Trump and Nato

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Bits on North Korea options decimation is only after the deal hasn't been reached but he has different capability to most of us, he can starve them before-hand and lessen the war damage and let it crumble inside thru his friends, allies, cut trade any country dealing with them will suffer also, seas covered with submarines and not allowing any activity to reach it, borders shut. Yes Kim will try to fight like they do when held up in a house by cops but not much resource will go into destroying the house, it will be stable inside when trump walks into dead people and everything still operating.

But we don't have that capability as Somalis so if deals aren't reached that is lasting, it's decimation we have no options or have constant loopholes open for rogue elements domestically and foreign. We don't have options anagu except peace and REAL peace like lasting deals like galkayo accords in 93, galgala accords with brotherhood. If that on the table yes that's good for all of us without wasting any lives or money but if it ain't ceasefire like palestinians and israel isn't worth it for somalis or else look how constant rogue elements operate in gaza like hamas, qatar housing, you got the inside instability problem between themselves since now their divided on local interests. f*ck ceasefires


See he hates bush sxb, he never praised him at all nor obama. The guy wants to cut a deal first and have all benefits and not lose much, cuz its like telling him he lets smash up amazon, he will be like wtf, why not cut a deal first and walk out benefitting rather then lose all the things already in amazon and restarting.

It's all business views sxb from business men, they hate first option war types. Trump aint gonna to war it will be probably 3rd option after the cut a deal, did it work? nope, starve, did it work, nope? decimatate. That's how they are they have options laid out iyagu based on severity, returns, risks. Like if he takes out Iran for saudis and israel, trust me he want something back in terms of money, buying his weapons, move FDI movement in america. Ninkas waxba uma samayo qofnee hadi aan wax loo celin. He is even questioning his alliances the ppl who will die by his side on belief, imagine your futo who he knows your just gone after shared oil interest is gone or trade or security partner? you on the last of the pile to these countries.

We don't accept realities in Somalia we play in some fantasy world outside the realities happening in the world and we think we can defy it or something. Saudis wont ever join NATO, I am suprised the Turks allowed in. The belief set of freedom hasn't embedded fully into their society, they will leave the battlefield cause turks identity is more important like being turkish not shared freedom even though it's a 2nd grade democracy not kangaroo stuff it's pretty effective but hasn't embedded into the hearts of people. Saudis oh f*ck sakes forget about it.
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Kim should wait to see if trump is bluffing, I can't believe that he will fuckin touch the alliance in a bad way, kim needs to delay and say we will do something after your trade deals with the EU and if trump goes thru with it bro, KIM better get his asian yellow futo into singapore immediately cause that sends a message no-one is safe from trump if the alliance aren't escaping him. We need to know if Trump is bluffing that's the only key goal of that.

SXB trump needs to ask trump diplomatically without any signs of what his doing and say hey trump so when are your trade deals gonna happen with the EU cause it would be better if we wait till u get that done and we will negiotate so korea can be confident you hold your words to the people. f*ck KIM better know who is serious and not.


I think he was right about koreans to a certain extent but japan sxb those guys were americas biggest enemy and now its biggest ally by gdp size no country comes close in the alliance with japan gdp size. The EU obviously as body does and is close to US size but single nations hell no sxb, you can't ignore the japanese feat there. Something happened in that country to turn a monster into your second biggest individual ally. Now if that's not brilliance then what is!!!! That ain't predictions that is observable you can see in your own eyes and watch videos of what they were like in the 40s and 50s.

What happened in between the road map to where they are needs to be reviewed cause it's effective if it can change a monster into a productive ally, no nations come close to that anomosity the japanese had sxb no arab, no african, nothing and look at them now. That's hope. Something happened in between, I haven't read their history but will.

Don't get me wrong Japan aint perfect, it is shrinking it's GDP cause it dont allow immigrants to boost it up and the richer u get their seems to be decrease in productivity my guess is things are to expensive to have large families anymore but that's just a guess, so their not adding much demand for businesses there anymore. Businesses wont produce more then the demand outside or its waste lets be real about that and that's gonna effect tax revenues of that govt and it's overall gdp in the end.

