Tribute to Mohamed Farah Aidiid


F*ck Your Feelings
Siad Barre completely destroyed and defeated Mj SSDF. That is a fact. Stop trying to claim USC victory as your own. If it was not for me you would still be licking Siad Barre's boots. Your not on my level. You can't fight like me.
Let's try this for the 3rd time koko. Not once had I mentioned SSDF (your funny little twist and delusion of history is hilarious tho) or mj nor had I claimed victory that's your inferiority complex talking. The real facts are small groups of abgaal, xawaadle and murusade peacefully liberated Mog from barre, you mooryaan chimpanzees came after everything was peaceful sorted out then proceeded to loot and kill instead of looking for liberation. It was an opportunity for you xoolos to gain all you couldn't due to your lack of..well everything.
Let's try this for the 3rd time koko. Not once had I mentioned SSDF (your funny little twist and delusion of history is hilarious tho) or mj nor had I claimed victory that's your inferiority complex talking. The real facts are small groups of abgaal, xawaadle and murusade peacefully liberated Mog from barre, you mooryaan chimpanzees came after everything was peaceful sorted out then proceeded to loot and kill instead of looking for liberation. It was an opportunity for you xoolos to gain all you couldn't due to your lack of..well everything.

I liberated Mogadishu. Siad Barre could of walked away but he choose to fight. I have no regrets. Fagash killed innocents not us. We only defended the people.

And I know that you still try to use Abgaal and Murusade against me with you lies. AY brought Ethiopian and AMISOM troops to Somalia.


F*ck Your Feelings
I liberated Mogadishu. Siad Barre could of walked away but he choose to fight. I have no regrets. Fagash killed innocents not us. We only defended the people.

And I know that you still try to use Abgaal and Murusade against me with you lies. AY brought Ethiopian and AMISOM troops to Somalia.

Blah blah blah

AY brought Ethiopian and AMISOM troops to Somalia.



I love this man. He liberated Somalia from Siyad yes but he also left my people with so much control. We now control the richest companies in East Africa and dominate from Galkayo to Merca. Incredible. He defeated the MJs, the Americans, Ethiopians, Kacaan etc. He would’ve brought us all together had the Darood/Abgaal (due to the ego of Mahdi, there should never have been disagreement between us and Abgaal) not rushed to ban him and SNM from leading the next Somali government. May Allah reward him.
For a Fagash like you Siad Barre was good because he was giving you everything. But he was killing, humiliating, stealing from my people. HG didn't even have 1 MP in Siad Barres' Fagash parliament He was an animal. And we put down the animal down so that my people can live.

Now HG got political power, money and the prestige they deserve.

AMISOM, Shabab and Famine is not in Galmudug.
He killed my family and took their wealth but I think he was good


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
Iam not going on full attack lol. But these are facts there was nothing heroic of usc. Usc litterly walked in xamar why because most of the military was in the north fighting snm. You didn liberate anybody aydiid litterly starved people in xamar for his own goals. lol You really think usc did all the work? Usc litterly got their weapons from snm :wtfdis:
Walked into xamar? Xamar had barres personal army and the biggest military base in Somalia with the second being in beledweyne both USC liberated cities, on top of that the USC fought and won against the 21 st division based in Dhusamareeb, the 60th division in Baidoa,, the 77th division in lower Shabelle and Xamar and the 54th division in mudug. For context SNM only fought the 26th division and even then took them years to retake their land. To make matters worse even the one 26th division in the north moved south to fight the USC after it made more progress in months than the SNM did in years. The USC had everything under nugaal in less than 7 months wheras the SNM didn’t formally capture a single town 3 years after they started fighting. USC is quite literally the only reason the kacan era ended, no single other liberation front could compare to the USC in terms of how they toppled barre. The only fault the USC has is the aideed vs Ali Mahdi conflict.

Yes SNM gave the USC weapons taken from itoobiyo, as allies we helped eachother. The vice chairman of the SNM was a murusade hawiye man, Ali wardhiigley. At the end of the day both did their job and freed their people from tyranny.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
AUN despite his clan cleansing he was a lion who made Americans flee in humiliation. He is much better than the current clowns who rely on AMISOM
Mjs surrendered to Siad Barre. They were badly defeated and then started working with him. SSDF was destroyed. No wonder why you hate him so much because he completely enslaved you. Had it not been for USC you would still be a slave of Siad Barre. You should thank us for freeing you.

Please stop trying to take our credit that you defeated Siad Barre. You did no such thing. It was USC.
Yes he poisoned our wells but Isaaq and MX got their asses kicked thoroughly for that.

That’s besides the point because I own MX in saaxo and I own HG in Galkayo, I been terrorizing you since the 90s to 2016. Before that you were my literal slave under kenadid. Beating on a keyboard is not going to free your family from Cumar maxamuud.
Yes SNM gave the USC weapons taken from itoobiyo, as allies we helped eachother. The vice chairman of the SNM was a murusade hawiye man, Ali wardhiigley. At the end of the day both did their job and freed their people from tyranny.

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You slipped up by slandering both USC and SNM. The liberation movements mostly obtained their weapons by raiding Afweyne's tribal militias wearing SNA uniforms. Ethiopia only stayed out of the way until Afweyne agreed with Mengistu to stop hosting rebels against each other. The result was the remnants of tribalized WSLF dissolving as well as Soomali Republic liberations movements picking up momentum then Afweyne losing foreign aid because of his genocides and crimes against humanity.

Lets hope this is the last time you regurgitate Afweyne's lies against USC and SNM

Yes he poisoned our wells but Isaaq and MX got their asses kicked thoroughly for that.

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Blame Afweyne and those individuals SNA uniform who participated in the Afweyne orderd crimes against humanity that happened in Mudug. Isaaq and Majeerteen have never fought. Almost never

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That’s besides the point because I own MX in saaxo and I own HG in Galkayo, I been terrorizing you since the 90s to 2016

I wont acknowledge that false bravado about 90s to 2016 but what going on with reer Saaxo and PL are they joining @Dalalos_ibn_Adali in GM or PL
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