut america and just military from russia and threaten america with oil embargos and the world.

Trump if he touches iran proxies he fucked, if he can denuke them thats enough for america. Israel and Saudi needs threats, in-fact I wouldn't go after Iran personally on even the nukes but its possible to be done. Its impossible to negiotate ppl with no threats and all advantages.

But jared kushner is there a jew, emotions, biases, etc, aipac boys, his grand son is a jew sxb trump lol. He doesnt want a bad world for him, buts not in america interest lol. Israel without threats is no different to saudi with no threats. Its better they have their monster next dog then talk about how it will be addressed over time, how a war means more problems more radicals rising all the diplomacy words.


Somalis you need to stop going to the west and I mean completely. I know where we fit in the architecture, I can see it now. We are like workers under a section manager, and normal workers cant go to the CEO, u go thru the chains and get approval thru the chain. Wat are we doing in davos and that shit. There is world order and it's damn true. It's set up like an organization. We need to work our regional partners the gulf and ethios and they aint no lavrovs or kissingers, maybe the habashis(their is huge history there). We gotta work the gulf over to influence the habashis as they have more power now the gulfies and their easier(honor shit) with these guys their like section manager who wants honor and loyalty or we aint being approved to function.

Only section managers see the ceo, the regional dogs. Iran, Saudi, Israel in mid-east. Their not even real allies iyagu, just partners(not sure of israel yet). Africa its nigera, egypt, ethiopia, and south africa. Thats noone else can go to them be it russia or america. We need to produce an oman model to ethiopia or gulfies, its good timing with this oromo dude and we can work his ass no history with those guys in politics. U know when u have that difficult worker, u pass him off to another section(regional dog), thats all thats happening to somalia(americans told or advised ethio) the gulf matter now let the gulfies manage somalia. We may even be switched to another department who isnt west owned the russians as the brotherhood is active and they will get along with russia before america who else can they go to. When there trouble in the neighborhood, the west brings whoever is the regional partner to ensure they secure the troublemaker from disturbing it with the next department russia and china. Remember the 90s? noone cared somalia as it wasnt in the picture, now they do when the brotherhood came in 2000 and we told ethio your in trouble too by federalist, gulf matter still wasnt up n running yet. Ethio updated the boss america and they dealt with us.

It qassim who started this shit. We could've of solved somali problem in the 90s now its got all hands in there and everyone worried where it will go cause of that red sea blockades on trade, cutting saudi lifeline, bases for enemies, supply lines for brotherhood backups and god knows if they want it long term or short which means u develop but u adding to their pool of god alliance. They need regional partners sxb even though they not allies not the values stuff, the uncomprisable, but their needed sxb to find out whats happening in the neighborhood as enemies can base themselves anywhere and they will always select the most likely partner based on differences in the continent. It aint gdp, it aint some great unique thing in africa, its population, maybe history, may elite class who can hold a deal. They set up an order even for the 3rd world. Were like the 4th world thats hidden and workers of the 3rd world.
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If american boots or western boots are on the ground, their not that important, they let partners handle it like amisom, ethio, gulfies for syria. America loves its ethio sxb, it's gonna be hard bond to break. Forget Nigeria west african boss. Forget Egypt untouchable in the north. South africa is the same for southern africans. We have some hope to do what Israel did and establish itself as an important partner at the same height of saudi basically two section managers. It's possible but in line with the franchise in operation. Or the other option is someone who hates the franchise and expect a struggle.

Good option wud be oman style neutral open to all not siding but on the side as we develop thru these guys, we build our silence alliance in non trouble spots while fuelling their beef being friendly to each side and encouraging they need to do what they need to and we are neutral and work with neutral type of countries lol. We cant target those nations who are regional managers or their neighbors and if we do we must tell them we only have shared economic and security things we wanna do and begin transforming them using a good system that works but the catch is they sign up to our own secret alliance but they always show a neutral face to regional partner so no eyebrows raised.

Maybe we can speak to regional dogs in the hopeful areas that we see markers that we know will be useful and tell them have u given up on them? we will take the load of u and we will do some work here to increase our friendly neutral relations and diplomats start scanning the f*ck out of society if its a buddy that can transform on belief or we just have to work economic lifelines and bring new population up. This is america external roman empire tactic while combining MB inside, its not my idea but I know it works cuz i can see it. With an oman style foreign policy to the world. That's the best politics adding up things for a big value hit.