If 5 ppl are outside, u only bringing 5 bananas and that means 5 bananas worth of taxes for the govt and effects their spend in the end to keep operating or re-investing in the bread n butter to keep running. FDI will naturally decrease also as they dont see much hope if local companies are not making much, it's all a nightmare across the board if u aint replacing the dead and if it aint coming from your dick, bring others in aint a bad thing.

If they aint producing anymore then what's out there, then they aint bringing anymore ppl in to do work either no jobs. He will need to rely on opening new markets co-currently on the side to account for the fact one sector has completely tanked and wont produce no more so he has to line up more sectors or lifelines that's their only hope and if they aint innovating its over.
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Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
Kim should wait to see if trump is bluffing, I can't believe that he will fuckin touch the alliance in a bad way, kim needs to delay and say we will do something after your trade deals with the EU and if trump goes thru with it bro, KIM better get his asian yellow futo into singapore immediately cause that sends a message no-one is safe from trump if the alliance aren't escaping him. We need to know if Trump is bluffing that's the only key goal of that.

SXB trump needs to ask trump diplomatically without any signs of what his doing and say hey trump so when are your trade deals gonna happen with the EU cause it would be better if we wait till u get that done and we will negiotate so korea can be confident you hold your words to the people. f*ck KIM better know who is serious and not.

Kim Jong Un only way he's gonna live is by his nuclear weapons.

Saddam and Gaddafi broke theirs.

And watch what happened now.

They turned into disasters.
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I think trump woud cut deals even with terrorists if their willing to negiotate and set principles at first. The guy aint academia or morality its political realism cause it comes from business culture, it has to be real in business or money burns and he bringing that mindset into politics, I can see quite easy so KIM gonna have to study business ppl and what scares them.

The only problem trump is gonna have with north korea and concessions he gives them is other countries will see it as a quite route to rebuild itself by getting some nuclear phycists and pay them big dollar to create a nuke for them or teach them the processes and they will do it themselves. So trump aint got it easy with KIM plus it's kim most prized asset its like coming to me and saying give me your smokes i will be f*ck u wat u talking about, ill give u a apple in return to piss off or something that aint important but if u wont leave me alone, ill only give up the smoke if decimation is on the way or starvation and u empty my food, fridge, electricity, cause your outside telling all providers not to provide anymore. Only two scenarios that I can see giving up my smokes is siege or decimation nothing else and siege is cheaper for trump so he will do that.

He walks in with either me dead inside or my family and I all fighting and throwing me to trump and getting me out revolt sort of. How long can I keep the house in order when we all know we gonna starve? and attacking you outside is suicide cause its a gang of nations. Then it's worth giving up your prized asset or what u cherish.


I think trump is just going to tell kim his options. You gonna starve mate and it's damn cheap for me and block u access for ur providers in all nations and we will be sitting out in the sea with a gang of nation and air will be watched. Go ahead strike one of our ships it wont harm us and we got a trillions of gdps funding the siege. It kills hope sxb in a man, when options run out.

Kim may be dethroned by military to save the people and come out to talk to trump in his place. Its not good, its every man for himself then inside his camp. Nobody can fight from all angles and multiple nations outside nobody can thats like saying u fight 30 gangs outside as individual.

Kim is gonna negiotate but he will have tactics I am certain his daddy and grand-daddy prepared him to hold the fort down and the tricks to do it. Trump could walk away and just say no concessions as he wont give other nations an incentive to do such a thing, u will operate back how u were and u will behave and if u break it all nations are signed up again to automatically siege u. It's all gains for trump the question is how much u puts in or concession not so much the outcome and kim tactics to avoid that table or make it a mess or create deflections.

The only weakness I see in Trump is how far he can take it. If saudi can sige qatar air, border and sea access, Imagine trump who has all those friends there and has kim covered all angles and noone is coming in or out cause thats america and the franchise it aint little saudi boy. Siege is possible cause saudi can do it, america has no reason not to do. I thought it may not be possible due to human rights the UN group but they have no enforcers on that, its more suggestions. Its not like NATO bro theirs guns backing that.

It those capabilities u know those weapons, money, ppl, and then the contacts(based on interest like trade or security) or belief(franchise) he has it all sxb, then he combines it and ensures where their less is waste on his side and he walks away and says korea is back to functioning nothing damaged and we may have lost of few lifes due to korea deflection tactics but thats it.

He will have a harder time with the EU as their quite equal in terms of everything and their backing zahir the legend negiotator walked in with shit and walked out with gold, he got a hero welcome in tehran and he wouldnt get that if he didnt win. Trump vs Iran is more interesting then Trump vs KIM. He has china by the balls on trade(might give concessions to them in trade negiotations for this gesture for his legacy).
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Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
I think trump is just going to tell kim his options. You gonna starve mate and it's damn cheap for me and block u access for ur providers in all nations and we will be sitting out in the sea with a gang of nation and air will be watched. Go ahead strike one of our ships it wont harm us and we got a trillions of gdps funding the siege. It kills hope sxb in a man, when options run out.

Kim may be dethroned by military to save the people and come out to talk to trump in his place. Its not good, its every man for himself then inside his camp. Nobody can fight from all angles and multiple nations outside nobody can thats like saying u fight 30 gangs outside as individual.

What do you think will happen?


Zahir seems far more sophisticated then KIM click, look at that and how he suckered in EU on business to have friends back his deal against trump. I don't know how that is turning out but they wont jepordize none of them the alliance over shitty iran and a few companies. There not like us in africa.

Wow guys imagine trump says to the EU, u wanna put the relationship on the line for ZAHIR? and if he drags zahir alone, it's over trump is walking out with gold now. 2 nobel prizes.

Then it's israel and palestine and trump i bet u gracefully step away from that, that needs god bro not politics. All arab countries are gonna revolt if their govt pressure palestine into surrendering thats how deep that politics is, u dont want saudi and those oil fields revolting, coups happening and shit like that cause its a vacuum for the machivellian.

Mandela even couldn't solve it and the guy was brilliant. He used different tactic not just responding with fire, he stunned the opponent and made him look bad by being peaceful and causing a revolution and the world support. That's a politician and he gave up on it. The whole africa dont get involved cause of his wisdom saying forget that place buu yiri illa sida ibna adam uu hadlan iyo dooda ay ku xiran tahay xaququl insanka oo uu dhaxayo labadu. They wont do that cause one may win and lose and your talking the jews and arabs the most emotional bastards on earth. Go to their cafes for god sakes and listen to the yelling and screams.

The only benefit u can get from mid-east IS HOW NOT TO DO SOMETHING AND ADD IT TO THE ARSENAL. I bet trump is gonna look at why their negiotators fail for markers and pattern.

When it comes to politics and achieving results with not much casualties or effort, you cant go past mandela bro, that is genius stuff. But he didnt start it, u gotta give that to Gandhi. I don't think gandhi would've used that tactic if it wasn't for his time in london and knowing the culture of the people and democracy and he used as a weapon against them showing a peaceful face and being killed while doing nothing but honorable thing. He probably wouldn't do such tactic with palestinians or africans its not effective there as they havent evolved.
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Africans or Arabs need decimation options if a lasting deal cannot be reached. There is no other advice u can give unless your honest and want to safeguard your name but these advisors dont give advice thats good or else look at the mess left behind and nothing achieved. I can't see that tactic working in say that rwanda war where the tutsi applied the gandhi formula, they will just get slaughtered cause he is still an animal the hutu. U know what I mean guys? a lion is still a lion, no love or peace or hugs will change he is lion.

Before the decimation begins tho just to be safe cause it's a prediction, send in the person enemy but dont tell them why and let them just be peaceful a group of 15 or so calling for peace or watever your objective is that you want, the reactions will tell u enough. I can see them takin the soldiers in when they drop their guns but i cant see them changing they u must leave the nation or their principles or watever their fighting for.

All I can see is a gradual replacement of the old generation or japan options, de arm, rebuild them, poison the schools, media, all slickly of course without detection let the old die off. Mind u it's gonna big investment and long stay untill the old are gone and new are rising. Or it has to be done while they keep their policies and change their population wealth and hold them hostage u will leave them dry if they dont change, they will need to decide how their ppl will adjust to poverty which is harder when you came from a rich background. It's easy poor and adjusting to all your life, its second nature bro, its just when u come from rich to poor the adjustment is hard and they wanna do it and will negiotate.

Poor people have not much to lose bro thats dangerous. Saudi is perfect example, do u think they had much to lose before the oil? they were savages, now they do and look at how trump has them balls. He needs to do the same thing across the new expansion policy in hopeful areas not the middle east.