Then we arent wasting resources like oman, look friendly to the world, while we got MB radical inside game, and we got west outer game going but that will come up when all the pools are seen and compared against the other filthy alliances and when its ok, NUKE UP time with diplomacy of course. But only nuke up strategically sxb not too many as the costs are not wise, one or two sort of structure like they do on the UN not five a kind of back up system and obviously SHARED PACTS that are unbreakable.

We need principles that are firm across the alliance. Business has no idealogy money dont care we building the pool of our shared alliance. U play politics in a chinese shop? or u look at price? be realistic. Military only used when there is no choice we aint coming back with gold its just a loss but noone disturbs neutral countries so i cant see that happening. Look at south america and most of sub saharan africa. We cant play the back n forth crap, its heading nowhere in the long run unless there is serious threat like god alliance i can see the freedom guys worried about that shit, its only value that can comprise them and challenge it till the end. We need to combine freedom aspect of west inside the nation, while using god alliance in the military to boost hearts. We want fullproof stuff that we know works. So it could be different religions in the alliance same principle. Atheism is not allowed in the ranks, u cant have that guy on the field nothingness but its ok in the town and normal life.

Damn caliphate was right keep christians and jews out of the military, its fuckin true sxb they wont die for an islamic caliphate, the values arent there, its a burden. It's same thing with atheism, their nothing there and its gonna hurt the team.
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Christianity and countries who have that faith will need be reformed to a violent side like the crusaders were, yes it all just adapts to leaders agendas of the day n age. Peaceful in the inside but christs want u die for truth and justice stuff like that need be promoted to them in the military of their countries. So religon will need a flavoring for military, country aint good enough everyone wants god when u about to die cause I know I did when I thought was one day.

We need a religious reformation combining elements of all the faiths in the world and steering towards that violent crusade type in military for our shared unity and principles and only god applicants need apply sort of thing. We can combine religions and put it where its needed and conforms. We gonna have to teach that you know god doesnt care about ppl religion, everyone stands equally before god for themselves and he judges us not us judging each other soul, we dealing with the real world, the physical world, which he need physical responses not spiritual conflicts.


We are going to have start questioning how freedom is paramount cause god gave us freedom without religion is pointless and we aint no different to animals, let freedom prevail in religion. We need to flavor islam, christianity, buddhism, hindus or whoever ends up joining later. We want huge debaters on tv reaching the masses yelling like benny hinns DO U GET UP TO GET A GLASS OF WATER OR DO U PRAY IT COMES TO U...KNOW WHAT IS SPIRITUAL YOUR SOULSSSSSSSS, NOT YOUR BODY AND WHERE U IN THE WORLD. ARGUE YES GOD DID CREATION BUT EINSTEIN SAID TIME IS RELATIVE SO IT COULD BE RIGHT ON HIS SIDE NOT OURS ITS EVOLUTION. ARGUE WHAT IS JIHAD, IS IT JIHAD IF SOMEONE DONT LIKE U OR YOUR POLITICS OR YOUR SELF, OR IS WHEN U CANT PRAY ANYMORE TO GOD. IS UR PROBLEMS NOW GODS PROBLEMS? WHY U IN THE WORLD IF IT IS THEN.

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Religion is really important, when ur in a bad spot the ones who get tommorow and have hope are the religious folk, its like fuel when the car breaks down, the nothing guy just buys shit when it runs out pills out, drug and alcohol, violent, eventually mass murder or suicides. I am being general but f*ck what hope do u have if u attach it to materialism and the world changes? so when materials is gone u fuckin gone too chain effect.

U guys think I am an atheist but far from it sxb, I know myself now and I cried to god when I have been in terrible spots in my life. I am a spiritualist, i like meditating and closing my eyes going thru the waves of motion, imagining god and what it could be cause the world aint nice place, u need to step away from it. U really start to learn yourself when u have hit rock bottom and noone can help u, u know what u r now and u never forget it even if u busy in life u know the reality.

Rock bottom isnt losing ur things no thats not rock bottom, there is another rock bottom and i dont pray on that for anyone runti most ppl will suicide and whats sad is their could be even rock bottom then the one I encountered which knocked me out for a few years. U know how some ppl need to see poor hungry ppl to appreciate themselves. That never used to work on me before for some reason.

It's when you lose something else that is the scariest and i still go and check them out to see how bad it can get. Its probably the only area i wud donate too in the future that is genuine cause they earned it or volunteer my time.
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