The only thing I can see poor person not willingly to lose something is safety, it sucks being poor and scared. U gotta talk to these poor countries around shared security, shared economics. Then thru the economic target ppl changing sectors. Media, schools, religious areas, and then do business on the side to benefit yourself while u watch them change over time. U will see them competing on each other cause they will start insulting each other about who has a job, i have a house and car and they will forget all their past cause the shift has happened. Then u get a beautiful japanese slave of yours and contributing slave MIND U.

The only thing that is bad about the mid-east is that honor culture, they die by that even if its a benefit or not and that is hard personality to sway anyway, u just gotta move past it and leave it as 'unattended' and go south america, africa, etc the culture is different they do adapt look at the religion changes and they dont fight 70 years and asian countries. U have better chance and then its scanning which is more hopeful and best return.

Notice colonialism never left a trace in mid-east, their hard to change these fuckwits even if he gets rich he will fund terror and his identity against u, thats why i dont have hope for MID EAST its not cause I hate them. Look at the gulf states still rich and still honor based.
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I can see why the colonials even ottomans abadoned that area, u cant get them productive or change, its a waste at the end of day cause the culture of honor holds them back. There is no reason why the gulf looked like that thru all colonials and ancient empire, they GAVE UP is the only answer. Africans adapt look at the colonial age and how it was changing.

Evolution is gonna kill the arabs off cause they dont adapt, let it work its magic. Only hopeful countries I can see is possibly syria, lebanon, iraq who had previous culture before arabs and u see traces of ancient empires and the adaptability. But arabism has taken a strong hold there and once that culture takes ya you see how deep that shit goes. Dont die with the arabs somaliyay and learn to adapt. We reached the 1960 living standards they were still in the 18th century.

Arabism is a very bad culture and we must ban it from somalia and all it faces and explain it to the people what it can cause to happen, it hasnt penetrated that hard yet as we have other identities that matter then arabism like clan and tribe, our ancient histories and proverbs. Same with north africans I think u can do something there also like libya but its hard the honor culture has penetrated even there.

Whatever is left of arabs will be bedouins living that lifestyle even when empires falled the sedentary or settlers will just migrate elsewhere and marry in eventually after generations and join new populations, that is dying breed and the markers are there. Arabs are humans but the arabism is a evolutionary dead end, they will still exist but in different races who say wow my dad was from ancient saudi or ancient yemen.
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Its hard to put into words cause u can vision this happening on the architecture and shifts occurring thru it. Shit no wonder jews are having hard time with them, they wont be able to do miracles that ottomans and colonials didnt who just abadoned the area look at the gulf. The problem with asian countries and africa and south american they wanna change but the govt is shit, arabs it dont matter if the govt is good or bad the culture is restrictive to change and that evolutionary death.

MBS IS TRYING TO SAVE THE ARABS. LOL. If we can limit arabs away from us, it will be easy to change africa like colonials did who kepts arab away. Arabs are bad influence on us dont let the black race die out bro. South america also has hope too and I think alot of those asian little countries as I have met their people anigu. But lets be honest tho they do have good some strategician the arabs look at the MB strategy fuckin ruthless weeye and u dont even know its happening before its to late and if anyone tells u, its so normal u be like waa walan tahay. But its not the gulf arabs their dumb as shit iyagu, but the other arabs who had previous culture like egyptians thats who invented the mb strategy. Iraqis and shit like them. I mean look at zahir in iran, what he did to some of the most powerful nations on earth and walked away with hero welcome in iran and I saw that when they welcomed him in. Noone welcomes a loser sxb if he didnt win and I dont know the deal that well or its details. Dont get started on turks shit sxb thats alot of history with those guys. Erdogan must be vicious diplomat.

I havent studied the malaysians but heard they aint good from people and like arabs and get special treatment to account for their stupidity by certain indians told me that. Indians are bad ass I think too. China is the home of one of the greats in history of politics and military. Russia same but not the chinese extent though. The world is not safe place at all
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North Korea it's over unless he has some wild shit to get out of being locked in his nation with supplies running out. Even if he did attack the alliance and he wont attack china who closed the door and if he does that means china is in the war too. If he attacks the alliance the alliance will always know the bullets will run out eventually. Kim shouldnt be walking with any concessions, he should be told u will join the world and u earn ur keep no preferences or rewards for building a nuke and trying to get some back from it as it will mean all nations do the same. Then lock it in like they with nato agreement with consequences that are real by all nations on his periphery.

Kim might deflect, might do what wild ppl do when locked in siege situation by cops outside. But Kim is smarter those are average people who work on emotions like the arabs do. Kim should be happy if he just walks away with his admin in tact and joins the world and earns his keep. The world will be like damn no point doing nukes cause thats wat gonna happen. Trump legacy, noble prize, history revision on how to deal with nuclear type kims. Then it's someone else Zahir he is a bit of trick cause it aint a benefit for america to have israel and saudi with no threats, they tried that when faisal told them about global oil shortage for not adopting his policy towards israel, faisal felt brave, no threats, iran was just a fuckin shah run state who cared about himself and his image, the average puppet no ambitions beyond then his own ass.

U dont want a cocky jew or saudi arabian thats for sure, trump should leave his proxies the relationship works far better then iran being weakened but the nuke has to go for the legacy sake. If he gets zahir on his own, it's over.

But north korea is over sxb if sieged if he attacks it he may get supply lines from china to keep the war up or some trade off with them. See how quick they abadon each other over short term interests. U cant build an alliance on that crap but belief. Thats what happens cause interests change belief dont. It's static through-out any age. The belief sets are stronger then others, freedom is negiotable when safety is jepordized, god values are not they die for it and think their going to heaven. If weapons, money and strategy is equalized, the heart wont be the same on the battlefield. Its gonna be arabs and byzantium all over again.

God forbid that happens with the west where interest trumps over values like china and korea which isnt based on values but politics and communism politics is negiotable look at china sxb with pressure on korea, they will be pressured even further to close border no supplies, good workable deals on trade with your advantage considered. China will fight for itself and it's broken. If that happens to the west which is what russia trying to do lets not kid ourselves, we could have a world that we end ourselves and we cant build somalia or anything or consider alliances of our own as back up. Seee how turkey ran towards qatar belief friends must be backed at all cost over interests. He dying with u, that interest guy aint he dumping u like shah, like china did to korea.
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The only real threat I see that can change the world order is the caliphate rebirth, its based on value, it dont get more bigger then god sxb, nothing can bribe that person nothing can divide them, its one block thats running out to die and u cant buy hearts. U can buy weapons, u can buy strategy guys, u cant buy the heart. Freedom bloc will negiotate cause they do security is first to them that is their first value then freedom so they will surrender or something I BET U. But the god guy wont he will be like im going to heaven.

That's why I don't want islam completely removed, it serves a good purpose, it builds heart. I want in the right place, military areas. If we can place religion where it's useful and eliminate it from areas it aint like making money, progress, building alliances cuz war doesnt care if u black or muslim, bullets dont care who u r, we need to build that pool of alliances on the side in the non hot spots or contentious areas while showing a face of neutrality on the war spots and encouraging it to continue with sir iyo been so they waste their resources whiles our grow slowly on the side with our pool.


Watch it Somaliyay hadad beentay moodid. Their all the same as leadership levels, they will ask u to leave and come back when u have something to contribute, none of those behavioural plantation questions will help you there. So prepare if u deal with them its apples n oranges. U just tell them u got two or three options and that's it all summarized.

Alliance = they die for u and u know the world outside and if u break up, u know what happens.
Interests = short term, regardless what it is, its mutually beneficial stuff but once its gone, they leave, small examples like chinese shop person and wat she will do if u dont pay her or work for her or do something mutually beneficial and x by nations.

So u say choose either alliance when the war is on or choose your interest now that will be abadoned in the future and u will be left alone with a broken alliance and have other nations seeing if they combine they can take u all down one by one.

Truly u cant talk well the value add for this option is we multi task this and thru that we add this to america and here is economical formula theories to justify it. Thats academics sxb waxasi ayaa loola taga not military or business folks or C grade guys.


Somalis think I am lying all the time, iska riyooda then and ignore the realities of the world. Alliance sxb is like car insurance, trump aint driving around without one he just pissed some nations dont pay their covers cuz some nations are like well I dont need it as much that other nation like greece who is scared of turkey. It's funny when one nato guys attacks another nato guy what they do lol.

But everyone gotta pay their car insurance regardless of your immediate national security threats. U heard terrorism is picking up in unusual parts of the world, its the most dangerous philosophy not the gun type as that is more deflections I think by the brotherhood so it can peacefully operate politically and economically and diplomatically across the world.

If they set up that alliance u cant buy heart and motivation and energy, u just cant. Its not buyable. Everything else is. God value vs Freedom value and those forces all equalized on everything else is over. Kiss it good bye as the west negiotates for safety as that beats freedom for them and negiotate away the break down of the empire.

So caliphate and I mean the real one not the ISIS one but the real political, economical, and diplomatic wars they doing can have lasting change as the pieces align accordingly, then its build inside strong economics, education, military, place religion in the hearts of ppl to eliminate fear over time, then u see the other nations all fighting on interest probably how byzantium were with persians and ignoring this serious band on its way for world domination, its values its not buyable, its hearts, morals, beliefs the thing that arent traded for nothing not even security. It's re-hash.


Trump is a business man and if he starts seeing the caliphate rise with 57 nations, all building up inside properly, eliminating corruption(islam values), doing productive things, alliances more packing up thru neutrality to stay out or join, he cutting a damn deal cause he sees their not much different anymore between his empire and theres and it's a gamble on their plans and strategy and he will review their past to check and america past and check, then its morale god vs freedom, and he will be saving his own ass uu firso ninka oo kale. Waa business ppl, money has no idealogy. Their the first to dump a loser. U seen them how they fire ppl. They will fire their own nation and join the winner. U seen somali business men working together no conflict at all, money dont care tribe, religion, all that.

Just imagine caliphate was back shia and sunni wud unite cause the goals are the same, the stooges conflicting them will be thrown out and die like shah did and his family in western capitals in shame or facing a toilet bowl. West will treat them like shit no use anymore nor is their the values between the ppl or anything they will die for anymore beyond the shared oil interest and its protection.

I know how the west operates I seen their tactics thru the past in many situations. Same with Russia. Not sure about china yet as it just rose now. But it traded kim like a dog lol so its showing similarities. Every man for himself in interests all else secondary.

Caliphate 50 trillion dollar alliance kaba soo qad all combined, productive, building inside all key areas, breaking down the enemy or neutralizing what it can on the board with whatever they have to trade off on be it trade, aid, security or shared things thats above idealogy. U can see whats happening then its equipments u scan, the ppl behind it, their training, success rates, failure rates(america lost all wars except japan), then its money, the plans, and finally the unbuyable the hearts and willing to die and its over. America only hope is police the world with the alliance to ensure no stronger value has a home in the world, thats all they can do or else face extinction. Everyone needs their insurance cover for their car dont they even if their isnt an accident lol.
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Even the NATO alliance can be broken down sxb with the right type of leader or idiot in place and it's more fruitful with the ones on solid similar values, it has to be real though and the west and america and japan south korea share that, the eastern europeans dont look at the corruption happening, ppl not happy, etc that person aint gonna die when a caliph comes along to make them happy looooooooool.

Eastern europe is a lost project bro, the values need to hit the ppl not the govt only and it hasnt got their nor does the liklihood even look like it will, that man is NEGIOABLE. Look at turkey how it switched, their democracy is second grade still not hitting hearts on the ground and can be negiotated away by ppl like erdogan based on whatever he likes to say, u saw how he changed constitution, turkey is still nationalistic not democratic like most eastern europeans.

The alliance hope is in west, north, italy the rest are lost and can be negiotated with anytime internally or foreign. Japan and South korea is one I havent checked yet but I saw what south korea did to their prime minister THATS VALUES its when u haul your leader to jail it has hit the heart lol. That's all the west really has is west, north, italy, japan(i suspect if south korea is like that), south korea, australia and canada


I like about trump sxb he wont say something he cant guarantee, we will see what happens cause anything is possible in the world, nothing is predictable. But u can picture how to end something or get something. test it in real scenarios get ppl in a house, run scenarios how it would work, what happens to human condition internally in the house, REAL SCENARIOS dont fuckin do fake drills. Thats how dictators were so successful i think they did things real, its real world.
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